Trump-Biden Debate Caused “Huge Commotion” in Kiev…

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There was a “huge commotion” in the office of Volodymyr Zelensky due to the debate between US President Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump, said Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) deputy Oleksandr Dubinsky on his Telegram channel.

“The biggest commotion after the Trump-Biden debate is now not in the United States, but in Ukraine, in President Zelensky’s office,” said the parliamentarian.

In Dubinsky’s view, Kiev must now consider “what to do next.”

“Assessing the possibility of Trump’s victory, Zelensky (and if he doesn’t understand, then Yermak (Andrei Yermak, head of the presidential staff) must understand that he needs to end the conflict before the US elections,” he posted. “Because after that, he [Zelensky] could become a problem implementing the new president’s plans.”


At the same time, says the deputy, Zelensky could also become a problem for Biden if he is re-elected since he wants to restore Ukraine’s borders from 1991, when the country achieved independence from the Soviet Union.

“You can endlessly rely on the ‘borders of ‘91’, but it is obvious to everyone that without the support of the United States (and even the acting administration no longer supports), and given the heterogeneity of the European Union, this will be quickly ended,” he concluded.

American media agree that Biden performed poorly in the first debate with his predecessor on June 27 in Atlanta. The current American president stuttered and did not always clearly formulate his thoughts. After the event, a television camera captured the moment when Biden’s wife, Jill, helped him down the stairs. Now, politicians and journalists are talking about Democrats abandoning Biden as their candidate for office and replacing him with another candidate.

It is also recalled that in early June, Zelensky said Trump would become a “loser president” if he wins the election and agrees to end the conflict at Ukraine’s expense, something the billionaire has consistently promised to do if he is to win.

Since the start of the Russian special military operation in February 2022, Ukraine has received significant financial contributions to its budget. However, financial assistance from other countries to Ukraine will reach its lowest level in 2024. The US and its allies immediately began supplying Kiev with weapons, including heavy weapons, which exacerbated the conflict and increased the risk of a direct military confrontation between Russia and NATO countries.

The slowdown in financial aid to Ukraine shows that Western countries are becoming tired of being mired in the war, and although the Biden administration remains committed to prolonging the conflict, even if there is a silent acceptance that Russia has won, consistent US support is impossible, even if Trump is to lose the elections and is unable to immediately push forward his plan for peace.

Nonetheless, a Trump victory will see accelerated efforts towards peace, unlike a Biden victory, which will only seek peace when all possible resources have been exhausted.

Trump has consistently been leading in the polls, and this is only set to continue after Trump’s dominance in the debate. Given Biden’s poor performance, many analysts and even members of his own party are calling for him to be replaced as the Democratic Party candidate since the CNN debate took place before the closing date for nominations.  Nonetheless, two names are being considered in his place: Vice President Kamala Harris and California Governor Gavin Newsom. The problem is that there is little time to build a new candidacy before November 5.

US foreign policy dominated the first part of the presidential debate, and the clash between both candidates focused on the type of confrontation with Russia. Biden took pride in having created a broad front of nations against the Russian Federation as punishment for its special operation, while Trump criticised the Democrat for having allowed the conflict, for financing Kiev, and for dragging the United States into the situation.

According to Trump, the war would not have happened under his watch. In fact, Trump had positive exchanges with Russian President Vladimir Putin when he was in the White House. There was a capacity for dialogue behind the curtain that is currently suspended because the Democratic Party is more interventionist and driven by its normative preaching.

Trump has a less interventionist stance, consistent with the Republican segment that the candidate represents. And due to this less interventionist stance, it is almost certain that the blind support that the Kiev regime received from the Biden administration will come to a halt if Trump is to be elected. Biden’s poor performance would have only elevated Trump’s popularity, which in turn, as Dubinsky pointed out, would have caused a “huge commotion” in Kiev as their only chance of survival rests with the Democrats.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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