“What a Scam it Actually Is.” Assessing COP27 and Modern Climate Activism

with Cory Morningstar and Dr. Claudia von Werlhof

(Originally published November 19, 2022)

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“The changes needed are not going to come from the inside, from politicians trying to change things from the inside where everyone else has failed to do so earlier. I believe that right now the changes that we need are so big that we need massive pressure from the outside, and that is done by organizing on grossest levels. So that’s what we are doing!” 

Greta Thunberg (November 2, 2022) [1]

“I have come to the conclusion to start with the fact that there are various “C“-crises at the same time – Climate, CO2, Corona, Capital – and more – that force us to “connect the dots” of the “bigger picture.” What is the common cause of all these crises? In the background there is the great transformation of modern civilization that is needed in order to save it – from the point of view of its inventors who want to prevent it from failing.”

– Dr Claudia von Werlhof  


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“Ain’t no power like the power of the people and the power of the people won’t stop!”

On Wednesday Nov 16, dozens of environmental activists staged demonstrations from inside the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) venue held this year in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. [2]

One of these protests involved medical workers from countries around the globe staging a “die-in,” trying to give CPR to a rubber globe of the planet and having the words “1.5” and “to survive” written in red on the palms of opposing hands. They were trying to communicate the health impacts of not meeting the environmental targets stated in the previous agreement signed in Paris. [3]

This coincides with other notable and innovative strategies, including groups staging actions of eco-vandalism against paintings in museums to get people to prioritize the fate of the planet above our love of the arts. And the group Extinction Rebellion has peacefully staged sit-ins at public locations threatening the ability to get to work or anywhere until the concerns of future generations are addressed. [4][5]

As the conference is now delayed for one more day, one could get the impression that the Davids of the world are forcing the hands of the big Goliaths in the developed Global North not considering the mighty slingshots the people united can wield. [6]

“Ain’t no power like the power of the people and the power of the people won’t stop!”

The unfortunate reality behind these protests is that the very demands they are making are nicely aligned with the interests of elites! This principle is profiled on the website Wrongkindofgreen.org on which it states:

“The articles in this section have been collected to show the hollowed-out reality of groups like 350.org, WWF and Greenpeace who are run from the top down and have one overriding policy: to keep the industrial system running at any cost, even if it means salvaging the reputations of corrupt politicians (all of them), inviting corporations to come and play (and making sure the water’s nice and warm), lying to the public about how much power they have (none under this system), and ignoring the simple fact that industrial civilization is terminally unsustainable and has to end (the truth).” [7]

With that in mind, one could ask what the specific intentions of these gatherings of world leaders are achieving in the name of “saving the planet” from catastrophic climate change. This will be the subject of this episode of the Global Research News Hour.

In our first half hour, we are joined by the investigative journalist, environmental activist and author Cory Morningstar who will discuss some of the goals of this year’s UN Climate summit and the realities of the economic transition that are being made supposedly for the betterment of the globe. This interview is followed by Dr Claudia Von Werlhof who goes beyond in mentioning that the robust science detailing climate change being instituted by increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a hoax and that military engineering in the form of ionospheric heating and solar radiation management is ultimately the culprit.

Cory Morningstar is an independent investigative journalist, writer and environmental activist, focusing on global ecological collapse and political analysis of the non-profit industrial complex. She resides in Canada. Her recent writings can be found on Wrong Kind of GreenThe Art of Annihilation and Counterpunch.

Dr. Claudia von Werlhof is Prof. Emerita of Political Science and Women’s Studies at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. She is the author of many books and has worked hard to make Rosalie Bertell’s important book Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War on Geoengineering available in German, Spanish, Italian, French and English again. Claudia was the founder of the Planetary Movement for Mother Earth (PMME) in 2010. She recently edited and contributed to the book Global War-ning: Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity.

She is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

(Global Research News Hour episode 369)


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Transcript of Dr Claudia von Werlhof, November 14, 2022

Global Research: Claudia Von Werlhof is Professor Emerita of Political Science and Women’s Studies at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Claudia was the founder of the Planetary Movement for Mother Earth in 2010 and she is a research associate of the Centre for Research on Globalisation. Before we get into the details, you could provide us with the broad outline of your thesis because clearly this is more than a matter of mistaken science. I mean, there’s a conscious effort to mislead the public. What purpose does this conscious and very sophisticated distraction serve?

