Voices from Syria. Baroness Cox and Revd David Thomas
A pastoral visit to Damascus, Saidnaya, Maaloula, Homs and Aleppo in April 2018
There are no easy solutions to the problems in Syria. This is partly because there are many different layers to the conflict: the fighting between Government forces and Islamist militias; struggles between Kurds and Turks; and the proxy wars involving other nations. The crisis remains one of the worst humanitarian disasters of our time, resulting in massive internal displacement and outflow of refugees, affecting people of all ethnicities and religions.
This short report of a brief visit is unable to address all of the complexities. It does, however, seek to reflect the priorities of all those with whom we met, including Christian and Muslim religious leaders, the Speaker of Parliament, MPs from many parts of Syria and opposition MPs, internationally-respected artists, musicians and intellectuals, the humanitarian aid organisation St Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee (EPDC) and members of local communities in Damascus, Saidnaya, Maaloula, Homs and Aleppo.
We visited Syria at the invitation of His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem, the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch, to observe changes since our previous visit in November 2017, to listen to the concerns of the Syrian people, and to convey their requests.
The day before our departure, the USA, UK and France announced their intention to launch missile attacks in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Government in Dhouma. We believed that it was especially important to visit Syria at this time to show solidarity with the Syrian people.
Members of the Delegation
Members of the group were primarily clergy, accompanied by two members of the House of Lords, several journalists, writers, an artist and a medical doctor. Members paid their own expenses.
Baroness Cox and Revd David Thomas also represent a small NGO, the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART), which works with local partners to provide aid and advocacy for people suffering oppression and persecution. This visit provided an opportunity to establish a relationship with St Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee (EPDC) to initiate a programme helping women to develop entrepreneurial activities in Maaloula.
The report represents the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the rest of the group.
- Foreign interference: All those to whom we spoke passionately believe that Syrians should have the right to determine their own future and to elect their own leadership, without foreign interference.
- Western airstrikes: All expressed deep anger at the recent missile attacks by the USA, the UK and France. They question the legality of the attack, stating that it is fundamentally wrong to inflict missile strikes related to alleged chemical warfare before evidence is known and publicised. Moreover, there is real fear that the response by the USA, UK and France may encourage jihadists to initiate a chemical weapons incident in order to stimulate an even more ferocious response by these countries against the Syrian Government.
- Public opinion: Many Syrians are disturbed by the tendency of the UK response to be based on past actions and policies of the Assad government, rather than a willingness to confront current realities, including a widespread shift in Syrian public opinion in the face of the religious extremists.
- Regime change: There is a great desire for the UK to retract its commitment to an imposed ‘regime change’. As there are no longer any ‘moderate’ armed opposition groups, it is believed that such a policy would be disastrous and create another dire situation comparable to those in Iraq and Libya.
- Media coverage: Many asked why the horrendous and well-documented atrocities perpetrated by various jihadist fighting groups, and the appalling scale of those atrocities, are given very little publicity by Western media compared to the focus on actions carried out by the Assad government and armed forces.
- Cultural heritage: Syria continues to strive to uphold its long tradition of being a multicultural, multi-religious secular State, offering a model different from most other countries in the Middle East. It is suggested that does not suit the interests of the other more totalitarian societies, seen as allies of the West.
- Sanctions: Different viewpoints were expressed regarding the effect of economic sanctions. Some claimed they had little effect. The majority maintained that restrictions on the supply of medicines, equipment and raw materials has very serious effects on essential supplies of health care and food – and seriously hampers reconstruction.
- Reconstruction: As on our previous visit, we were encouraged by the consistently positive relations between Christians and Muslims in Government-controlled areas. We witnessed numerous cooperative reconstruction projects in regions which have been destroyed by war, including the (re)building of houses, universities, orphanages, medicine factories and historic religious sites.
Statement by Christian leaders in Syria, 14 April 2018 Response to missile attacks by the USA, the UK and France
We, the Patriarchs, condemn and denounce the brutal aggression that took place this morning against our precious country Syria by the USA, France and the UK, under the allegations that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons. We raise our voices to affirm the following:
1. This brutal aggression is a clear violation of the international laws and the UN Charter, because it is an unjustified assault on a sovereign country, member of the UN.
2. It causes us great pain that this assault comes from powerful countries to which Syria did not cause any harm in any way.
3. The allegations of the USA and other countries that the Syrian army is using chemical weapons and that Syria is a country that owns and uses this kind of weapon, is a claim that is unjustified and unsupported by sufficient and clear evidence.
