US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Video: Al Qaeda Launched its Advance against Syrian SAA Forces. Fierce Fighting Erupts in Eastern Ghouta By South Front, November 16, 2017
‘Inappropriate Behaviour’ – Michael Fallon, Yemen, and the ‘Mainstream’ That Is Anything But By Media Lens, November 16, 2017
The US Persistently Seeks to Destabilize Iran. Why is Washington So Deeply Concerned about Tehran’s Regional Influence in the Middle East? By Farhad Shahabi, November 16, 2017
Revealed – Saudis Plan to Give Up Palestine – For War on Iran By Moon of Alabama, November 16, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Turns Al Qaeda Militants Back in Northern Hama By South Front, November 16, 2017
Syria’s Eastern Ghouta: Catastrophic Situation or Heinous Disinformation Campaign? By Sophie Mangal, November 15, 2017
“Unfriendly Relations” with Russia, American Imperialism and the Dangers of Nuclear War: Trump and the Wolfowitz Doctrine By Deena Stryker, November 15, 2017
America’s “Killing Fields” in Yemen: Children are Dying, Engineered Starvation, US Enforced Blockade on Food and Medicine By William Boardman, November 15, 2017
Lebanon: The Next Battleground of Saudi Arabia? By Sami Karimi, November 15, 2017
Syria: Media Disinformation Campaign, Blaming Assad for Alleged Famine in Terrorist-Held East Ghouta, Fake Accounts, Photos By Sophie Mangal, November 14, 2017
Syria War Report: ISIS Conducts Suicide Attempt to Seize Back Al-Bukamal By South Front, November 14, 2017
Will America Survive Washington? Is the US Preparing a Nuclear First Strike on Russia? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 14, 2017
Yemen – Having Lost the War Saudis Try Genocide – Media Complicit By Moon of Alabama, November 14, 2017
Yemen: End Blockade, Avert Famine By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 14, 2017
Pentagon Explanations for Niger Operations Cannot Conceal Strategic Interests By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 14, 2017
Into the Afghan Abyss Again By Prof Alfred McCoy, November 14, 2017
Militarization of the Baltic Sea: Lithuania Anxious to Attract NATO to Use its Klaièpo Sea Port, to Threaten Russia By Adomas Abromaitis, November 13, 2017
Nuclear weapon
Trump Begging for Nuclear War on North Korea? The Ravings of a Madman Politician By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2017
Arab States Spent 130 Billion Dollars to Destroy Syria, Libya, Yemen: Algerian PM By Press TV, November 13, 2017
The ISIS-Daesh Killing Field: A Letter from Iraq – Grief, Forgiveness, and 20 Million Pilgrims By Pepe Escobar, November 12, 2017
Setting the Record Straight: The 1984 Beirut Barracks Bombing By Lawrence Korb, November 12, 2017
Trump’s CIA Is Laying the Groundwork for a Devastating War on Iran, with Help from Neocon Think Tank By Ben Norton, November 12, 2017
Retrospect on the Moon-Trump Summit, South Korean Anti-Trump Protests By Zoom in Korea, November 12, 2017
Germany Clumsily Admits to Supporting Regime Change in Poland By Andrew Korybko, November 12, 2017
Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf” By Alfred Heinz, November 11, 2017
Don’t Let Misplaced Concerns over Missiles Jeopardize Iran Deal By Felicity Arbuthnot, Tytti Erästö, and Sina Azodi, November 11, 2017
“Never Again” or “Again and Again”? Syria has been Fighting, and Winning A Just War against Terrorism By Mark Taliano, November 11, 2017
Trump’s Pivot to Asia: An Arms Sales Bonanza, An Anti-Peace Trip By Peter Koenig, November 11, 2017
Let’s Call Western Media Coverage of Syria by Its Real Name: Propaganda By Michael Howard, November 11, 2017
The Korean People: We Are Desperately Afraid By Hye min Kim, November 11, 2017
Spread the Antiwar Message: Special Offers for Groups & Organizations By Global Research and Global Research, November 10, 2017
Did Al Qaeda Dupe Trump on Syrian Attack? By Robert Parry, November 10, 2017
South Korea’s Sunshine Policy: 80 Percent of South Koreans Support Peace and North-South Engagement By Tim Shorrock and Seth Ackerman, November 10, 2017
US, Sweden, Finland Launch New Format Talks: Dancing to Washington’s Tune By Peter Korzun, November 10, 2017
NATO Wants Europe’s Civilian Infrastructure Ready for War with Russia By RT News, November 10, 2017
Trump Threatens China over North Korea and Trade, Bellicose Speech in Beijing By James Cogan, November 10, 2017
United States
South Korea Should “Brexit” the United States By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 10, 2017
The US Military Bases Abroad Are Disrupting the World Order By Sami Karimi, November 10, 2017
Playing Games with War Deaths. How Many People have been Killed in US Wars? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 10, 2017
