Video: “War Made Easy”. “Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction”
After 20 Years, Will US News Media Finally Admit Its Craven Complicity in Iraq War?

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This clip is adapted from the critically acclaimed documentary “War Made Easy,” produced in 2007 by the Media Education Foundation at the height of the Iraq war. “War Made Easy” takes a blistering look at how U.S. media outlets from Fox News to MSNBC enthusiastically disseminated Bush administration propaganda and helped sell a war that would kill thousands of American troops and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, most of them innocent civilians.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War, the RootsAction Education Fund will be hosting a virtual screening of “War Made Easy” on Monday, March 20, at 6:45 pm ET., followed by a live panel presentation at 8 pm ET.
Panelists will include Kathy Kelly, President of the Board of World BEYOND War and co-coordinator of Ban Killer Drones; Dennis Kucinich, former U.S. Congressman; David Swanson, campaign coordinator of RootsAction and Executive Director of World BEYOND War; Norman Solomon, national director of RootsAction and author of “War Made Easy,” the book that the documentary was based on; India Walton, senior strategic organizer with RootsAction Education Fund and director of Roots Action Civic Engagement in Buffalo; and Marcy Winograd, coordinator of CodePink Congress and co-chair of the Peace in Ukraine Coalition.
You also have the option to watch the documentary online any time before March 24, courtesy of the Media Education Foundation, here.
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