The World Has Lost John Pilger

One of the greatest journalists and filmmakers of any generation has died at age 84, his family announced on Sunday.

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John Pilger, whose books, films and articles informed generations of people eager to cut through official narratives and propaganda on the Palestinian question; U.S. wars executed in Vietnam, Iraq and elsewhere; the one it plans for China; the state of public medicine in Britain; the treatment of aborigines in his native Australia and a host of other critical public issues, has died in London at 84. 

Pilger, a recipient of numerous awards, including winning British journalist of the year twice, was a member of Consortium News‘ board of directors and in October was awarded with CN‘s Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award. 

Tributes have already begun to pour in.

Click here to consult John Pilger’s archive on Global Research.


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Featured image: John Pilger in his film, Palestine Is Still the Issue (

Articles by: Consortiumnews

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