Claudia von Werlhof: Well, from my point of view, this civilization, has arrived at a crossroads, because you know what, capitalism is transforming nature into capital. And so, nature has gone, afterwards. This problem cannot be solved in the long run, because nature is gone, and you cannot transform anything anymore. So, this is the case we are living in now, and this society has to find a solution. The solution is not supposed to be a human and nature-friendly solution. But they are looking for how to continue with their system without having to give it up. This is the main problem we have today. And I think all these crises we are in now, from Corona crisis and the climate crisis and the crisis of capital have the same – or are provoking a response from above. So, we even have studied the problem in earlier years, coming to the conclusion that only an alternative economy and society could solve the problem of capitalism. And as you mentioned it already – patriarchy – which is the background of it all. But instead of liberating people from this horrible system, they are now going to transform it. It is what they call “The Great Transformation,” and what is called “The New World Order,” which is a system that is going to be implemented from above, or like “The Great Reset.” This is the formula by the World Economic Forum. The system has to be reset, which means it has to start again but maintaining its main characteristics. This means what is needed now – I mean, you cannot just go on with it.

So, the first thing – what I see is, the system is going to be quantitatively reduced. This means – and this is what is one of the main propaganda issues of the whole world climate question – is to reduce consumption, to reduce production, and to reduce population. So, this will be the quantitative changes we are expecting. And on the other hand, you will have a qualitative change, and this is the technological one. So, there are a lot of new technologies developed since a hundred years or within the 20th Century, and they are going to be applied now, called The Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is a very interesting point, because in the climate question, for instance, this will be – play a major role because people are supposed to identify and to be integrated into the machinery, the system of the mega machine, as it is called. And this will be the second step they are approaching, and they are preparing. This is the most interesting step besides the reduction of the system, as such.

So, I think the climate change question is approaching all the subjects and issues in saying that people are responsible for the climate problem, because they consume too much, and they breathe too much, so to say. And they have chosen this ideal formula of the CO2 question, the so-called “climate killer,” because it is applicable to all these questions at once.

So, you can say that all those who produce CO2 have to be abolished, so to say. I mean, the industry, normal civil industry, based on the second industrial revolution using all these fossil fuels, et cetera, which have to be avoided because they have to be spared. I think the reduction of consumption is also related to the reduction of energy, the normal energies we had since the second industrial revolution is coal and gas and oil, and later nuclear power which will be maintained as a so-called renewable energy form, which is not true. Not even for the other new renewable energies, but this we can discuss later.

Well, this is based on the idea that CO2 is important for the climate. And this is one of the lies that are propagated in order to have this program realized, because the climate especially, the climate is nothing you can change because it depends on the sun and on the solar system. The only thing you can change is the weather, as the regional and local conditions you find on Earth. But they call it climate change because maybe otherwise they would have to relate to the many experiments and technologies that exist already in relation to weather control and weather modification and other technologies that are, for example, explained by the UN in the ENMOD Convention which is the Environmental Modification Convention of 1977 in which all these problems are explained already. So, very strange that the UN in her own conference does not relate to its own knowledge.

GR: The vast majority of climate scientists, well into the thousands, are saying that increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the leading culprit in weather changes we’ve witnessed over decades. Approximately 97.5 percent, according to an estimate I saw recently. You wrote letters to Greta Thunberg  [SIC] I think her – explaining how —

CVW: Greta Thunberg, yes.

GR: Yeah, how she was mistaken about what’s ailing the planet. And she never responded, but I imagine if she could, she would say that the scientists are telling us that we need to reduce fossil fuel emissions. It always comes down to what scientists are saying. So, how can you say so confidently that all these scientists —

CVW: No, but —

GR: — are wrong?

CVW: But it’s not true. This is what the IPCC is saying, the International Panel on Climate Change. This is a political institution, it’s not a scientific one, and it excludes every member who would not agree with the findings of the IPCC which are really the ones you are quoting. But the rest of the scientific community, and there is even an agenda of about 30,000 scientists who claim that CO2 can never be any important question in the climate. Even in the climate, not even in the weather, because CO2 has only 0.04 percent importance in the atmosphere. And 80 percent of this is simply vapour. So, the human contribution to CO2 is something so tiny that you cannot even see it. I mean, it is really ridiculous to use CO2 as the climate killer. It’s not even a weather killer, not to speak of the climate. The scientific community, the really scientific community, is against this idea of CO2. It’s only the political institutions and the —

GR: Well, —

CVW: — UN-driven IPCC that claim for – I mean, I —

GR: Well, —

CVW: — know that —

GR:— I really —

CVW: — in the meantime, everybody – excuse me?

