Undemocratic Dems Cave In on US “Government Shutdown”
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High moral, ethical and legal standards are absent in the Washington swamp.
Both right wings of federal duopoly governance share guilt for a corrupted system too debauched to fix.
A self-serving bipartisan class runs things – responsible for inflicting enormous harm on millions of people at home and abroad.
The only way to change what’s unfixable is by abolishing the system and starting over – rebelling for the common good. No other alternative can work.
Elections maintain continuity – the abysmal status quo, things worsening with each new administration and Congress.
Washington is a bipartisan cesspool, a fantasy democracy, contemptuous of right over wrong, supporting privileged interests, ignoring the general welfare.
Federal government shutdown followed congressional failure to pass a budget for the current fiscal year.
For nearly four months, government operated under continuing resolutions – unacceptable short-term fixes, another signed into law on Monday after a farcical three-day shutdown.
Trump’s signature kicked the can down the road until February 8 when another shutdown looms if budget agreement isn’t reached.
This is no way to run government anywhere. Continuing resolutions are shameful, a game of chicken to see who blinks first.
Inability to agree on a budget is one of numerous examples of dysfunctional governance in Washington.
Shutdown occurred over immigrant rights issues, notably Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), letting undocumented immigrants entering America as minors receive renewable deferred action from deportation, along with work permit eligibility.
Around 850,000 “Dreamers” are affected. Some estimates put their number at 1.7 million human beings deserving equitable treatment – not thrown under the bus for political reasons.
Deporting them would be unconscionable. Most arrived as very young children. They know no other country than America, its language and customs. They deserve respect and citizenship, not banishment to a foreign land.
On Monday, undemocratic Dem Minority Leader Schumer caved to GOP hardliners – abandoning protection for Dreamers.
“Big win for Republicans as Democrats cave on Shutdown,” Trump tweeted.
The Wall Street Journal added:
“Nor did they get a promise that the Senate will approve their desired change, nor did they get any commitment from House Republicans to do anything at all.”
A Journal editorial said Schumer betrayed Dems running for reelection in “Trump states (to) “placate his progressive base, and then he caved on the shutdown and ended up with the approval of neither.”
Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founder Stephanie Taylor blasted Schumer and other undemocratic Dems, saying:
“These weak Democrats hurt the party brand for everyone and make it harder to elect Democrats everywhere in 2018.”
United We Dream executive director Cristina Jimenez said members of her organization are “outraged.” Dems “are not resisting Trump. They are enablers.”
Progressive activist group CREDO political director Murshed Zaheed called Schumer “the worst negotiator in Washington – even worse than Trump,” adding:
“Any plan to protect Dreamers that relies on the word of serial liars like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, or Donald Trump is doomed to fail.”
Democracy for America executive director Charles Chamberlain said
“(a) promise from known liars Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, or Donald Trump isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, yet despite that fact, most Senate Democrats, including…Schumer, voted to allow Donald Trump to continue to subject an ever growing number of Dreamers to lives threatened by deportation from the only home they’ve ever known. (Dems) stand for nothing.”
They’re all self-serving serial liars on both sides of the isle, undemocratic Dems as bad as Republicans, Zaheed and Chamberlain failed to explain.
Monday shenanigans in Washington reflected another example of how deplorable governance in the nation’s capital works.
Privileged interests alone are served, others exploited, mistreated and otherwise ill-served so they can benefit hugely – including from the spoils of endless wars of aggression.
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the CRG, Correspondent of Global Research based in Chicago.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”