War Criminal Hillary, Bloomberg’s Choice for Running Mate

Teamed up with Hillary Clinton, a war in the Middle East and an authoritarian police state at home will be on track.


I figured as much. The moment Mike Bloomberg announced his intention to spend part of his billions—like Trump before him—to gain the presidency, I thought: this is the perfect opening for Hillary Clinton. 

Clinton will be Bloomberg’s running mate, according to Drudge, citing sources within team Bloomberg. 

Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force… MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state… Developing.. 

This doesn’t, of course, make it necessarily so, even though it is manifestly obvious the serial lawbreaker, and war criminal Clinton wants nothing more than to be president, or short of that VP. 

Now that the democrat field is narrowing and Mike’s prepared to spend billions—this is how the exceptional nation elects presidents—there will be a shift away from Mayor CIA and the other identity pushing presidential wannabes in favor of a staunch establishment figure. Biden was left in the dust weeks ago. 

Michael Bloomberg is by far the most dangerous political candidate—even more dangerous than the Orange Carnival Barker. 

Just last month, Nanny Mike said he doesn’t “live in a regret world”—a red flag sociopathic trait—and does not regret supporting the mass murder of 1.5 million Iraqis. 

“America wanted to go to war, but it turns out it was based on faulty intelligence, and it was a mistake,” he said, parroting the same old tired and discredited lies the establishment has used for years to justify the destruction of Iraq. 

No, Mike, the American people didn’t want to go to war. They were lied to by Bush and the neocons. It wasn’t “faulty intelligence.” The neocons lied and not a single one was held responsible. Mike knows this. He also knows the mass murder campaign in Iraq was performed for Israel, not the American people, who had absolutely zero to fear from Saddam Hussein, a former CIA operative. 

Bloomberg went so far as to insist Iraqis had something to do with the attacks of 9/11, taking his talking points—or points based on lies—from the neocons. 

If elected, Bloomberg would be the first Jewish president. Over the span of his career, he has consistently and fervently supported Israel, including support for its illegal bombing of Gaza. Nanny Mike gave a thumbs up to the 2014 attack on Gaza, which killed 2,250 Gazans, 1,600 of them civilians. 

“Israel’s failure to act with proportionality—and Michael Bloomberg’s endorsement of this failure—clashes with international law, which prohibits attacks that would cause ‘excessive’ civilian damage or loss of life in relation to the anticipated military advantage of the attack,” writes Kathryn Shihadah. 

Not only does Nanny Mike want to dictate what you eat and drink, but he is also an enemy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He is a fierce opponent of BDS. 

For example, in 2014, he referred to the nonviolent movement known as Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS)—modeled after the movement that brought the downfall of apartheid in South Africa—as “an outrage” that is “totally misplaced.”

“I strongly oppose the BDS movement,” he said. “And I vehemently disagree with everyone who fails to see why the Jewish people deserve a permanent Jewish state.”

Bloomberg said if elected he will waste no time going after Israel’s critics. Thanks to the ADL and the SPLC, among others (including the FBI), it is considered a “hate crime” to disparage Israel. “I will label hate crimes as ‘domestic terrorism’—and charge perpetrators accordingly,” he promised. 

Mike would also work to prevent any member of Congress from taking Israel to task for its multiple crimes and egregious violations of international law. “We must never let Israel be a football that American politicians kick around in an effort to score points.”

Score points? I’m not sure what planet this ga-zillionaire Zionist lives on. It is a cardinal sin and a certain career destroyer for any member of Congress to criticize Israel. A recent crop of leftists in Congress—known colloquially as “The Squad”— have dared to call out Israel’s crimes. They will not be re-elected. The media is thrashing them as scurrilous antisemites. 

Moreover, as lord of a huge corporate media propaganda organization, he demanded his stenographers prettify Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing, torture, and murder of Palestinians. 

Mondoweiss managed to get access to a few Bloomberg memos sent to his workers. The  following memo demonstrates Mike is an ardent and racist ethnic cleansing Zionist:

Avoid referring to Palestine, as in “Israel’s incursion into Palestine,” because there is no such country. Instead, describe the occupied areas by their names, as in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Palestinian people or Palestine Authority is OK.

This is a standard Zionist talking point. There is no such place as Palestine nor a Palestinian people. 

American Jews love this reactionary former Republican (not that party affiliation matters to these people). The Jewish Virtual Library notes: 

Ron Kampeas notes that Bloomberg enjoyed significant Jewish support when he ran for mayor and has the liberal credentials that appeal to many Jewish voters. Unlike Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish but highly critical of Israel, Bloomberg has a record of supporting Israel with both his time and money. During the 2014 Gaza War, Bloomberg defied a Federal Aviation Authority ban on flying into Israel after rockets landed near Ben-Gurion Airport. “In my own little way, I wanted to show the world that Jews would never let fear of terrorism keep us out of Israel,” Bloomberg said later.

Arabs and Muslims in New York know all about Mike’s mistrust of folks who take issue with Israel and its brutality. As mayor of New York, he organized an Orwellian surveillance program aimed at Muslims with the help of the CIA in violation of its charter which is, of course, nothing if not a joke.

But let’s put aside his racism and the millions of “philanthropic” dollars he has showered on Israel. Bloomberg is a crony capitalist who enthusiastically defends the parasitical vultures and vampire squids on Wall Street.

For instance, he said Congress (supposedly the representatives of the American people) is responsible for the “subprime crisis,” not the banksters. This should be expected considering Bloomberg got his start at the securities brokerage Salomon Brothers and became a partner in 1973. He later established a company catering to Wall Street. 

While Trump is certainly a disaster—the little rich boy who wanted to be president—Mike Bloomberg is ten times worse. 

Teamed up with Hillary Clinton, the sadistic former Secretary of State who thought Gaddafi’s anal rape with a knife and murder was hilarious, a war in the Middle East (that Trump rightly fears) and an authoritarian police state at home will be a certainty. 


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Kurt Nimmo writes on his blog, Another Day in the Empire, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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