U.S. Wars… Gaza! Lebanon! Now China Is in the Crosshairs – Unless We Mobilize Against the Propaganda

US plans are always war, destruction, and profit! Can we break free?

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The U.S. Congress just approved 25 anti-Chinese laws with bipartisan votes. A massive spend of $1.6 billion of our tax dollars to pay for a wave of anti-China propaganda. Cold War fervor is reaching fever pitch. Why? If you know the corporate media and both political parties lie about Palestine, why believe their lies about China? 

This full day event, on Sunday, Sept. 29, will discuss why China is in the crosshairs of U.S. imperialism. Speakers will compare China’s approach of aiding development for the Global South, support for national liberation movements and the U.S. approach of endless wars, repression and sanctions.

In-person in New York City and live-streamed 

Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024 10AM-6PM


Many organizations have come together to counter the rising tide of anti-China propaganda and direct war preparation. Hear eyewitness reports on the extraordinary achievements of Chinese socialism over the past 75 years. Discuss the significance of the Africa Summit and the recent meeting of all the Palestinian organizations in China, why workers should oppose a war on China and more.

Register now for in-person seating for a sliding-scale price.

Or watch online for FREE. Online viewers must also register to receive the link.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Gerald Horne – Author and Historian
  • Zhang Weiwei – Director, China Institute, Fudan University
  • Danny Haiphong – Journalist and Co-Founder of Friends of Socialist China
  • Margaret Kimberley – Executive Editor, Black Agenda Report
  • Larry Holmes – First Secretary, Workers World Party
  • Mick Kelly – Political Secretary, Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • Lee Siu Hin – Director, China/US Solidarity Network
  • Omowale Clay – International Secretariat, December 12th Movement
  • Victor Gao – Chair, Professor of Soochow University
  • Ken Hammond – Party for Socialism and Liberation, Author of multiple books on China
  • Radhika Desai – Convenor, International Manifesto Group
  • Charles Xu – Qiao Collective,
  • Mushahid Hussain – Senator and Chair, Pakistan – China Institute,
  • Michael Wong – Veterans for Peace Nat’l Board, VFP China Working Group,
  • KJ Noh – Journalist and Analyst of the geopolitics of the Asia Pacific region,
  • Sara Flounders – International Action Center, Friends of Socialist China,
  • Dee Knight – DSA International Committee’s China/Asia Subcommittee,
  • Sharon Black – East Coast Co-Coordinator of Struggle/La Lucha,
  • Bahman Azad – President, US Peace Council,
  • Creighton Ward – Qiao Collective,
  • Julie Tang – “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition, Co-Founder of Pivot to Peace,
  • Ju-Hyun Park – Nodutdol for Korean Community Development,
  • Arjae Red – Union Organizer – Visit to Xinjiang,
  • Arnold August – Journalist and Author, Visit to Xizang (Tibet),
  • Monica Moorehead, Managing Editor, Workers World newspaper,
  • Ashaki Binta -Founding Member of Black Workers League,
  • Henry Hakamaki  -Iskra Books, Hosts Guerrilla History podcast

Register now for limited in-person seating for a sliding scale price.

Please make donations at this same link. Eventbrite: click here.

Or watch online for FREE by pre-registering at this Zoom link


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Articles by: Workers World

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