Why Vaccine Mandates Racially Discriminate Against African Americans
The push in California to eliminate vaccine exemptions has garnered the attention of the African American community, which is finally waking up to the fact that vaccines are destroying black lives at a potentially higher rate than white lives. Though vaccines aren’t technically prejudiced, and the debate seemingly irrelevant in terms of race, the truth about this genocidal agenda known as “vaccination” is finally gaining mainstream attention thanks to the coming together of both blacks and whites to fight this universal evil together.
Nation of Islam representative and minister Tony Muhammad received multiple rounds of overwhelming applause when he told an audience on the steps of the capitol building in Sacramento recently that Senate Bill 277, which threatens to eliminate vaccine exemptions in California, is reminiscent of the infamous Tuskegee experiments in Alabama that involved intentionally infecting African American men with syphilis using vaccines.
Video footage of Muhammad’s rousing speech is available here:
The men were told that the vaccines were part of a “free healthcare” program from the federal government, which should have been the first major red flag that something was seriously amiss. But it was a much more innocent time back in the 1930s, and the men, who were from mostly rural farming areas, didn’t know any better and trusted the government workers who came with promises of improved health.
Little did these men know that the government’s vaccine injections secretly contained venereal diseases that would leave them sick and impoverished, a textbook example of racist human experimentation disguised as public health. Sadly, the same situation is happening today at a national level with the government’s official vaccination schedule, which every year is constantly expanding and now includes upwards of 28 different vaccines, some of them in multiple added doses, by age 18, according to this U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination chart:
Vaccines, abortion and covert government experimentation: a legacy of cultural genocide
Many of these vaccines, as we’ve extensively reported, contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), toxic heavy metals, chemical preservatives, live virus components, substances derived from aborted human fetal tissue and much more. These materials are toxic to all humans, of course, but in the case of the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, and possibly others, black babies and children are at an increased risk of suffering adverse events.
Dr. William Thompson, a senior-level researcher at the CDC, recently came forward as a whistleblower, confessing his involvement in agency fraud that covered up a scientific link between MMR and drastically increased risk of autism in African American boys given the vaccine prior to age three. Black baby boys were found to have up to a 340% increased risk of autism from MMR, a fact that the CDC withheld from public purview for many decades before finally being exposed.
The black community has already suffered immensely from the genocidal abortion agenda, which from the beginning specifically targeted blacks. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger referred to “colored people,” as well as immigrants and indigents, as “human weeds,” according to some sources. Sanger also believed in racial “purification,” advocating the idea of sterilization as a virtue.
This isn’t to say that forced vaccination and abortion only harm black people. They’ve both definitively and catastrophically harmed people of all races, colors and creeds for many decades. But it’s important to remember that much of the medical experimentation that’s taken place throughout our nation’s history in the name of “public health” specifically targeted blacks, including, apparently, the MMR vaccine which appears statistically more harmful to black boys than to any other race or gender.