US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Space Technology, Global Warfare, The Pentagon “First Strike Attack Plans”. Growing US Military Presence in “Asia-Pacific Pivot” By Bruce Gagnon, September 30, 2017
Breaking: Captured ISIS Fighters Admit Cooperation Between ISIS and the U.S. By Anna Jaunger, September 30, 2017
Trump’s Gifts to Wall Street and the Pentagon: Trump Administration Intensifies War Drive and the Supremacy of Finance Capital By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 30, 2017
Waves of Global Hostility at the United Nations General Assembly By Sami Karimi, September 29, 2017
Washington’s Iron Curtain on the Euphrates By Mike Whitney, September 29, 2017
Breaking Video: ISIS Fighter Admits that ISIS Is Forbidden to Attack Kurdish Forces in Deir Ezzor By Andrew Illingworth, September 29, 2017
United States
Kurdistan and the Break up of Iraq? Whenever the US Attempts or Effects “Regime Change”, Disaster Follows By Michael Jansen, September 29, 2017
Breaking: US Coalition Using Illegal Chemical Weapons in Deir ez-Zor By Adam Garrie, September 29, 2017
U.S. and Gulf States Hinder Libyan Crisis Settlement By Adel Karim, September 29, 2017
Russia: Terrorists Used Sarin in Khan Sheikhoun By Jim Carey, September 29, 2017
An Emerging Multi-polar World: Polarized, Unstable and Dangerous By Greg Guma, September 29, 2017
Information Warfare and the “Human Rights” Scam: Western Backed NGOs Have Acted as Enablers of Sanctions and Military Intervention By 21st Century Wire and South Front, September 28, 2017
Video: Strategic Bombers Deliver Fire and Hell to Al Qaeda and ISIS Terrorists in Syria By South Front, September 28, 2017
Damascus Calls Upon Syrian Refugees to Return to their Homeland By Sophie Mangal, September 28, 2017
ISIS Militants and Commanders Flee to Turkey By Sophie Mangal, September 28, 2017
Donald Trump Fails European Politics 101 By Global Research News, September 28, 2017
Trump Makes Another Reckless Threat Against North Korea By Peter Symonds, September 28, 2017
Cold War Then. Cold War Now. By William Blum, September 27, 2017
Analysis by Analogy: Myanmar Is Not Syria By Tony Cartalucci, September 27, 2017
Russian Special Forces Repel a US-planned Attack in Syria, Denounce the USA and Issue a Stark Warning By The Saker, September 27, 2017
My Threats Are Bigger than Your Threats. Trump Vowed to ‘Totally Destroy’ North Korea if it Dared Threaten the US” By Eric Margolis, September 26, 2017
A Failing Empire: Russia and China’s Military Strategy to Contain the US By Federico Pieraccini, September 26, 2017
Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict with Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 26, 2017
Video: US-Russian Tensions Grow in Deir Ezzor Province By South Front, September 26, 2017
How to End the Korea Crisis By Rep. Ron Paul, September 26, 2017
Western Propaganda in Southeast Asia — a True “Success Story” By Andre Vltchek, September 26, 2017
Satellite Images Show US-Support for ISIS in Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 26, 2017
Very Dangerous Escalation in Syria. Russia “Officially” Accuses US of Collaborating with ISIS. Pentagon to Attack Russian Forces Directly By The Saker, September 26, 2017
Kurdistan’s Referendum Gamble By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 26, 2017
Trump and Israel Want War Against Iran, But It Won’t be One-sided By Abdel Bari Atwan, September 26, 2017
Kurdish PKK and YPG’s Hidden Notorious Crimes: Kidnapping, Murder, and Narcotics Trafficking By Sarah Abed, September 26, 2017
Threats of Total Destruction Are Unlawful and Extremely Dangerous; Direct Diplomacy between the US and the DPRK Is Essential to Avert Disaster By Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy and Western States Legal Foundation, September 26, 2017
Syria: U.S. Central Command Declares War on Russia By Moon of Alabama, September 25, 2017
Photos: US, Kurdish-led Forces Pass Through ISIS Territory with No Confrontation in Deir Ezzor By Paul Antonopoulos, September 25, 2017
Downfall of an Icon: Aung San Suu Kyi, the Rohingyas, and the Bigger Picture By Michael Welch, Stephen Lendman, and Whitney Webb, September 25, 2017
Oil, Gas and Geopolitics: US Hand in Playing the Rohingya Crisis against China By Whitney Webb, September 25, 2017
Trudeau Government Seeking to Oust Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro By Yves Engler, September 25, 2017
