Video: “Saving Ukraine”: NATO Prepares for War

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In June, as soon as the counteroffensive began, Ukraine’s military intelligence claimed that the army had almost run out of its Soviet era 152mm artillery ammunition and was forced to use NATO standard 155mm shells. These claims caused large stir in NATO, which began actively looking for ammunition for poor Ukraine.

In fact, Kiev’s Western patrons have been supplying Ukraine with shells nonstop and Kiev even launched its large counteroffensive despite the alleged shortage.

Washington, referring to the depletion of conventional ammunition from the Ukrainian military, sent dangerous cluster munitions to Kiev. However, on July 19, conventional 152-mm artillery shells were already included in the next package of US aid. At the same time, Washington announced that it was going to increase the production of ammunition.

London proudly declared that it had delivered 15 times more “critical” artillery ammunition to Ukraine than it had planned a year ago, more than 200 thousand rounds instead of 16 thousand.

The French Europlasma group’s subsidiary Les Forges de Tarbes has reportedly concluded two contracts with the Ukroboronprom Group for the production of 155-mm artillery shells for Ukraine. In 2022, the capacities of military the industrial facilities in Tarbes were drastically increased with investment of about 15 million euros over three years.

Even Bulgaria, which officially refused to produce shells for Ukraine, claiming that it has no necessary facilities, has been supplying artillery ammunition through the third party countries. According to documents published in the US, it turned out that Sofia had been supplying 155-mm shells to Washington since the very beginning of hostilities.

These are just some of the efforts being made by NATO countries to allegedly support Ukraine.

In its turn, Kiev declares its desires to shoot 18 thousand 152 / 155mm caliber rounds per day; but it only can use 4 thousand.

Despite the loud claims, the pace of production in the US and Europe leaves much to be desired. Currently producing about 20 thousand shells per month, Washington plans to increase this number up to 70 thousand. The EU wants to reach the production goal of one million shells of all calibers per year. These are largely assessed to be pretty odious plans. Moreover, not all shells will be sent to the Ukrainian army.

According to the most optimistic forecasts, NATO will be able to provide Ukraine with a combined total of 130 thousand 152 / 155mm shells per month that is only 10 percent more than Ukraine is shooting now.

The West has no goal to lead Ukraine to victory but rather to only prolong the conflict.

The international hype with the search for shells for Ukraine is aimed not at arming the Ukrainian army, but at strengthening the capacities of NATO itself, which is preparing for war with Russia, since the Ukrainian army has demonstrated its impotence on the battlefield.


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Articles by: South Front

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