This Week’s Most Popular Articles

Video: Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination Attempt

Dr. Peter McCullough, July 16, 2024

Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do

John Leake, July 15, 2024

Rod RosensteinRussiaGate 2.0: Donald Trump Has Opted for “Real Peace” Negotiations with a “Foreign Adversary”

Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16, 2024

Why Is the West Preparing for War? Paul C. Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 12, 2024

The Convulsed Republic: The Shooting of Donald Trump

Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 14, 2024

The Slow-Motion Assassination

Matt Taibbi, July 15, 2024

US Secret Service Director Cheatle’s Statement Regarding Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Analysis

John Leake, July 17, 2024

Why Russia Will Defeat NATO in Ukraine

Mike Whitney, July 17, 2024

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Barely Escapes an Assassination Attempt

Peter Koenig, July 15, 2024

Response to Substack Authors Who Claim Trump Assassination Attempt Was Staged

John Leake, July 16, 2024

Trump’s Alleged Shooter — Parking His Car on a Saturday Morning

Karsten Riise, July 17, 2024

13 Nations Sign Agreement to Engineer Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply

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Further Thoughts on the Near Assassination

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 16, 2024

Warning Signs About Secret Service Emerged Months Before Trump Assassination Attempt

John Solomon, July 15, 2024

NATO “Terrorist Attacks” against Russia. Trying to Push Russia into Direct Confrontation? Will Moscow “Keep its Cool” or Retaliate?

Drago Bosnic, July 15, 2024

Dr. Charles Hoffe Denounces the Covid Vaccine: “Biggest Disaster in Medical History”. Confronts College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC

Lee Turner, July 8, 2024

False Flag Operation, The Lie becomes the Truth: “Israel is the Victim of Palestinian Aggression”. According to the ICC, “There Never Was A Genocide”.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 17, 2024

Lessons for the US Secret Service: When the CIA Tried to Assassinate Fidel Castro More Than 638 Times

Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 15, 2024

The French Fraudulent Disaster Elections. Peter Koenig

Peter Koenig, July 9, 2024

Why Does Zelensky Suddenly Want Russia at the Next ‘Peace Summit’?

Drago Bosnic, July 17, 2024

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