4. The timing of this unjustified aggression against Syria, when the independent International Commission for Inquiry was about to start its work in Syria, undermines of the work of this commission.
5. This brutal aggression destroys the chances for a peaceful political solution and leads to escalation and more complications.
6. This unjust aggression encourages the terrorist organizations and gives them momentum to continue in their terrorism.
7. We call upon the Security Council of the United Nations to play its natural role in bringing peace rather than contribute to escalation of wars.
8. We call upon all churches in the countries that participated in the aggression, to fulfil their Christian duties, according to the teachings of the Gospel, and condemn this aggression and to call their governments to commit to the protection of international peace.
9. We salute the courage, heroism and sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army which courageously protects Syria and provide security for its people. We pray for the souls of the martyrs and the recovery of the wounded. We are confident that the army will not bow before the external or internal terrorist aggressions; they will continue to fight courageously against terrorism until every inch of the Syrian land is cleansed from terrorism. We, likewise, commend the brave stand of countries which are friendly to Syria and its people.
We offer our prayers for the safety, victory, and deliverance of Syria from all kinds of wars and terrorism. We also pray for peace in Syria and throughout the world, and call for strengthening the efforts of the national reconciliation for the sake of protecting the country and preserving the dignity of all Syrians.
John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East Joseph Absi, Melkite-Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem Ignatius Aphrem II, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East
Meetings: Religious Leaders
Meeting extracts. Names are sometimes withheld in the interests of security in relation to reprisals by extremists.
Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, Grand Mufti, whose son was killed in the conflict
“We listen to BBC and we see your UK Prime Minister speaking about missiles. Please say to UK and Syrian people that your Government’s bombing of Syria was not right. I don’t want our people to hate your people. I wish your people would come to visit us and tell our stories.
“Some Syrians in UK are fanatics. They have killed people. I hear their voices on UK media. Please ask your Government not to embrace the terrorists. Dangerous Islamists are going back to the UK, including White Helmets.
“My message is this: In Syria, the Government and the people are one. There have been mistakes but these are not remedied by missiles.”
Mufti of Aleppo
“During the battle for Aleppo, the Western media only told one side of story, not what happened in Western Aleppo where a big price was paid: many people were killed, mosques, churches homes and other buildings destroyed.
“In this country we need reforms, like any country. But reforms don’t come with weapons. They are incompatible. We want reforms by talking – not weapons, which kill reforms.”
Other religious and community leaders, Damascus
“I say to the members of the UK House of Lords: ‘You must not just come here but do something. Help to rebuild Syria before it is too late.’
“I ask a question which we in Syria do not understand. We are fighting the terrorists. They wish to do away with all who are different. But whenever the Syrian Army is advancing over the terrorists we receive a strike from the US and Europe. We ask: ‘Are these governments in league with the terrorists?’
“We are sorry for your peoples who are believing what their governments are telling them. We know many of your people do disagree with their governments. It is time for Europeans to open their eyes.
“There was a need for reforms. But we didn’t think reform would come at such a high price. We never expected so much foreign intervention, which caused the violence to escalate.
“We Muslim and Christian leaders always meet. In our communities, Muslims and Christians live together. But those who want to change Syria and bring down the government want to change this. They hate the tolerance of our society. For them, communities should be at war with one another until there is only one left. What was good in Syrian society is being destroyed by civil war and encouraged by the western powers. We hope their peoples recognise this is an unfair war.”
Maronite Archbishop of Aleppo
“The problem is this: the truth is not told. Christ said ‘The truth will make you free’. The people in Europe are slaves of mainstream media which doesn’t tell truth. You should discover the truth and tell it.”
Roman Catholic Bishop, Aleppo
“In Aleppo, we had months without water. The terrorists tried to destroy our history of 2,000 years, with the theft of archaeological sites. They destroyed what they couldn’t steal. We hope you can help us to rebuild our heritage.
“Syria is a mosaic of different people. In West Aleppo, faith leaders, Muslim and Christian, are under threat. Before the kidnapping of the Bishops, four Muslim leaders were killed. Western media does not tell correctly what is happening in Syria. We have human rights and humanity, so we ask you to report the reality of our suffering and the injustice.
Armenian Protestant Church
“The Syrian Army is freeing much of Syria.
“Armenians are playing a positive role in defending Syria with prayer groups and helping IDPs with medical care in our polyclinics and dental clinics, where we work with six doctors, including Muslims and Arabs. We provide treatment free of charge; many of the patients are Muslims. We also provide school scholarships, clothes, food and books for school students.
