WHO “Treaty” Fails, Open Border and Immigration Up Next

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First British conservative/libertarian politician, thought leader and broadcaster Nigel Farage drew major corporatist UK mainstream media fire for opposing the WHO pandemic “accord” (the not really a “treaty”- treaty).



From “The Guardian”:

The World Health Organization has accused Nigel Farage of spreading misinformation after he launched a campaign to block an international treaty designed to improve global pandemic preparedness.

WHO member states are negotiating a deal to shore up cooperation against new pathogens. If adopted, the legally binding treaty would commit countries to helping each other in the event of a pandemic, increase research and sharing of data, and promote fair access to vaccines.

But populist figures including Farage and a number of Tory MPs are lobbying the UK government to block the deal, claiming that it will give the WHO power to enforce lockdowns on countries, dictate policy on mask wearing and control vaccine stocks.

Farage is fronting the campaign group Action on World Health (AWH), which was registered on Companies House last week.

The AWH’s website lists supporters including the Tory MPs Henry Smith, Philip Davies and David Jones, as well as peers and others. Companies House filings show that it has three directors including the barrister Paul Diamond, whose work has included high-profile cases on behalf of socially conservative Christians and cases where the use of vaccines has been disputed.

Visitors to the AWH’s site are helped to locate and lobby their MP using template “suggested text” emails that claim the WHO treaty will “strip away” the UK’s decision-making powers.

The potency of what some on the right view as a potential new “wedge issue” was underlined in contributions by Tory backbenchers such as Philip Hollobone, who echoed populist language by describing the WHO as being under the influence of “the global elite” and urging against the UK backing the treaty.

The UK health minister Andrew Stephenson urged MPs in parliament this week to dismiss what he described as myths being spread about the treaty, which the UK is considering whether or not to support.

Lockdown mandates are not part of the deal and a claim by Farage that the treaty would require countries to give away 20% of their vaccines was “simply not true”, said Stephenson.

His comments were echoed by the WHO directly. Responding to AWH’s claims, a spokesperson said a draft of the treaty reaffirmed “the principle of sovereignty” of member states.

“Claims that the draft agreement will cede sovereignty to WHO and will give the WHO secretariat power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries are false and have never been requested nor proposed. This agreement will not, and cannot, grant sovereignty to WHO.”

Farage, who denies that the campaign is sharing misinformation, claimed the UK government was “running scared” and that Conservative MPs had “suddenly been shouting” about the treaty on Wednesday.

“The governing party are very scared of me and of anything that would look like a surrender of sovereignty after Brexit. I’m trying to bring to the public’s attention something that is not being debated – that’s what I have done throughout my career – and I think we are getting traction already,” he said.

“This may not be a campaign with mass populist appeal but we can influence the government’s position when they get to Geneva in a couple of weeks time.

Some might snipe that Nigel is a bit late to the party, and certainly groups like former (Reagan) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney’s “Sovereignty Coalition” as well as individual physician thought leaders such as Dr. Kat Lindley and Dr. Meryl Nass deserve a lot of credit for months and months of hard work researching, defining and publicizing the obscure and often hidden details of the effort to reward the WHO with additional powers and funding for its abysmal performance and chronic manipulative dishonesty during the COVID crisis. But lets not quibble. Mr. Farage helped raise awareness of the key issues at a critical time, and for that we should all be grateful.


Nigel Farage, as in the case of UKIP and Brexit, once again stood back, watched, and then took a stand on a controversial topic – which seems to be almost unheard of (aside from the lonely “voice in the wilderness” of Andrew Bridgen) in today’s British politics. And whether or not his actions played a role, the WHO pandemic accord negotiations have apparently collapsed right before the scheduled crucial vote today- which happens to be the US Federal holiday set aside to memorialize the service of military veterans who fought and died to defend freedom. Yet another coincidence suggestive of divine intervention.

In any case, apparently the WHO negotiations have failed to meet a self-imposed two-year deadline, and the “treaty” will not proceed to a ratification vote today – but not due to concerns about empowering the unelected WHO with enhanced “New World Order” globalist powers to trample on individual and national sovereignty whenever it feels the need to declare a health crisis (anthropomorphic Global Warming, for example).

Turning for a moment to Japans NHK news to help make sense of the official narrative being used to explain this failure, we see that the approved narrative is that the collapse was merely due to an intellectual property and commerce dispute between have and have-not countries. Nothing to do with WHO incompetence, corruption, overreach, or the tension between national sovereignty and arbitrary unelected “One World Order” globalism.

Member states of the World Health Organization have failed to meet a deadline on consensus for a global treaty to fight future pandemics in time. They plan to discuss measures going forward at the WHO general assembly that starts in Switzerland next week.

The WHO members began talks two years ago based on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Negotiators had discussed ways to strengthen global anti-infection measures to prevent the spread of new viruses.

But negotiations ended on Friday without adopting a document.

The sticking points included the transfer of technologies and the sharing of information about pathogens.

Developing countries demanded the distribution of vaccines, but developed nations expressed concerns about the impact that could have on their pharmaceutical firms.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for continued negotiations, saying, “We need to use the World Health Assembly to re-energize us and finish the job at hand, which is to present the world with a generational pandemic agreement.”

In opposition to the WHO/Globalists vow to press on, a major protest is planned in Geneva, Switzerland on June 01, 2024 to push back against all of this. Jill and I are flying out (at our own expense) this week, will be there for the rally and meetings, and we hope that you can join us there! I plan to speak briefly in support of nationalism, the diversity of nations, sovereignty, the EU founding principle of subsidiarity, and against the global rise of corporatism, which was previously known as Fascism in an earlier age.

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Articles by: Dr. Robert Malone

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