We Defeated Pennsylvania’s “Gag Mumia Law”, SB 508.

Victory: Silencing Act SB 508 Struck Down!

Dear friend,

We won! As of yesterday, we defeated Pennsylvania’s “Gag Mumia Law”, SB 508.  It’s hard to rejoice in this victory when Mumia is under medical neglect, riot police are terrorizing Baltimore, and the state violence that killed Freddie Gray and is putting Mumia’s life on the line is not unique but ingrained in the U.S.’ racist system of policing, surveillance and imprisonment. But we want to take this moment with you to recognize this enormous win, which shut down the Fraternal Order of Police in their tracks and will keep Mumia and all prisoners able to speak to the public.   Email us at [email protected] and we will send you the order. We must be vigilant the FOP has vowed to go back to the legislature and try to silence Mumia again. 

#FreddieGray    #BlackLivesMatter    #BaltimoreUprising
The Silence Mumia Act, which the Pennsylvania General Assembly called the “Revictimization Relief Act”, is no more as of right now, as Chief Judge Connor for the Middle District of Pennsylvania federal court held the following:
“The court concludes that the challenged statute betrays several constitutional requirements; the enactment is unlawfully purposed, vaguely executed, and patently overbroad in scope. However well-intentioned its legislative efforts, the General Assembly fell woefully short of the mark. The result is a law that is manifestly unconstitutional, both facially and as applied to plaintiffs. Thus, the court is compelled to grant plaintiffs‟ requests for declaratory relief, declare the Revictimization Relief Act, 18 PA. CONS. STAT. § 11.1304, to be violative of the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution, and permanently enjoin its enforcement.”
Thank you to everyone who made this legal battle possible! Thank you to Bret Grote of the Abolitionist Law Center and Nikki Grant and Ashley Henderson of the Amistad Law Project for shutting down the Fraternal Order of Police. As we continue fighting the current battle to keep Mumia alive, we’re calling on everyone to pitch in to Mumia’s Medical Fund and spread the word. We have 4 days left to raise $6,000. Once you’ve given, please ask your networks to do the same.bit.ly/rise4mumia
The Lawyers, Pam Africa, Keith Cook

Call now to demand freedom & medical care for Mumia:

Often when we call in, prison and state officials have taken their lines off the hook. Know that every action matters, even when they don’t pick up. If they don’t answer, please leave a voicemail:John Wetzel, PA Secretary of Corrections: 717-728-4109
Governor Tom Wolf: 717-787-2500
SCI Mahanoy: 570-787-2500
For a full list of addresses and faxes, visit prisonradio.org

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