“Things get Worse for Hillary: WikiLeaks Releases 1,258 Hillary Clinton Iraq War Emails

In-depth Report: ,

It’s been a bad week for Hillary Clinton… and it’s about to get a whole lot worse, courtesy of WikiLeaks.

Later this week, the British Chilcot report on the Iraq war will finally be published, after an exhaustive  seven year process.

The report has been a thorn in George Bush BFF, and UK PM at the time, Tony Blair. Blair was a staunch ally of Bush, and the neocon drive to illegally invade Iraq. His support for the invasion, and the lies told in the run up to the war, will be outlined in the report.

Another staunch supporter of the Iraq war was Hillary Clinton. It’s hard to find a war Clinton did not champion, and the Iraq invasion was no exception.

Thanks to WikiLeaks, the American public, and entire world, will not have to wait seven years to figure out the reasoning for why Hillary was so gung-ho to topple Saddam, and plunge Iraq into the abyss.

WikiLeaks has released 1,258 of Hillary Clinton’s emails in connection to the Iraq war and tweeted a link to their email archive from their official Twitter page.

Breitbart has more on the WikiLeaks cache of emails, and the latest Hillary debacle.

Wikileaks appears to have a substantial amount of information on Clinton, having already released a large archive of Clinton’s emails earlier in the year. Breitbart has previously reported on Julian Assange’s claims that Google is complicit in the managing of Clintons online media campaign.

Released only a week after Bill Clinton’s meeting with Attorney General, Loretta Lynch and a day after Huma Abedins admission that Hillary Clinton had burned daily schedules, the contents of Hillary’s released emails, containing multiple interactions between Clinton and multiple white house officials, could be extremely damaging to Clinton’s current presidential campaign.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has previously stated that he has multiple leaks in store for Clinton and, as a free speech fundamentalist, believes that a Clinton presidency could be damaging.

“Of course, when she is in power…she is a problem for freedom of speech. We know what she is going to do. She made the chart for the destruction of Libya—she was involved in the process of taking the Libyan armory and sending it to Syria” said Assange in a video posted to YouTube.

With considerable criticism of Hillary’s work as Secretary of State and her recent comments expressing her regret at voting for the Iraq war, these leaked emails could be a source of insight into the presumptive Democratic nominee’s approach to foreign policy.

Articles by: Alex Christoforou

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