US Cyberwar on Russia?
On Saturday, Tass reported what looks like Washington’s dirty handiwork, perhaps complicit with its NATO allies, saying:
Russia’s “Federal Security Service (FSB) revealed virus software for cyber-spying in computer networks of about 20 organizations located in Russia.”
The attack targeted “information resources of the state authorities, scientific and defense companies, enterprises of the defense industry and other objects of the country’s critically important infrastructures.”
(C)learly, it was a targeted virus spread, planned and made professionally. Specialists say the malicious software, judging by the style of programming, names of files, parameters of their use and by methods, is similar to the software, which was used in much-spoken-about earlier revealed cyber-spying, revealed both in territory of the Russian Federation and around the globe.
The newest sets of the said software are made individually for every ‘victim,’ on the basis of unique features of attacked machines.
The virus is spread by target attacks on computers by sending an electronic message, containing a malicious attachment.
As the software gets inside the system, it launches necessary modules and becomes able to intercept the network traffic, listen to it, make screenshots, turn on web cameras and PC microphones, mobile devices, to record audio and video files, reports on use of keys and so forth.
Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), ministries and authorities are taking all necessary steps to minimize damage and restore targeted agencies to proper working order.
An FSB statement said operations infected include “IT assets of government offices, scientific and military organizations, defense companies, and other parts of the nation’s crucial infrastructure…”
Cyberattacking Russia followed hacked DNC emails, revealing electoral rigging to anoint Hillary party nominee – Moscow baselessly blamed, no evidence presented suggesting its involvement.
An attack this sophisticated and extensive had to have been planned long before DNC emails were hacked, a convenient pretext to launch it.
Provocative US anti-Russian policies perhaps now include cyberwar. Did Washington declare war on Russia (as well as China) without anyone noticing, paying attention or reporting it?
Will things turn red hot if Hillary succeeds Obama?
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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