Why Israel Is Seen on Campus, in Both Europe and the US, as Treating the United Nations with Total Contempt

Because no other claimed democratic government:

1. Kills unarmed protestors, including students, as an everyday alleged security operation and imprisons thousands of dissidents, including teenagers, without trial

2. Imposes a inhumane blockade of essential goods upon 2 million civilians in an illegal effort to produce a regime change in an entire population by denying it adequate electricity and water, medical, food and building supplies – for more than 10 years with the result that an entire people are now predominately unemployed, with inadequate food and water, no jobs and no future – all this under the transparent pretext of ‘arms control’

3. Treats over 20% of its own people as second-class citizens with restricted civil rights purely because of their ethnicity

4. Refuses to allow UN inspectors from the IAEA to inspect its undeclared nuclear weapon stores, now estimated to contain up to 400 warheads in secret underground bunkers

5. Refuses to be a party to the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty,  the Chemical Weapons or the Biological Weapons Conventions (CWC/ BWC)

6. Refuses to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 2334 that demands its withdrawal from all Occupied Territories including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, or with UNSCR 497 which stipulates that Israel’s ‘decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the Occupied Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.’   Consequently, US President Trump’s recent decision, in collusion with AIPAC the Zionist lobby, regarding the Golan Heights is a violation of international law and a threat to global peace.

7. Refusal to comply with the U N Resolution that requires Jerusalem to be an ‘international city’ with free and unfettered access to all faiths. UN Security Council Resolution 476, adopted on 30 June 1980 declared that ‘Israel’s actions as an occupying power in altering the status of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.’

8. Is an indiscriminate supplier of arms and military equipment to regimes around the world

9. Is the head of an international lobby whose agenda is to influence legislative assemblies in both the US and Europe

10. Is the one state in the world seen as capable and willing to unleash weapons of mass destruction upon the world in support of its agenda for a ‘Greater Israel’ to encompass, in due course, all the land from the Mediterranean to the River Jordan and eventually from the Nile to the Euphrates in order to fulfil a biblical prophecy

It is generally acknowledged that this is where the spark will be lit that will likely engulf us all in nuclear war, in the foreseeable future, and is not difficult to comprehend the consequent increase in antisemitism worldwide – albeit that the majority of World Jewry do not live in Israel and, whilst acknowledging it as a Jewish homeland, disassociate themselves completely from its policy of ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement in the Occupied Territories.

Tragically, however, the government of the state of Israel cares nothing for the welfare and security of the 8 million strong Jewish Diaspora or that its policies endanger all Jews everywhere:  in America, France, Britain and around the world.  Israel’s Right-wing, illegal expansionism is now fast becoming both a threat and a tragedy of serious proportions.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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