www.globalresearch.ca Centre for Research on Globalisation Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation
The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CAR405A.html
Editor's Note
We bring this incisive analysis by Hector Carreon to the attention of our readers. The article first published by Voz de Aztlan provides compelling analysis and photographic evidence on the Berg execution.
A word of caution:
The article does not constitute proof that the execution was staged in the Abu Ghraib prison. It nonetheless casts serious doubt on the official story. Together with other inconsistencies, which have been brought to light in several articles, it points to the need for a full-fledged international criminal inquiry into the circumstances of the execution and death of Nicholas Berg.
Bear in mind that the Nicholas Berg execution occurred at the height of the Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal; it followed within days of the hearings in the US Senate calling for the resignation of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
The event created "a useful wave of indignation" which served to distract and soften up public opinion, following the release of the pictures of torture of Iraqi prisoners. (See the intelligence assumptions underlying Operation Northwoods, a secret Joint Chiefs of Staff plan to kill civilians in the Cuban community in Florida, and blame it on Fidel Castro. ( http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/NOR111A.html )
Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, was presented by CNN to World public opinion as the terrorist mastermind of the Nicholas Berg execution. CNN coverage of the execution (see excerpts below) was based on a mysterious report on an Islamic website, which CNN upholds as providing "evidence" of Al-Zarqawi's involvement. Al Zarqawi is also, according to news reports, the alleged mastermind of the bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad in September 2003 and the bombing of the Shiite mosque in Najaf which led to the death of more than 80 Iraqi civilians including Shiite leader Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim.
He is described as Osama's associate, the bogyman allegedly responsible for numerous terrorist attacks and killings of civilians. His name crops up on numerous occasions. A new legend is emerging: his name was first given prominence on the day Colin Powell presented his WMD report to the UN Security Council on February 5, 2003, which proved to be a fake, based on fabricated intelligence. Zarqawi was mentioned in Powell's speech.
Since February 2004, his name appears almost daily in CNN reports. All in all, his name is linked to some 25 terrorist attacks in Iraq, not to mention numerous terrorist warnings, threats or alerts.
This is certainly not the first time photographic evidence has been doctored. See for instance, Capture of Saddam Hussein: Was the Photographic Evidence Manipulated? 22 December, http://globalresearch.ca/articles/ATW312A.html
Are we dealing with a process of disinformation? If so, who is behind this propaganda ploy?
In this regard, the 1987 Geneva Declaration on Terrorism, adopted by the UN General Assembly, defines the role of disinformation in relation to State Terrorism:
State terrorism [constitutes]:
police state practices against its own people to dominate through fear by surveillance, disruption of group meetings, control of the news media, beatings, torture, false and mass arrests, false charges and rumors, show trials, killings, summary executions and capital punishment;
disinformation campaigns by a state, whether intended to destabilize another state or to build public support for economic, political or military force or intimidation directed against another state;
For complete Document of the Geneva Declaration on State Terrorism, http://i-p-o.org/GDT.HTM
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research (Canada), 17 May 2004
There is now ample evidence that the video showing the decapitation of 26 year old Nicholas Berg of Philadelphia by purported Al Qaeda members is a complete fraud. The real Nick Berg may or may not be dead, but the heavily edited video is nothing but a fake. This is the conclusion of La Voz de Aztlan after a frame by frame analysis and the conclusion of hundreds of film, medical and other experts world wide who downloaded, viewed and analyzed the video as well. Literally thousands of persons world wide requested the video, which is rapidly disappearing from the Internet, after our news service published "Nick Berg decapitation video declared a fraud by medical doctor" on Wednesday May 12 and which was linked by other independent news services on the World Wide Web.
With the advent of the Internet, computers and sophisticated programs it has become increasingly difficult for governments to "pull the wool" over the eyes of their citizens. The Internet has essentially allowed freedom loving people around the world to form communication networks that can now out compete the best intelligence government agencies or special operations groups. This has certainly been the case with the hastily released and shoddy video showing five phony Al Qaeda members participating in the decapitation of Nicholas Berg that was intended, exclusively, to defray attention from the scandalous sexual abuses of Iraqi POW's that took place at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. Evidence in fact shows that the Berg decapitation was filmed inside the walls of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, this cursed dungeon where probably Satan himself roams its corridors.
