Video: Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. Michel Chossudovsky
First published on March 23, 2023
We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people.
Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the global crisis (2020-2023) –which is ongoing– has literally disrupted and destroyed people’s lives Worldwide in the course of the last three years.
The scale and complexity of the 2020-2023 Global Economic and Social Crisis far surpasses all previous “depressions” including the 2007-2009 Recession which was categorized as the most serious economic meltdown since the Great Depression of 1929.
Everything is interrelated starting with the Covid pandemic, the mRNA vaccine, the powers of Big Pharma, global governance, corrupt governments, the destabilization of the Nation State, the war in Ukraine, media disinformation, the demise of international diplomacy, the threat of nuclear war.
There are many complex features underlying the global economic crisis pertaining to financial markets, the decline in production, the collapse of State institutions and the rapid development of a profit-driven war economy.
The sugar coated bullets of the “free market” are killing our children. The act to kill is instrumented in a detached fashion through engineered derivative trade on the New York and Chicago mercantile exchanges, where the global prices of basic food staples including rice, wheat and corn are decided upon.
“Institutional speculators” including hedge funds are involved in the deliberate manipulation of equity and currency markets.
Poverty is not solely the result of policy failures at a national level. People in different countries are being impoverished simultaneously as a result of a global market mechanism. A small number of financial institutions and global corporations have the ability to determine, through market manipulation, the standard of living of millions of people around the World.
What is rarely mentioned is how this global economic restructuring forcibly impinges on three fundamental necessities of life: food, water and fuel.
Access to Food, Water and Energy pertains to the “Reproduction of Real Life” which is the very basis of human civilization.
“Reproduction of Real Life” is not limited to “Basic Human Needs” (e.g. privatization of water, reproduction of the agricultural cycle). It also pertains to the concurrent reproduction of the institutions of civil society including schools and universities, science, knowledge, social and family relations, the structures of the nation state, justice, culture, history, international relations, all of which are currently in jeopardy.
VIDEO: Michel Chossudovsky Interview with Caroline Mailloux
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