“Syria is being attacked by many countries and we need to stay and support our country. Syria has values and attractions and a bright future. Christians need to play key role in peace building or Syria will become dominated by Saudi ideological Wahabis. Also, if we can help Iraq to become a place where fanatics do not take over, we must help the churches there to survive. What happens in Syria and Iraq is very significant for Europe. A Middle East without Christians is dangerous for Europe. Churches have been persecuted over history and survived; we hope to follow historical examples.”
Greek Catholic Priest
“Until Christmas in 2010 Syria was self-sufficient and safe. Everything was good. We were enjoying everything but the political situation was delicate.
“The Iraqi system collapsed because Sadam was a dictator and the people were not ready for democracy. In Syria, Bashar was effecting change from autocracy towards democracy. Bashar is very educated. He is the right person in the right place. He has helped to open Syria up for the people. For example, he introduced cell phones and computers, enabling communication with other countries. People like him. He is not ruling alone and does not agree with everyone. There may be a need to change personnel.
“We didn’t know some people hate our President. Then people came from many countries including UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, enticed by the promise of money, paid by Western countries, including the UK.
“The UK uses the weapons trade for its own interests. Your Government should have compassion. Interests and benefits should not be acquired at the expense of other people. In Syria, we have encouraged peace for centuries. And we don’t go to other countries and rip them apart.”
Remains of a Syrian Army tank
Meetings: Political Representatives
Hammouda Sabbagh, Speaker of Parliament
“The truth is, we’re fighting terrorists. But your Government is supporting them. At the start of war, terrorists were almost everywhere and now they are almost eliminated. Normal life continues in all Syrian cities and we won’t stop fighting until the terrorists are gone.”
Other Parliamentarians, representing diverse political parties, Damascus
“I’m from Homs and you will hear what happened and how the Syrian Government is rebuilding the town and restoring schools. I’m proud to be Syrian. Unfortunately much of the UK media is supporting aggression against Syria. They should be reporting the experiences of the people in many places where women were enslaved by ISIS; many lost their husbands; some families lost five children.”
“How you can help: stop sanctions; reopen your Embassy; stop attacking us and we can rebuild. We can rebuild our country ourselves.”
“Chemical weapons were found in Ghouta. There was fabrication in front of cameras. The media coverage showed only children and women; helpers were not wearing protective clothing; there was no real chemical attack in Douma. Syria destroyed all Chemical Weapons under supervision of OPCW. The allegations have nothing to do with reality.”
“We ask you to convey to your Government the need to respect international law. How can a great power justify aggression against a smaller power?”
“I came to Homs in 2013 with my wife and only daughter. Throughout every night, we heard explosions of mortar shells. Many civilians were living in city among armed groups. We saw few people on the streets. The hospitals were always busy with many dead and wounded. There were armed groups with weapons in the centre of the city. All the streets around the city centre were damaged because of missiles from the armed groups.
“We could still see children going to schools and the University had 20,000 students in spite of bombs.
Destruction in Homs
“When the militants left, we asked people to return. Some brought a candle for light. We have given what we could and life is returning to normal. There are now 800 schools. We are optimistic that we will be able to restore normal life with this Government. 21,000 people have returned and we hope there will soon be another 21,000.
Meetings: Local Communities
“On 15 August 2015, three car bombs attacked checkpoints and armed groups attacked our village. In the morning, I and my wife escaped on a motorbike. The terrorists kidnapped 280 people, all Christians; 70 were handicapped. Some were kept for one year until a Dutch organisation paid ransom.”
“In 2012, my husband, an agricultural engineer, was going to work and was shot.”
“I was hit with my brother in a car bomb four years ago and I lost one leg. My brother also lost a leg. Another brother was kidnapped five years ago and we still don’t know if he is alive.”
“My husband was a taxi driver and was kidnapped with his car four years ago. I still don’t know where he is or if he is alive.”
“My husband was kidnapped three years ago; also a taxi driver. Thousands have been kidnapped.”
“My town was invaded by Jihadists who killed so many people, including 45 people in one day, before the Syrian Army rescued us.”
“We lived on a chicken farm and every day my husband used to walk away from the farm to throw away dead chickens. He was killed by a mine.”
“I was kidnapped by ISIS with three cows. I was tortured and humiliated. I was freed after three months. Now I suffer from an injured back and can’t work. Our house was destroyed and we live with my in-laws.”