It is now known that the opportune decapitation video was first uploaded from London, England to a now defunct website in a server located in Malaysia. The website at http://www.al-asnar.biz was shut down as soon as conservative news outlets like CNN and Fox News were notified. These two news services wasted no time in coming out with headlines like "Islamic Terrorists Decapitate an American in Iraq". Within minutes, local news services from New York to Los Angeles were screaming "Muslim Animals Chop Off the Head of an American" and were showing only short segments of the fake video. Pro-Zionist radio stations in Los Angeles have spent literally days since then talking about the Muslim barbarians and why it is so important to support the war in Iraq.
La Voz de Aztlan became mighty suspicious when we first saw a photograph of the purported Nicholas Berg sitting in front of his captors on a white plastic chair that looked very familiar. In addition, the orange prison overalls he was wearing in the video looked mighty familiar as well. La Voz de Aztlan is very lucky that we have a very large readership base that utilizes both e-mail and our "News-Tips Form" on our home page to send us information. Within minutes we were sent the URL where we could download the entire and original video of Nicholas Berg's decapitation. Immediately after viewing the video, we knew that many things about the video just didn't look right and which defied simple logic.
Some peculiar anomalies became readily apparent after watching the video and others followed after careful analysis. Many of the anomalies were pointed out to us by our readers who responded after downloading and viewing the video themselves. Please refer to the photographs published, along with this article, on our website at http://www.aztlan.net/berg_abu_ghraib_video.htm as these anomalies are described and enumerated below:
Photo 1 - frame from phony video
Photo 2 - Guantanamo orange overalls
1. Notice the standard US Military Police issued prisoner overalls that Nicholas Berg is wearing in Photo 1. The orange color prisoner overalls that Nicholas Berg is wearing are identical to the ones Islamic prisoners are made to wear by the US Military Police at the Guantanamo, Cuba prison as shown in Photo 2.
Photo 3 - Compare this chair with Photo 1
2. Notice the white plastic chair that Nicholas Berg is sitting on as shown in Photo 1. It is identical to the white plastic chair that the now infamous Pfc. Lynddie England is sitting on at the Abu Ghraib prison as shown in Photo 3. This same white plastic chair can also be seen in the horrid photograph where an MP is sodomizing an Iraqi POW with his finger at the upper right corner of Photo 4. In addition, it can be seen on the lower left side of Photo 5.
3. The color and texture of the wall as shown in the frames taken from the video as shown in Photo 1 and Photo 6 are the same as those of the Abu Ghraib prison shown in Photo 4.
Photo 4 - Look at wall, chair and cap encircled 4. The most telling evidence that the video of the decapitation of Nicholas Berg was taken inside the Abu Ghraib prison can only be detected by performing a frame by frame analysis. La Voz de Aztlan did just that and some revealing frames came up that are difficult to see if the video is played on normal speed. Towards the end of the video, at frames 9306 through 9368, a person with a US military cap temporarily pokes about a quarter of his left head into the video. His neck, left ear and part of his cap and visor can be seen. We have prepared an animated gif with just the relevant frames that clearly shows this at Animated Photo 7. Look at the right hand side as someone with a military cap, possibly with a second video camera, pokes his head into the video. Compare this animated gif with the MP whose cap is circled on Photo 4.
Animated Photo 7 -This is the most damning evidence
Photo 5 -Look at white plastic chair Anyone who views the video will see that it is phony. The five so call terrorists are phony. The one on the extreme right in Photo 6 is pudgy and is wearing very clean tennis shoes. This will not be the case with an Al Qaeda fighter. Also, Photo 6 shows that at least three of them are wearing bullet proof vests. Has anyone seen Al Qaeda members wearing heavy and cumbersome bullet proof vests? Look at the garb that all five are wearing. They look like Halloween costumes.
Photo 6 - Five phony Al Qaeda terrorists from a video frame For the time being, the mainstream media is totally ignoring the above evidence. Hopefully soon some brave mainstream publisher will dare to bring this important information to the American people. The nation needs to know who was and what really happened to Nicholas Berg.
There is now ample evidence that the video showing the decapitation of 26 year old Nicholas Berg of Philadelphia by purported Al Qaeda members is a complete fraud. The real Nick Berg may or may not be dead, but the heavily edited video is nothing but a fake. This is the conclusion of La Voz de Aztlan after a frame by frame analysis and the conclusion of hundreds of film, medical and other experts world wide who downloaded, viewed and analyzed the video as well. Literally thousands of persons world wide requested the video, which is rapidly disappearing from the Internet, after our news service published "Nick Berg decapitation video declared a fraud by medical doctor" on Wednesday May 12 and which was linked by other independent news services on the World Wide Web.
