Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab
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First published on September 20, 2021 updated February 20, 2022, November 15, 2022
Author’s Note and Updates
In April 2021 prime Minister Justin Trudeau was allegedly vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vector viral vaccine.
A second dose was administered in July 2021.
In June 2022, Justin Trudeau tested positive for Covid-19. “I feel ok because I got my shots”. Sounds weird. Arn’t the shots intended to protect you from contracting Covid-19?
This was the second time, Trudeau has tested positive for Covid-19.
The first time was back in February 2022, when he ordered a violent and brutal police operation against the Freedom Convoy 2022 which was challenging the legitimacy of the government’s decision to impose the Covid-19 vaccine on cross-border truckers, federal government employees and “anyone wishing to board a plane, bus, or train”.
In recent developments November 9, 2022, he was allegedly vaccinated for the so-called Covid-19 booster and flu shot in an Ottawa Pharmacy.
This was broadcast, visibly as part of a public relations stunt.
My question is: Has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau been Duly Vaccinated?
I certainly have doubts. Read the report below.
Nurses, Doctors, Health Professionals: review the video.
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 18, 2022, September 18 2022, November 15, 2022
In April 2021, Prime Minister Trudeau was allegedly vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vector viral vaccine. A second dose was administered in July 2021.
Below is the video of Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie receiving their first Covid vaccine jab.
Scroll down to the third video which provides concrete analysis by a Registered Nurse.
Two months later in July 2021, Justin Trudeau takes his second jab, this time it’s the Moderna Inc. vaccine.
It’s the same nurse. The procedure is similar.
A Registered Nurse (RN) has carefully reviewed the first video of Prime Minister Trudeau and his wife’s vaccination jab which was broadcast on network TV.
Reporters were present. It was a carefully planned public relations event.
The Registered Nurse (RN) expressed doubts on the authenticity of Trudeau’s vaccination.
Specific and routine procedures pertaining to inoculation including “Landmarking” are normally applied. The inoculation of Trudeau and his wife did not conform to regular procedures.
“Nobody does it that way” with one hand, says the registered nurse. Watch the video below or click this.
(Thanks to Armstrong Economics for bringing the video to our attention)
No Landmarking was implemented, the alleged nurse in the video above is doing it with one hand. “Nobody does it that way”.
Landmarking applied to inoculations is defined as “an area or point on a soft tissue used as a point of reference for measurements of the body or its parts.”
In the video, the Registered Nurse (RN) compares the procedure applied to Justin Trudeau and his wife to that routinely applied to patients receiving a vaccine injection.
In every single case of patients receiving the vaccine, landmarking is applied. “That is the proper way to give it”.
“Zero landmarking” applied to Justin Trudeau. She does not use her second hand. Visibly the alleged nurse who vaccinated Justin Trudeau did not have the required skills.
According to the RN, they made three key errors when they were “acting their scenario”.
#1. Zero Landmarking,
# 2. Zero Aspirating of Syringe, to avoid inoculating into a blood vessel which can cause serious medical issues.
#3 One Hand. Threw that Needle in Like it was a Dart.
“This was Acting”.
“Lots of Red Flags”.
“Bad Acting Justin”.
“Obviously Fake” according to the Registered Nurse.
Yet to be verified and corroborated, the registered nurse expresses doubts regarding the authenticity of the vaccine Jab received by Justin Trudeau. While there is no proof, what the RN’s investigation nonetheless confirms is that the person who undertook the inoculation did not have the required skills.
Across Canada, nurses will no doubt express their concern and confirm: ” that’s not the way it is done”.
The media which covered Trudeau’s vaccination including CBC, CTV did not bat an eyelid.
The Right to Informed Consent
At the time of writing, the Vaccine Passport is being imposed on Canadians in derogation of fundamental human rights including the Right to “Informed Consent”.
Canadians have been denied the Right to Informed Consent, in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Nuremberg Code.
Amply documented (although not revealed by Health Canada to Canadians), the experimental mRNA vaccine has resulted in countless deaths and injuries Worldwide.
The latest official figures (September 15, 2021) point to approximately: 40,666 mRNA vaccine reported and registered deaths in the EU, UK and US (combined) and 6.6 Million reported “adverse events”. Click here for details. (When accounting for unreported cases, the real figures (deaths and adverse events) are are at least ten times higher when compared to the official reported and registered figures.
Canada’s Vaccine Passport
This investigation by the Registered Nurse is of utmost significance. There are far-reaching political implications.
While the RN’s report does not prove that Trudeau has not been vaccinated, the matter should nonetheless be the object of further investigation.
No jab, no job! Thousands of unvaccinated employees including health workers and teachers are now being threatened. While demanding that Canadians from coast to coast be vaccinated, one might beg the question: has the Prime Minister of Canada been duly vaccinated?
Moreover, if Trudeau has not been vaccinated, there can be no double standards. The (illegal) restrictions applied to the “non-vaccinated” at the provincial level should also apply to Justin Trudeau. According to the Ontario government:
“Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required to access non-essential businesses in Ontario starting Sept. 22 [2021]. [and that should also apply to Justin Trudeau].Those eligible for a vaccine certificate must have both doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine… The Ontario government said there are two valid medical exemptions to getting the vaccine.” (CTV news, emphasis added)
While Canadians have been misled and misinformed, one would assume that the Prime Minister is fully aware of the devastating health risks pertaining to the experimental vaccine.
Did Justin Trudeau avail himself of the Right to Informed Consent while refusing that same Right to Canadians in violation of our Constitution?
Why on earth would Justin Trudeau not wish to get vaccinated?
Ask Bill Gates.
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