Video: Naomi Wolf: The Vaccine, Pandemics, Women, and Gender Development

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Naomi Wolf, researcher and best selling author, shares what she and her team uncovered in the court ordered document release from Pfizer.


Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age

By Naomi Wolf

Publisher: ‎ Chelsea Green Publishing (November 9, 2023)

Language: ‎ English

Paperback: ‎ 240 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 1645022366

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1645022367


“When Western leaders abandoned reason and embraced the ideology of force several years ago, Naomi Wolf was one of few who understood instantly what was happening. She decided to tell the full truth about it all the time, no matter what. The result has been a thrilling inspiration to those of us who’ve followed it, and for the first time is collected here in one place. Read Facing the Beast to understand what bravery looks like.”―Tucker Carlson

“In the crisis of our lives and of everything we call civilization, Naomi Wolf has been a prescient observer, a keen analyst, and brave fighter for truth and freedom. Everything in her life and career prepared her for this moment. We all owe her a debt of gratitude for what she has done and continues to do for the great cause. Like her last book, Facing the Beast stands as a testament to truth in times gone mad.”―Jeffrey Tucker, president, Brownstone Institute

“Today’s world has been constructed to divide us. Naomi Wolf has seen through the lies and deception. In her personal journey, described in Facing the Beast, she unequivocally came to understand the universal principle―that all of humanity is connected. Dr. Wolf fights for our God-given rights and freedoms. I am honored to call her friend.”―Edward Dowd, author of Cause Unknown

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