With the advent of the Internet, computers and sophisticated programs it has become increasingly difficult for governments to "pull the wool" over the eyes of their citizens. The Internet has essentially allowed freedom loving people around the world to form communication networks that can now out compete the best intelligence government agencies or special operations groups. This has certainly been the case with the hastily released and shoddy video showing five phony Al Qaeda members participating in the decapitation of Nicholas Berg that was intended, exclusively, to defray attention from the scandalous sexual abuses of Iraqi POW's that took place at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. Evidence in fact shows that the Berg decapitation was filmed inside the walls of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, this cursed dungeon where probably Satan himself roams its corridors.
It is now known that the opportune decapitation video was first uploaded from London, England to a now defunct website in a server located in Malaysia. The website at http://www.al-asnar.biz was shut down as soon as conservative news outlets like CNN and Fox News were notified. These two news services wasted no time in coming out with headlines like "Islamic Terrorists Decapitate an American in Iraq". Within minutes, local news services from New York to Los Angeles were screaming "Muslim Animals Chop Off the Head of an American" and were showing only short segments of the fake video. Pro-Zionist radio stations in Los Angeles have spent literally days since then talking about the Muslim barbarians and why it is so important to support the war in Iraq.
La Voz de Aztlan became mighty suspicious when we first saw a photograph of the purported Nicholas Berg sitting in front of his captors on a white plastic chair that looked very familiar. In addition, the orange prison overalls he was wearing in the video looked mighty familiar as well. La Voz de Aztlan is very lucky that we have a very large readership base that utilizes both e-mail and our "News-Tips Form" on our home page to send us information. Within minutes we were sent the URL where we could download the entire and original video of Nicholas Berg's decapitation. Immediately after viewing the video, we knew that many things about the video just didn't look right and which defied simple logic.
Some peculiar anomalies became readily apparent after watching the video and others followed after careful analysis. Many of the anomalies were pointed out to us by our readers who responded after downloading and viewing the video themselves. Please refer to the photographs published, along with this article, on our website at http://www.aztlan.net/berg_abu_ghraib_video.htm as these anomalies are described and enumerated below:
1. Notice the standard US Military Police issued prisoner overalls that Nicholas Berg is wearing in Photo 1. The orange color prisoner overalls that Nicholas Berg is wearing are identical to the ones Islamic prisoners are made to wear by the US Military Police at the Guantanamo, Cuba prison as shown in Photo 2.
2. Notice the white plastic chair that Nicholas Berg is sitting on as shown in Photo 1. It is identical to the white plastic chair that the now infamous Pfc. Lynddie England is sitting on at the Abu Ghraib prison as shown in Photo 3. This same white plastic chair can also be seen in the horrid photograph where an MP is sodomizing an Iraqi POW with his finger at the upper right corner of Photo 4. In addition, it can be seen on the lower left side of Photo 5.
3. The color and texture of the wall as shown in the frames taken from the video as shown in Photo 1 and Photo 6 are the same as those of the Abu Ghraib prison shown in Photo 4.
4. The most telling evidence that the video of the decapitation of Nicholas Berg was taken inside the Abu Ghraib prison can only be detected by performing a frame by frame analysis. La Voz de Aztlan did just that and some revealing frames came up that are difficult to see if the video is played on normal speed. Towards the end of the video, at frames 9306 through 9368, a person with a US military cap temporarily pokes about a quarter of his left head into the video. His neck, left ear and part of his cap and visor can be seen. We have prepared an animated gif with just the relevant frames that clearly shows this at Animated Photo 7. Look at the right hand side as someone with a military cap, possibly with a second video camera, pokes his head into the video. Compare this animated gif with the MP whose cap is circled on Photo 4.
Anyone who views the video will see that it is phony. The five so call terrorists are phony. The one on the extreme right in Photo 6 is pudgy and is wearing very clean tennis shoes. This will not be the case with an Al Qaeda fighter. Also, Photo 6 shows that at least three of them are wearing bullet proof vests. Has anyone seen Al Qaeda members wearing heavy and cumbersome bullet proof vests? Look at the garb that all five are wearing. They look like Halloween costumes.
