This Week’s Most Popular Articles

Video: “There is no corona pandemic but only a PCR Test plandemic”. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Reiner Fuellmich, August 3, 2023

Retired Suddenly: NFL Players and International Soccer Players Injured After Taking COVID-19 Vaccines. Pericarditis, Arrhythmia, “Heart Conditions”, Blood Clots in Legs & Lungs

Dr. William Makis, August 7, 2023

Albert Einstein’s 1948 Letter to the NYT Warning Of Zionist Fascism In Israel

Dr. Albert Einstein, August 5, 2023

Died Suddenly on Vacation: Collapsing on the Beach. Covid Vaccinated while on Holidays

Dr. William Makis, August 7, 2023

New COVID-19 Variants: Propaganda Is Ramping Up and the COVID Con Is Back On

Dr. William Makis, August 9, 2023

COVID-19 Vaccine Spike Protein in the Brain?

Dr. William Makis, August 8, 2023

“Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”(UAP): What’s Up with All the Elites’ Alien Talk? Let’s Talk Motive

Ben Bartee, August 7, 2023

Niger – The Liberation from “Independence”

Peter Koenig, August 8, 2023

Covidian Madness Infects Alberta’s Criminal Justice System. The Truckers Movement and the Case of the “Coutts Four”

Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 7, 2023

Target China

Mike Whitney, August 4, 2023

The New Woke Order

Richard Gale, August 4, 2023

Fire! Fire! Fire! … But Wait a Moment…

Julian Rose, August 7, 2023

Video: The Ukraine Crisis – What You’re Not Being Told

StormCloudsGathering, August 7, 2023

List of 30 ‘Elites’ That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation

Michael Snyder, July 28, 2023

Carbon Dioxide Is the Least of Our Worries

Josh Mitteldorf, August 7, 2023

Are They Really Fighting Terrorists? U.S. Occupation Forces in Syria Receive New Weapons for a Future Conflict with Syrian and Russian Forces

Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 4, 2023

Strategic Visit? Victoria Nuland in Niamey: Some Interesting Details About Her Discussions in Niger

Andrew Korybko, August 8, 2023

The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking

Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 5, 2023

The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society

Dr. Pascal Sacré, August 5, 2023

US-NATO Desperate in Ukraine. “No More Big Money, … All that is Left is Drip-Drip Small Handouts”

Karsten Riise, August 9, 2023

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