U.S. Doubles Uranium Imports from Russia. Where are the Sanctions?

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The United States’ uranium purchases from Russia have doubled since last year. The U.S. bought 416 tons of uranium from Russia in the first half of the year, more than double the amount for the same period in 2022 and the highest level since 2005.
Considering the U.S. rulers’ continual demonization of Russia, this seems strange to say the least. RIA Novosti reported on the uranium purchases Thursday, citing data from the U.S. statistical service. Russia is supplying the U.S. only with enriched uranium, a critical component for civil nuclear power generation, according to a report by RT.
RIA calculations show that Washington’s rulers paid $696.5 million for uranium deliveries from Russia, marking the highest value since 2002. Over the first half of the year, the cost of supplies increased by 2.5 times, and Russia’s share of American imports increased by 13 percentage points to 32%.
Germany and Canada were also in the top five uranium suppliers to the U.S. market, accounting for 13% and 11% of imports respectively. According to a recent New York Times report, roughly a third of enriched uranium used in the US is imported from Russia. GHS Climate, a clean-energy consulting company, states that one out of every 20 American homes and businesses was powered by Russian uranium last year.
Nearly half of the world’s enriched uranium is produced in Russia, and U.S. efforts to reduce its reliance on imports from the country have so far failed. American enrichment plants were shut down after the Cold War as it was significantly cheaper for importers to buy Russian uranium. Currently, only two US facilities – one in Ohio and the other in New Mexico – are licensed to produce high-grade nuclear fuel. -RT
Back in January, The Washington Post reported that if sanctions are imposed on Rosatom, Russia’s civilian nuclear firm, it could cut off exports of uranium to the U.S. and European nuclear industry. U.S. reliance on Russian nuclear fuel is substantial, but American companies have some options if Rosatom is hit with sanctions.
It looks like the U.S. is always trying to work around the rules it creates.
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Featured image is from energy.gov