GR: Yeah, I was just saying that, like, in a previous interview, a guest —

CVW: Yes.

GR: — was talking a lot about the IPCC and how it is actually more, you know, conservative of a political body, and so on. But what is known, is through the peer-reviewed literature and how are these efforts to legitimate science including —

CVW: But —

GR: — peer-reviewed studies being manipulated to the point of delivering what —

CVW: Well, —

GR: — you’d think is a false message of the truth.

CVW: Well, you know, the peer-reviewed studies, it’s long ago that they have any value. For example, Marvin Herndon, this is one of the scientists from San Diego. He has written a large essay on that, of the corruption of the sciences. And I must say, I’m – as a political scientist and a social scientist, I have my own experiences. I mean, please don’t tell me that science is science. I mean, it would be nice if it were, but it isn’t.

So, the corruption has grown always more. And the IPCC is an institution that has nothing to do with the truth. Nothing. It is a political institution, and it serves these interests who try to transform the world into a new world order which is totally different from what we know now. These are all agents of a revolution from above that is going to be dismantled now.

 I mean, if it is going to be realized or dismantled is the question we have to solve. It really is a ridiculous – I mean, there are a lot of even Nobel Prize winners who laugh about this idea of CO2. It is really strange how it is possible. And it’s only explicable by corruption, by a world-wide corruption that this thesis could spread so widely.

So, I think we can really leave that with history. Because, I mean, this is what I learned from Rosalie Bertell. We do not have to just run around not knowing anything, because geo-engineering, the military geo-engineering, not the civil one, or – this is all a part of it. These have developed technologies since a hundred years that are changing the weather – not the climate, this cannot be changed – but the weather in many parts of the world. And what we see now, all these catastrophes of flooding, of heat, et cetera, they are all – can all be produced. There are technologies for that. And even the ENMOD Convention of the UN, you can read of what they can produce. They can produce earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and they can even change ocean currents; you can change the jet stream. You can have all these catastrophes we have now on Earth nearly, every –

GR: Yeah.

CVW: — day.

GR: What you’re referring to —

CVW: You don’t need any CO2 to explain this. Yes?

GR: You’re talking about geo-engineering, I believe, and its use.

CVW: Exactly.

GR: I mean, it’s seen by the general public as a conspiracy theory. So, maybe you could help us understand what forms of —

CVW: Well, it’s —

GR: — geo-engineering —

CVW: Okay.

GR:— do you know for a fact have been —

CVW: I mean – yes.

GR: — manipulated or experimented —

CVW: Yeah.

GR: — with historically from the ‘50s to the present.

CVW: I mean, the UN would be a conspiracy institution because the UN in the ENMOD Convention, which was finalized after the Vietnam War, because in the Vietnam War, many of these environmental modification technologies as they were called then were applied, like Agent Orange, et cetera. So, after the Vietnam War, the UN made this convention and wanted to prohibit any hostile use of these technologies. It declared them existing – as existing technologies, so in this – in 1977. And we are speaking today of a conspiracy theory – excuse me.

When you look at the many documents, for example, it starts a hundred years ago with rainmaking and cloud seeding, et cetera. These were the first attempts. And then you had, especially during Second World War, the whole Manhattan Project and the development of the Atomic Bomb. This was used after the Second World War until the end of the ‘90s, the atomic industry and atomic bombs, even hydrogen bombs were used to explore the atmosphere until – up to the Van Allen Belt which is part of the magnetic field of the Earth, which was partly destroyed then and did not recover from that attack.

You have to imagine that more than 2,000 atomic bombs were released in the atmosphere and underwater and on the ground during 50 years after the Second World War. And this was the first phase after the Second World War of real geo-engineering, military geo-engineering. So, you cannot say this didn’t happen or this is a conspiracy theory. This was the basic – a basic experiment to know what the atmosphere is about. I mean, the stratosphere, the troposphere, and the ionosphere. And now, you have these technologies that directly attack the ionosphere.

 We saw the ionosphere heaters, I mean like HAARP et cetera, there are about two or three dozens in the world today. Which are the most important instruments for climate change or weather change, so to say, in the world. And they can produce all these effects which are already explained in the ENMOD Convention. And the next book was about – from the – was for the Air Force, the US Air Force. It’s title was “Owning the Weather in 2025,” and using “Weather as a Force Multiplier.” And this is now, so in two years, we will have the – the Army will own the weather world-wide. I mean, it is not a conspiracy theory, it is real. Only that people don’t look at that, they don’t look at it.