NATO’s “Fake News” Russia Scare Increases Defense Waste By Moon of Alabama, September 25, 2017
“Unlimited Imperialism”, History of American Militarism: Light at the End of the Tunnel? By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, September 25, 2017
“The Syrian People Knew that This War Was to Eliminate Their Country”: Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister’s Impassioned UN Address By Stephen Lendman, September 25, 2017
Poroshenko and Trudeau: Canada’s Ukrainian Attitude By Jim Miles, September 25, 2017
A Risky Referendum for Kurdistan Underway in Iraq By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 25, 2017
The Iran “Nuclear Deal” Leads to War, Not Peace By Tony Cartalucci, September 25, 2017
Trump Keeps Eyes on Afghan Mineral Prize in Meeting with President Ghani By RT News, September 25, 2017
“Committee to Investigate Russia:” Rob Reiner and Morgan Freeman’s Warmongering Video By David Walsh, September 25, 2017
Cuba’s Foreign Minister Delivers Stinging Takedown of Trump in UN Speech By RT News, September 25, 2017
Kabuki Politics and the Threat of Nuclear Genocide By Israel Shamir, September 25, 2017
Overwhelming Resistance to Trump’s Plan to Scuttle the Iran Deal By John Glaser, September 25, 2017
After the ISIS Caliphate, Rojava By Thierry Meyssan, September 25, 2017
Signs Indicate Trump Continuing Obama’s Support for Al Qaeda in Syria By Eric Zuesse, September 25, 2017
Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria: the Nightmare Scenario By Mike Whitney, September 24, 2017
‘Blank Check to Kill with Impunity’: Trump to Quietly Scrap Drone Restrictions By Jake Johnson, September 24, 2017
US to Plunder Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches By Stephen Lendman, September 24, 2017
Israeli Forces Struck Damascus International Airport. Syrian Air Defense Downed Israeli Drone – Reports By South Front, September 24, 2017
Canada’s Disgrace: “Ottawa Supports Illegal Coalition Tasked with Destroying Syria and its People” By Mark Taliano, September 24, 2017
The Deadly Rocket Scare Redux: North Korea’s Role in the Arms Game By Phil Butler, September 24, 2017
Kim Jong-un Responds to Trump By Kim Petersen, September 24, 2017
political sanctions
Netanyahu and Trump Conspire to Ditch Deal with Iran By Anthony Bellchambers, September 23, 2017
Trump Alone Threatened War in His UN Address By Stephen Lendman, September 23, 2017
Fact Check: Updating Cold War Myths About Thailand By Joseph Thomas, September 23, 2017
The Dangerous Decline of U.S. Hegemony By Daniel Lazare, September 23, 2017
Kim Jong-Un Delivers Rare Personal Address to Donald Trump By Adam Garrie and Kim Jong-un, September 22, 2017
The Worst Mistake in US History By Jacob G. Hornberger, September 22, 2017
U.S. Is Not Ready for the End of War in Syria. The White House does Not Want Peace By Firas Samuri, September 22, 2017
America’s Military Footprint Lands in Israel By Stephen Lendman, September 22, 2017
Syria – Russia Accusing U.S. of Attacks, Abduction Attempts, Team-play with Al-Qaeda By Moon of Alabama, September 22, 2017
Video: US-backed Forces Push for Syrian Oil By South Front, September 22, 2017
Incoherent President Reassures UN that US Policy Is Insane By William Boardman, September 22, 2017
The Day of the Generals: Winning Armageddon By Phil Butler, September 22, 2017
President Trump’s Bluster at the United Nations By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, September 22, 2017
The White House Is Secretly Planning for Confrontation with Iran: Report By Darius Shahtahmasebi, September 22, 2017
Trump at the United Nations: Full Transcript By Pres. Donald Trump, September 22, 2017
Video: Al-Qaeda Failure in Northern Hama By South Front, September 22, 2017
A UN Force for Ukraine: Beware the Trojan Horse By Christopher Black, September 21, 2017
Trump’s “Mein Kampf” Tirade at the United Nations By Bill Van Auken, September 21, 2017
Trump Falls in Line with Interventionism By Robert Parry, September 21, 2017
Trump at the United Nations. By Kim Petersen, September 21, 2017
Senate Approves Massive Funding for Endless US Wars of Aggression By Stephen Lendman, September 21, 2017
Video: US-led Coalition Seeks to Stop Syrian Army Advance Near Deir Ezzor By South Front, September 21, 2017
Unmasked: Trump Doctrine Vows Carnage for New Axis of Evil By Pepe Escobar, September 21, 2017