Zionists Who Leave Paris, New York or London to Live in a War Zone: Misguided or Just Gullible?
Where is the rationale? How can it be possible that various idealists some students; some mid-career and others just retired, convince themselves that they will find peace, happiness and fulfilment in one of the most dangerous places anywhere in the world certainly for a Jew to live?
How is it possible that such otherwise sensible individuals believe that by giving up good jobs, homes, friends and security for a fantasy script written by political propagandists working for a foreign government ministry that they will find happiness when, in reality, what they will find is a society ridden with guilt, and increasingly suffering from PTSD in the face of killings, stabbings, shootings and mayhem as its occupying military force tries to keep the lid on a persecuted, occupied indigenous people?
To swallow the myth in the face of incontrovertible fact can only be explained by understanding the power of the sect, or tribe. Logic and reason have no place within faith. Nor should they. More than half the population of the world subscribes to one faith or another. But often religious zeal causes war and a propensity to isolate, persecute or even kill those who are seen as non believers. Only the faithful few are the chosen ones of God. But which God?
Meanwhile on the Tel Aviv waterfront, they still sit and drink a latte, or cola, while staring out over the blue Mediterranean; convincing themselves that living in a 21st century ghetto makes good sense provided they can still transfer their shekels into US dollars and that, in extremis, they can still use their open ticket on a Delta, United or BA flight out.
What a tranquil way to live compared to that in Brooklyn or Hampstead Garden Suburb.