They think it does not exist if you can’t – even when you go to the social engineers or people who speak of a civil geo-engineering which is about ten years that exists now, they say they have no relationship to the military side and history and background of this technology. They simply deny it, you see. This is not scientific. Scientifically, you have first to look at the origins of your science. And this is what they deny. They even tell us that geo-engineering, what they call the civil – geo-engineering – will save the planet, whereas it is, instead, destroying. I mean, this is really the funny thing, it’s all —

GR: Yeah.

CVW: — been corrupted. The whole debate is inverted.

GR: What you’re saying – there’s a huge blotting out of a huge section of their data and their analysis. And that’s the military which is doing geo-engineering and that’s not on their radar screens —

CVW: Yes.

GR: — at all, right?

CVW: As Rosalie Bertell has really explained everything. They shoot – really it’s billions of watts – they shoot their electro-magnetic waves into the ionosphere where they turn them back to the Earth. And where they arrive at Earth, there you have earthquakes, you have volcanic eruptions, et cetera. This is a destructive forces of a magnitude. A normal scientist would never expect – and all this due to the research of Nikola Tesla, who is never – who was not even taught at the university. Nikola Tesla invented the use of electro-magnetism on Earth and he invented all these possibilities, and they are patented. You have I don’t know how many hundreds of patents, US patents in which the use of these electro-magnetic waves and the ionospheric heat, et cetera, is explained. So, —

GR: Mm-hmm.

CVW: — it is nothing you – I mean, you – and this is changing the conditions, of the weather conditions and weather modifications on Earth. So, if you are on the climate front, you have to look at that, you cannot say it’s not existing. This is ridiculous. I mean —

GR: You know, in —

CVW: — this is what is happening.

GR: — your book – in your book, The Global Warning – WAR-NING —

CVW: Yes, —

GR:— you mention —

CVW: — uh-huh.

GR: — some local forest fires that the media used as examples of climate change in recent years, however indications, suggestions were considerably different from what one would expect from more CO2 in the atmosphere and that some hidden hand was maybe —

CVW: Yeah.

GR: — testing out or using some form of geo-engineering to cause the damage. Take us through the anomalous discoveries you mentioned in the book.

CVW: We have this phenomenon, you have that in California, you have it in Portugal, in Greece, in Australia. Everywhere you have these so-called forest fires where the forest around do not burn out, burn down, but the houses. I mean, this is totally different technology is used to provoke these fires. And the reasons for doing it, this is a really criminal story around, but the possibility to produce fires is nothing new. I mean, this is one of the geo-engineered methods since long.

So, you have to research on why these fires are breaking out and not saying, “Well, this is CO2, this is ridiculous.” CO2 is a plant gas, and it is related to every living process, rotting, living materials, rotting produce CO2. So, this is coming out of breathing, of – you know, animal production, of every material that is dying and the plants need it to produce oxygen.

So, what is so difficult and criminal and killing about this gas? It is just the other way around. This gas doesn’t do anything to anybody. It is needed to have a green without any plants?– biologists and there are all these people should say something to it. I think they are. I don’t know in the moment, but I mean – all these things cannot be explained by a 0.04 part of the atmosphere that cannot change anything. It is very funny that people believe in that. It shows that they don’t know anything about the Earth, about what life is.

They even had an experiment, by the way, in the middle west [SIC], it’s about a year ago, where they tried to suck all CO2 out of the air. And the result was that everything was dying. We need that for life, and the attack on life is the attack on CO2 is an attack on life as the whole thing. Like geo-engineering as well, and as Corona as well, these are all attacks on life. This is just totally perverted and inverted the whole debate. But because people – and it is so difficult, because people are not used to seeing geo-engineering as a technology they didn’t see, for example, the vaccine, which is not a vaccine, but an injection of genetic modification which is a new technology nobody knew about. You see that the whole thing is different than what people think about it or are supposed to think about it.

GR: I know that a person you mentioned, Rosalie Bertell is her name.

CVW: Yes.

GR: I know of her work on depleted uranium. But she was the first person to mention the broad outline of what’s happening to the planet due to —

CVW: Yes.

GR: — inaction. Though not CO2 emissions. Talk about the importance of her work and how it informs you on this subject.

