Video: Russia’s Aerospace Forces in Northern Syria

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Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) are keeping busy by continuing their strike activity from August into September.

In the early hours of September 6, the VKS bombarded militant hideouts near the villages of Kansafrah, al-Fterah and Ain Larouz in the Jabal al-Zawiyah region in the southern countryside of Idlib.

On the previous day, strikes targeted the towns of al-Bara, Kafryadin and Sheikh Sndian in Idlib, as well as Kabani in Lattakia.

In al-Bara, one of the airstrikes hit a target located right next to an observation post of the Turkish military.

Sources close to the al-Qaeda-linked Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de-facto ruler of Greater Idlib, claimed that the VKS strikes were a response to a recent incident.

According to these unconfirmed claims, HTS’s special forces and snipers killed three soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army’s elite 25th Special Forces Division and a Russian service member who attempted to infiltrate the frontline.

On September 4th, VKS strikes hit many of the same positions, such as fortified posts, trenches and tunnels near the towns of Kansafra, Ain La Rose, al-Bara and Urum al-Jawz in the al-Zawiya Mountain area.

Russian warplanes have been pounding militants’ positions in Greater Idlib daily for several weeks.

This deterrence, however, is not working as on September 3rd, HTS carried out 35 shelling attacks from Greater Idlib, according to the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria.

At least three service members of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were wounded.

The SAA also return fire on a regular basis, alongside the VKS’ airstrikes.

On September 6th, Syrian artillery hit militant positions in Kansafra in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib.

The situation in Greater Idlib is likely to remain tense and the exchanges of fire will continue.

The SAA and VKS continue targeting militant positions in Syria’s Idlib on a daily basis, while HTS and the other so-called “moderate opposition” groups continue violating the ceasefire.

Turkey and Russia signed the ceasefire agreement back in March of 2020, and Ankara’s forces, the militants it backs and the HTS-led militants in Greater Idlib have not kept it for a single day since then.

Turkey’s interests are also being continuously targeted, as on September 5th, an explosion took place in the outskirts of the city of Afrin, which is under the control of Turkish forces and their proxy factions.

Following the explosion, the Turkish-backed factions were put on high alert.

They then immediately accused the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Kurdish factions of carrying out the attack.


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