Video: Tucker Carlson Reacts to Joe Biden Dropping Out


America’s presidential election has been turned on its head, and many questions remain about where this race is heading.

Now that Joe Biden is out, who will take his place? Will Democrat voters be allowed to pick, or will party elites keep the decision to themselves? And what about the Trump assassination attempt? Would Biden still be in the race if the former president had been killed?

The Tucker Carlson Show brings you all the latest analysis, and today’s episode features Tucker and former United States Navy intelligence officer Jack Posobiec’s immediate insights on America’s new contest for the White House as well as a deep dive into an in-depth timeline of the bizarre events surrounding the Trump shooting.


Jack Posobiec tells Tucker:

“Joe Biden is not being pulled from the presidency because he has dementia. They don’t care about that. He’s being pulled because the American people found out about it.”

Click here to read the transcript.


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Articles by: Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec

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