”Ukraine Faces Fake Elections, Poroshenko Must Leave!”
At the end of March, the first round of the presidential elections will take place in Ukraine, and not everyone is happy about it. The international petition called ”Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!” was launched on 12.3 and over 5,500 people have signed the petition by the site’s public counter, but the total number of signatures are already well over 10,000 signatures in the petition starters database.
The western mainstream media are relaying a positive image of the situation in Ukraine and persuading that ”fair and democratic elections” are taking place there, but for many, the narrative of the western news propaganda fails in face of truth and reality.
”You can cheat everyone for a while, but you can’t cheat everyone all the time,” says the starter of the popular petition, ”Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!”, a finish journalist, Janus Putkonen. “Unfortunately, elections in Ukraine are fake elections”, he says.
By the end of the first week, the private voluntary action has grown to the international level and the English petition has already been translated to nine (9) languages by activists. The message of the petition is loud and clear:
”We don’t recognize the fake elections in Ukraine!”
”Is it democracy when millions of Ukrainian citizens have been denied their basic civil right to vote in the elections?” Putkonen reminds that millions of Ukrainian citizens living in Russia and Donbass have no right to vote.
He also expresses concern about the safety of all Ukrainians.
”Ultranationalist troops are patrolling the streets of Ukrainian cities. The notorious ”Azov” Batallion, which was accused of war crimes and carries Nazi symbols, has received an official accreditation to observe the elections. The commander of these election observers announced in public, that his troops will not hesitate to use violence, in the name of justice. And at the same time international observers, even members of OSCE, have been denied accreditation”, Putkonen says.
According to the Finnish journalist, every day something new and alarming appears in the mass media about the coming elections. The main problems are related to the overwhelming corruption.
”60 million voting ballots have been printed by the Ukrainian Central Election Commission(*1), but there are only 35 million people voters, in contrast with several millions of Ukrainians who were denied their right to vote. So, question is, how these tens of millions of extra ballots will be used?”, Putkonen asks.
Putkonen says, that there are 39 presidential candidates, but according to the widely known information, most of them are paid to support some of the leading candidates, who are oligarchs or are put forward by oligarch-billionaires. At the same time, poor people are paid to show their support and vote for particular candidates. Organization of paid campaigning is at the top of the election show around Ukraine.
”And who are these leading presidential oligarch-candidates, who own and control the Ukrainian media? They all serve western geopolitical interests, anti-Russian agenda, which is dictated mainly by American globalist agents in occupied Kiev”, Putkonen says.
It should be noted, that according to the results of a survey of Kiev International Institute of Sociology (*2), 57 % of Ukrainians have a good or very good attitude towards Russia, and 77 % to the Russians. But none of the presidential candidates represents the major views of Ukrainians.
Putkonen says, that the elections in Ukraine are not meant to make any changes to the issue that is the biggest concern of all Ukrainians – the civil war in Donbass.
”Most of the presidential candidates are anti-Russians and are connected to the Kiev’s ‘war-party’, led by Petro Poroshenko, who is responsible for killing thousands of peaceful people and children in Donbass. As we know, and the international observers and organizations also know (*3), there have never been Russian armed forces in Donbass. But as the political orders and geopolitical agenda rules still exist, that is why the civil war against the Russian population in Ukraine continues”, Putkonen says.
The petition demands from the Ukrainian government to make diplomatical efforts in order to resolve the conflict in Donbass in accordance with the signed Minsk Agreements and commitment of all the presidential candidates to it.
”It’s time to stop the bloody civil war in Donbass, which has seriously undermined the stability of Europe. To achieve peace, we must restore democracy and civil rights by creating international pressure to get the necessary changes in the government of Ukraine. For this purpose, Poroshenko and his junta must leave!”, Putkonen concludes.
Click here to read the petition.
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Janus Putkonen is a Finnish journalist and author of the popular international petition, “Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!”.
1) https://strana.ua/news/188891-tsik-sobiraetsja-napechatat-v-dva-raza-bolshe-izbiratelnykh-bjulletenej-chem-neobkhodimo.html
2) https://www.kiis.com.ua/?lang=rus&cat=reports&id=795
3) https://ria.ru/20190213/1550770869.html