Violence and Dispossession in the Holy Land at Christmas

In-depth Report:

Another season of Zionist violence and dispossession in the Holy Land.

This Christmas, as every year since 1948, Jewish and Christian Zionists will continue the catastrophe that already violently destroyed hundreds of Arab villages and forced three quarters of a million civilians to become refugees in their own land. 

A catastrophe that continues to this day, courtesy of an American congress that cares nothing for human rights or justice at this time of Christian celebration as it increases its arms shipments to the military occupier of the West Bank and East Jerusalem to over US$6billion a year under the political pressure of AIPAC and its affiliated lobby groups.

As tourists cavort themselves upon the beach at Tel Aviv, the rest of the world sings Christmas carols to the glory of God; praising peace and goodwill to all men. But not in the Holy Land where darkness and death still pervade every corner of the Israeli-occupied, Palestinian lands.

For here there is no light, save for the flashing fire of a US-Israeli tank-shell destroying another home and another family, as God weeps yet again at another Zionist season of violence and inhumanity to mankind, this Christmas.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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