Is It Time to Stop Obsessing over COVID Figures? Statistics Reveal Virus Is Not the Biggest Killer – With Heart Disease, Dementia and Cancer Each Claiming Four Times as Many Lives


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Provocative Title. A review by the Daily Mail. Is mainstream media departing from the fake covid consensus??

I fully concur with the opening sentence of this article:

“They’re the figures that have ruled our lives for the past 18 months; decided our freedoms; deepened our fears.”

What the Daily Mail fails to mention, however, is that the figures pertaining to Covid-19 cases as well as to presumed Covid deaths are totally invalid.

More than a Million Covid-19 cases in July, according to the Daily Mail, (see graph below)

ALL THE DATA PERTAINING TO COVID POSITIVE CASES resulting from the RT-PCR Test are INVALID. This is confirmed by the WHO.

Moreover, data on Covid related deaths are FAKE. No autopsy allowed, no post mortem. 

What this means is that comparisons with other causes of death as outlined by the Daily Mail are meaningless.

The governments are lying.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 31, 2021


For details and analysis on Covid data including the PCR test and data on mortality see Chapters II and III of  The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky,


The Daily Mail Article 

Is It Time to Stop Obsessing over COVID Figures? Statistics Reveal Virus Is Not the Biggest Killer – With Heart Disease, Dementia and Cancer Each Claiming Four Times as Many Lives

They’re the figures that have ruled our lives for the past 18 months; decided our freedoms; deepened our fears.

The Covid dashboard published on the UK Government website has offered the public a window into the state of the UK’s epidemic, displaying daily Covid cases, hospitalisations and deaths, both nationally and regionally, since April 2020. 

Some people have avoided looking at the figures – published at 4pm every day, including weekends. But a surprising number of us have become secretly addicted to poring over them.

Back in January, the dashboard attracted 76 million views in a single day. In more recent months, the dashboard has offered a source of celebration, thanks to the addition of the vaccination tally.

Scientists and politicians alike agree the UK’s Covid dashboard has been a resounding success, allowing the public to draw their own conclusions about the level of threat the virus poses to them.

It’s also been a crucial yardstick for how stretched the NHS is, providing exact figures of how many Covid patients are in each hospital around the country.

But now, with nearly eight in ten Britons protected against getting seriously ill, thanks to the vaccine, are daily Covid figures still necessary?

The Mail on Sunday set about creating our own dashboard featuring the most up-to-date figures for some of Britain’s biggest killers which we compared with the current Covid stats

The Mail on Sunday set about creating our own dashboard featuring the most up-to-date figures for some of Britain’s biggest killers which we compared with the current Covid stats

The most striking finding is that, despite the prevailing focus on the dangers of Covid, it is killing very few people compared to other deadly conditions

Our thanks to the Daily Mail

To read complete article, click here


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Articles by: Ethan Ennals

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