For the time being, the mainstream media is totally ignoring the above evidence. Hopefully soon some brave mainstream publisher will dare to bring this important information to the American people. The nation needs to know who was and what really happened to Nicholas Berg.
La Voz de Aztlan http://www.aztlan.net/berg_abu_ghraib_video.htm
Earlier Article May 12, 2004
Nick Berg decapitation video declared "a fraud" by medical doctor
The first casualty of war is the truth and this one has been no exception. La Voz de Aztlan obtained a copy of the video showing the beheading of American Nick Berg of Philadelphia and immediately something very odd was readily apparent. Not only were the purported screams of Nick Berg not in synchrony with the decapitation but their was also a total lack of blood spurting out as his jugular and other veins and arteries were being cut.
We forwarded the video to Doctor Raul Castro Guevara, a surgeon and forensic expert in Mexico City for his expert opinion. He wrote back and commented, "No hay manera que el individuo en el video estaba vivo y su corazon funcionando cuando le estaban cortando la cabeza. En estos casos, el corazon impela sangre con gran presion, y se corta las arterias del cuello, hay una gran cantidad de sangre que salpica por todos lados. En mi opinion el video es un fraude."
Doctor Raul Castro Guevara is saying that there is no way that the individual in the video was alive and his heart pumping while his neck was being cut. The doctor adds that in these cases, while the heart is pumping, cutting a person's artery in the neck, would cause copious amounts of blood to spurt all over the immediate environment. He says that in his opinion the video is a fraud.
We hope that our readers view the video and see for themselves. We will provide a copy to any of our subscribers that have been supportive of our publication. Send a request to La Voz de Aztlan at [email protected]
If you are able to view the video, please pay close attention to the five so called Al queda terrorists making the political statement. Look at their height, weight, skin color and their mannerisms. Do you think these people are Arabs or Iraqis?
La Voz de Aztlan
Excerpts from the CNN Reports on the Nicholas Berg Execution
Early report by CNN, 11 May 2004
ENSOR: The Web site claims that the killing was done by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist whose al Qaeda affiliated group is held responsible by U.S. intelligence for a string of bombings in Iraq and for the killing of an American diplomat in Amman. CNN Arab linguists say, however, that the voice on the tape has the wrong accent. They do not believe it is Zarqawi. U.S. officials said the killers tried to take advantage of the prison abuse controversy to gain attention.
BROWN: So, the administration said today we'll track these people down. We will get them beyond, I guess, this belief that Zarqawi somehow was involved. Are there any clues out there that we heard about?
ENSOR: This is going to be very, very difficult. They've been looking for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi for several years now. There's a large price on his head. He's been blowing up a lot of things in Iraq according to him and according to U.S. intelligence. They don't know where he is, so it's -- I don't think they have any clues right now, at least none that I know of -- Aaron.
Subsequent more definitive report by CNN 2 days later, 13 May 2004
The CIA confirms that Nicholas Berg's killer was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi; The CIA acknowledges sticking to strict rules in tough interrogations of top al Qaeda prisoners." (CNN)
BLITZER Because originally our own linguists here at CNN suspected that -- they listened to this audiotape and they didn't think the it sounded, the sounded like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. But now definitively, the experts at the CIA say it almost certainly is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?
ENSOR: They say it almost certainly is. There's just a disagreement between the CNN linguists and the CIA linguists. The U.S. Government now believes that the person speaking on that tape and killing Nick Berg on that tape is the actual man, Abu Musab al- Zarqawi.
Related Articles on the Nicholas Berg Execution and War Propaganda :
Could N. Berg's execution be fake? Pater Havlasa,
The Merciless Killing of Nicholas Berg, Marwa Elnaggar
Nick Berg decapitation video declared "a fraud" by medical doctor
War Propaganda and the Capture of Saddam Hussein, Michel Chossudovsky
Capture of Saddam Hussein: Was the Photographic Evidence Manipulated?
War Propaganda by Michel Chossudovsky
Fabricating an Enemy, Michel Chossudovsky
3/11 -- The Madrid 'Terrorist' Attacks
Media Disinformation on Madrid Bombings: Madrid 'blueprint': a dodgy document , Brendan O'Neill]
Killing the "Unembedded Truth", Michel Chossudovsky
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