Gym teacher, Homs
Pharmacist and President of Orphanage, Homs
Local man, Aleppo, a victim of kidnapping
Local man, Aleppo, a victim of kidnapping
Meetings: Musicians, Artists and Intellectuals
“The Syrian Army is winning on the ground. It would be illogical for them to use Chemical Weapons.
Opposition journalist, Damascus
Former judge, Damascus
Former director, Syrian TV
Tom Duggan, Anglo Syrian Press, Damascus
“Two months ago Damascus suffered serious missiles attacks from jihadists in East Ghouta using new warheads and cluster bombs, white phosphorus and napalm. Damascus has been shelled incessantly from Dhouma, targeting hospitals, schools, and even busy crossroads. Large numbers of people have been killed and injured.
“In East Ghouta there are munitions factories and chemical factories using white phosphorus and napalm. There is a foundry making small to large mortars. Everything is booby trapped. 3,000 hostages were taken to Dhouma. They were used as slave labour to dig tunnels. Only 200 of those 3,000 survived. Their release was negotiated as part of an agreement for the evacuation of jihadist militants. 12 buses of terrorists passed us, free, with rifles. In East Ghouta, jihadists shelled people as escaping.
“The White Helmets were set up in Turkey in 2014. James Le Mesurier, contractor to FCO, founded a medical organisation but many staff not trained medics. They only have pain killers and propaganda.”
“In 2016, the University Hospital and other hospitals were destroyed with 29,000 casualties including 4,000 children. Sanctions deeply affect care and need to be lifted.”
“The terrorists and other armed groups carried out massive destruction. The medical sector was deliberately destroyed, including the University Hospital from which they stole millions of dollars of equipment. Missiles were launched by terrorists on another hospital not far from here. Three women in childbirth were killed as well as female doctors and nurses. Many doctors and health workers were killed going to work and at work in hospitals.
Deputy President of the University of Aleppo
Lawyer representing Governor of Aleppo
“Our message is one of national unity – it is a symbol of reality. Please take this truth to your people and your Government.”
“Syria is a source of civilisation. Of the five oldest inhabited cities in the world, three are in Syria.
1: Unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity are priorities under the leadership of the President who is committed to a united Syria.
2. Survival of Eastern Christianity. We fear it will become extinct.3. Reforms are needed. There is corruption in country, state, religious arenas, everywhere. But there is corruption in every country. We can achieve reform, given appropriate remedies.
“If terrorists attack London, you require research to know what reality happened. Europeans are more civilised than us. So why do you not investigate the whole truth and only listen to one side? Why not come to visit us? The ethics of Western politics are deteriorating.
Meetings: Saidnaya
His Holiness the Patriarch and the clergy described how nuns and other Christians prayed, whilst anticipating an attack by ISIS. The prayer focussed on two priorities: Forgiveness for those who were attacking them; and that they would not deny their faith whatever happened to them.
Meetings: Maaloula
The town is being rebuilt and people are being encouraged to return.
Zakia told us: “We were in the village when the war started. We had to flee and could not return for eight months. When we returned, we found Al Nusra had stolen everything and destroyed homes and churches. Our homes were burnt and we were left with nothing.”
Marie has four children. One is studying at university but also works as a teacher because there is an acute shortage of teachers. Another son is studying engineering. Her husband works in stone-dressing the walls in construction work.
Meetings: Camp for IDPs from El Ghouta
“This Accommodation Centre serves 5,000 IDPs who arrived on 16 March. The Government made this and other Centres available. Many NGOs are working here, together with the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Syrian Red Crescent, UNICEF and ICRC. The Syrian Army provides security and the Ministry of Education provides education. This is only a temporary stay until the people can return to homes. They are here while we check their records. If any are found to have a bad record, we discuss their details and we are working on reconciliation. Many have homes which have been destroyed. Work is being undertaken to rebuild them.”
Spring Flowers, a symbol of hope in Homs
We also wish to record our profound gratitude to all who shared their experiences and concerns, especially those for whom such sharing involved the pain of recounting tragic personal accounts of their suffering.
We hope that we will do justice to them and that our report will increase understanding of the current situation in Syria, promoting more responses from the international community which are sensitive to the needs of the people, their yearning to be allowed to determine their own future, to rebuild the land, to restore their rich cultural heritage and to maintain the pluralism which has been their cherished tradition over so many centuries.
All images in this article are from the authors.
Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.
Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes the mainstream media narratives on Syria.
Voices from Syria
ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6
Author: Mark Taliano
Year: 2017
Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)
List Price: $17.95
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