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Manlio Dinucci, July 3, 2024

Video: Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane? The Ben Gurion Canal Linking the Eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf of Aqaba

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America’s Distortion of the History of the 20th Century: “The Legacy of World War II and the Holocaust”

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Drago Bosnic, July 1, 2024

Immediate Ban on mRNA Gene Therapy Over Escalating Turbo Cancer Crisis: UK’s Top Oncologist Prof. Angus Dalgleish

Aussie17, July 2, 2024

Trump or Blinken – That Is the Question. Will the Dems Pull a Last Minute Wild Card? So, the fight will be fierce from now to November 6, 2024

Peter Koenig, July 2, 2024

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