Video: Secret Service Director Confirms Shooter Given 16 Seconds to Fire Off Rounds at Trump


Joe Biden’s health and a possible coup in the Democratic Party. (0:03)

Assassination with 10 shots fired, gaps between rounds, and updated information on shooter locations. (5:06)

Audio analysis of five rifle shots in Pittsburgh. (10:27)

Secret Service inaction during JFK assassination attempt. (25:27)

Assassination attempt on President Trump, with focus on Secret Service involvement and lack of recordings. (39:08)

Potential cyber attacks and their impact on America’s infrastructure. (51:13)

Joe Biden’s resignation, internal coup speculation, and reference to “Weekend at Bernie’s” movie. (59:09)

Possible motives behind recent political events and assassination attempt on Trump. (1:06:29)

Potential cyber attack on US banking system to reset economy and debt. (1:13:04)

Political lawlessness and potential military intervention. (1:27:45)

Analyzing news and evaluating sources in a world of propaganda. (1:41:09)

Assassination attempt on President Trump, conspiracy theories, and political unrest. (1:44:36)

US political chaos and international implications. (1:51:20)

Joe Biden’s health and potential replacement as president. (1:58:07)


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Articles by: Mike Adams

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