CVW: I knew her name always because she’s an eco-feminist, I am too. And I always knew that there is a book called “Planet Earth,” but nobody had read it because – as I knew, afterwards – the publisher went bankrupt after it published this book. It was in the year 2000. And then we had this problem with Haiti and the big earthquake in Haiti. And I found out that there were people who said that this earthquake was not a normal one, but a produced and manufactured one like in China and in Venezuela and in the Douma, they discussed this.

I mentioned that, in an interview with the press here, with the newspaper, and then the whole world broke down around me, because ‘She’s a conspiracy theorist, and she blames –’ I don’t know what. So, they were active against me. And so, I found Rosalie in the internet. And she said, ‘Oh, this is okay.’ This was with Haiti. Possibly it was really an artificial earthquake. I didn’t know at that time that this could exist even. So, she said, ‘Yes, it can be,’ because there was this stripe, plasma stripe in the air which can be seen when the ionospheric heaters are active and – in a region. This cannot be proved, et cetera, but she said, ‘Yes, this can be,’ and she sent me her book.

So, I could read it. And this book explained the whole history of geo-engineering in all it’s aspects, including this solar – what they call solar radiation management today. All the histories, the military history, and the civil history. And so, I learned it from her, I had no idea because I’m not a natural scientist, and I had to fight with this book terribly because it made me sick. I went to Hell, I was ill and it was horrible, because this – to read how they are attacking the whole planet and not only certain regions, or – you know – certain animals, plants, but the whole planet, to transform it into a mega-weapon of war.

I mean, to have control over the whole planet. This was her perspective, and she explained it especially why are the ionospheric heating technologies. And so, I learned about it, you know. And we became friends, et cetera, and I made the – and I organized our planetary movement so that we could distribute her knowledge, and translate her work, et cetera.

GR: Okay.

CVW: So, this is how we came together. And her motive was she loves the planet Earth, so she’s in love with this cosmic being, you know. It hurts her, and she was offended to know that they were destroying it or part of it. This was our common eco-feminist, so to say, motivation to work together. But then, she died. It’s already ten years now that she died.

GR: Okay.

CVW: So, —

GR: Well, —

CVW: — I’m something like her heir.

GR: Okay. Is there anything more you’d like to say or emphasize on the subject before we close the interview?

CVW: Let me see. I mean, the method, how they introduce all these catastrophes we are experiencing now, it’s always from above and it’s all new technologies that people don’t know. So, people are confused, they don’t know how to judge it. And it goes along always with a lot of corruption and a lot of forcing people to agree. You know, a lot of money is flowing, et cetera. So, the whole science, the academic world, has come to its knees, really.

 I mean, I’m an academic myself, so I see this around me, also. And this is so tragic, I mean how to teach people to look at what is happening and not to believe in the propaganda and in the ideology of the new world order.

It’s so important, because even when we look at what I call patriarchy there’s what Rosalie also was interested in is that the patriarchal part of the society is that which wants to transform life into this life as born by mothers or by mother nature, into something that is invented by men and invented as a new creation. And this ends in the technology of the machine. The machine is supposed to be the new life and the better life instead of real life or natural life. And we have that now with trans-humanism, the new technology that includes or tries to include the human as such into the machinery which is also the program of the WEF, the World Economic Forum.

So, people should know that this machinery is going to be always more like a weapon. It’s the weaponization – but also Rosalie was saying – the weaponization of the world, not only of the technology but of everything that happens. Even the vaccine is weaponized now with these strange injections in the Corona cases. And the same is true for the climate question with geo-engineering. This is a weapon, a weapon of mass destruction in any sense. People don’t see that, because they love the machine and they think it’s progress and development, and it’s better than – so, we live with the machine, and without it – or to be even, to be integrated into the machine via the new technologies of trans-humanism. So, —

GR: Okay.

CVW: — yeah, I mean, there is so much to explain to the public they have no idea about, so…

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at globalresearch.ca .

Other stations airing the show:

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CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufERA6HzP6E
  2. https://www.africanews.com/2022/11/16/cop27-protestors-push-for-capping-global-heating-to-15-celsius/
  3. ibid
  4.  https://abcnews.go.com/International/climate-activists-throw-paint-gustav-klimts-tod-und/story?id=93335435
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48607989
  6. https://www.africanews.com/2022/11/18/cop27-climate-talks-extended-to-saturday/
  7. https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/symbolic-action-you-came-to-the-wrong-place/

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