Video: Corruption, Cooptation, Cronyism: The Hillary Clinton “Takeover”, The “Counter-Coup”, Action of America’s Intelligence Community
Global Research Editor’s Note
The following video presentation is by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who has served as foreign policy expert in several US administrations including Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
The analysis and focus presented below must be taken very seriously. It sheds light on the ongoing political crisis in the US and the opposition which is developing from within the US intelligence community against the Clinton crime cabal. Steve Piecznick is articulate and outspoken.
According to Steve Piecznick,
“Hillary and Bill Clinton are attempting a takeover of the United States and will stop at nothing.
A coup d’état of this magnitude has never been affected in such a subtly calculated way.”
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 2, 2016
The following is from Steve Piecznick’s blogsite:
America Thanks the Brave FBI Special Agents who Forced Director Comey to Reopen the HRC Corruption Case!
By now, everyone is in a tizzy over James Comey re-opening the scandalous email case of the ignoble HRC. As usual, the media has inferred all types of reasons why Comey just found new evidence concerning HRC on Uma Abedin’s personal computer. Yes, the same device which her husband, ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, had been using to sex-text a fifteen year old girl in North Carolina. Yet, the press and HRC’s not-too-bright team missed the entire dynamic of this unusual situation.
Recently, I have pointed out that our brave men and women in the intelligence community [IC], especially at the FBI and certain highly skilled police departments have forced James Comey to re-open the HRC investigation.
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