Trump: Saudi Arabia’s Bitch

“Saudi Arabia’s Bitch”. That’s what Democrat candidate Tulsi Gabbard calls President Trump for his slavish reliance on Saudi Arabia to declare Iran responsible for last weekend’s attack on Saudi oil resources. 

Gabbard’s comments are in response to Trump’s tweet on Sunday:



For the Saudis, there is but one culprit—Iran. The Kingdom and its psychotic boy prince, Mohammed bin Salman, wants nothing more than to take down Iran, preferably to the ground and smoldering. It cannot do this without the help of the US military. The blame will not go to some fictitious terror group hiding out in the Maldives. I exaggerate, of course, but not much. 

Tulsi elaborates her position:

Meanwhile, one of the loudest, shrillest, and most Israel-centric talk show hosts in America has denounced her as a “clown” for attempting to end the neocon wars and return sanity and balance to US foreign policy. 

Neocons are predisposed to tell lies. There is no evidence Iran had anything to do with the attack, or for that matter Yemen. And there will little if any convincing evidence provided by Mike Pompeo and his neocons. they understand evidence is not required, only lies. 

This paucity of evidence has never bothered the neocons—they simply invent and spin events resulting in deadly consequence. For instance, the murder of over a million Iraqis, which it is fair to say Mark Levin supported and will again. Because only Israeli and American lives matter, especially the former. 

Zionists are not concerned with the mass murder of Arabs and Muslims. Israel’s history is chock full of massacres, torture, the imprisonment of children, and the targeted assassination of medics, journalists, and activists along the prison wall that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel.

The “dangerous fool” here is Mark Levin, an Israel-first neocon of the first order masquerading as an American constitutionalist. His version of the Constitution doesn’t include Article I, Section 8, Clause 11. It specifies only Congress can declare war, not a president caught in some kind of Zionist voodoo trance. 

Levin calls Gabbard a “moron,” when it is Levin who is the moron, or at least comes off as one. There is virtually zero evidence Iran has killed US soldiers (in occupied Iraq) and is building ICBMs for nuclear warheads that do not exist. Levin’s citing Israeli propaganda, not verifiable facts. 

Mark Levin, of course, is not a moron. He’s an intelligent, conniving, and hateful neocon, an Israel-first fanatic. He wants to bomb Iran—just like his ideological twin, the dismissed John Bolton—and the prospect of thousands of dead Iranians and the Middle East in flames does not bother him, as it would any human with empathy and a sense of justice.

Levin has no such empathy for average Iranians, Gazans, Lebanese, and Syrians. Like all neocons, his only concern is Israel. He supports Trump simply because Trump is locked in a Zionist voodoo trance and will give the tiny apartheid state just abbot anything it wants, including putting America’s imprimatur on yet another war, this one with far more dire consequences for humanity than the other neocon wars. 

Tulsi, as any serious politician, has paid lip service to Israel. She knows that failing to do so will terminate her political career. She went so far as to support the unconstitutional anti-BDS legislation working its way through Congress. 

But that’s not enough for Levin and the neocons. Nothing short of enthusiastic support for Israel and its endless wars, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid are acceptable for any US politician, especially those running for president. 

Trump declares he’s “locked and loaded” after the attack on Saudi oil facilities. He is waiting for the Saudis to make up their minds on possible perpetrators. But that’s a foregone conclusion. Iran is responsible. Iran will be punished, possibly with bunker busters and the destruction of its infrastructure. 

This latest drama has all the earmarks of a false flag operation designed to further ratchet up hostilities and eventually get a war going. 

Mark Levin is doing all he can to make it so. 


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Kurt Nimmo writes on his blog, Another Day in the Empire, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Articles by: Kurt Nimmo

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