Middle East Intrigue. Riyadh Accuses Iran and Hezbollah of Sowing Strife, War on Lebanon and Iran? By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2017
US Strikes Soaring in Afghanistan, Along with Civilian Deaths By Jason Ditz, November 09, 2017
Book Review: ‘Dear World’: A Syrian Girl’s Story of War and Plea for Peace’ by Bana Alabed By Susan Dirgham, November 09, 2017
Mission Creep in Darkest Africa. US Military Expands its Operations Throughout the Continent By Eric Margolis, November 09, 2017
The Syria “Chemical Weapons Attacks”. UN ‘Joint Investigative Mechanism’ Report on Khan Shaykhun Proven Inaccurate, Politically Biased By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, November 09, 2017
Last Major ISIS Stronghold in Syria Liberated By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2017
In Seoul, Trump Delivers War Ultimatum to North Korea. Complete, Unconditional Surrender to US Dictates, or Total War By James Cogan, November 09, 2017
Afghanistan: Impunity is Another US Lethal Weapon that Kills Silently By Sami Karimi, November 09, 2017
The Network of Illicit Arms Shipments to Syrian Terrorists: US and Allies including Israel and Saudi Arabia Arming Terrorist Proxies By James ONeill, November 08, 2017
Video: Trump Addresses South Korean National Assembly. Is North Korea Next on his Target List, Iran to Follow? By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2017
Dubious Osama bin Laden Documents: A Pretext for a War on Iran By Kurt Nimmo, November 08, 2017
South Koreans Greet ‘Warmongering Trump’ with Clear Message: ‘Shut Up, Get Out’ By Jake Johnson, November 08, 2017
Perpetual War: UK’s Armed Drones to Stay Deployed Beyond Campaign Against ISIS By Chris Cole, November 08, 2017
The Truth About Radical Islam By Tony Cartalucci, November 08, 2017
US Saber-Rattling Drills During Trump’s Asia-Pacific Visit. Three US Carrier Strike Groups are Part of His “Peace Mission” By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2017
NATO Ministerial Meeting: Preparing for War on Russia? By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2017
The American War Machine Is Already on the Death March Across the African Continent By Prof. Vijay Prashad, November 08, 2017
James Comey’s “October Surprise”, Political Chaos in America? Retrospect on the November U.S. Elections By James Corbett and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 07, 2017
“Explosive” Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War By Zero Hedge, November 07, 2017
Nuclear weapon
Invented “Enemies of America”: The Myth of a North Korean Threat By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2017
Canada Follows Orders on Anti-Russian Sanctions: The Kremlin Reacts By Christopher Black, November 07, 2017
NATO Intensifies Its Preparations for War with Russia By Philipp Frisch, November 07, 2017
VIDEO: Donald Trump Reveals his Ignorance of Geography: “I Never Knew we had so Many Countries”. By Tom Boggioni and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 07, 2017
US-ROK Alliance Commits to Continuing Military Exercises; U.S. Lawmakers Push to Prevent First Strike on North Korea By Zoom in Korea, November 07, 2017
As Trump Visits Asia, Civil Society in the U.S., South Korea, and Japan Oppose War in Korea By Zoom in Korea, November 07, 2017
The Pentagon’s Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFAB) Will Teach the Art of War to Foreign Armies By Valeriy Kulikov, November 07, 2017
“Unparalleled Catastrophe”: The Possible Use of Nuclear Weapons by the US Within Months? Why? By Jan Oberg, November 07, 2017
Criminal War Propaganda  By Mark Taliano, November 07, 2017
“False Flags” Are So Common that U.S. Officials Commonly Discuss Them By Washington's Blog, November 06, 2017
Six Things You Should Know About the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Arsenal By Reinvent, November 06, 2017
Israeli-Saudi Tandem Adjusts to Syria Loss By Alastair Crooke, November 06, 2017
Selling War and Pentagon Expansion in Asia-Pacific By Bruce Gagnon, November 06, 2017
The US Has Soldiers Deployed in Almost Every Country on Earth By Jakob Reimann, November 06, 2017
Tillerson Creeps in to Afghanistan under Cover of Darkness and News Black Out By Brian Cloughley, November 06, 2017
More Fake News? WMD in Syria Just Like Iraq in 2003? By Rick Sterling, November 06, 2017
Israel Begins “Largest-Ever Aerial Military Drill”, As Saudis Consider Missile Strike (Allegedly) by Iran as “Act Of War” By Zero Hedge, November 06, 2017
Trump begins 12-day Visit to Asia to Build War Coalition against North Korea By James Cogan, November 05, 2017
Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project By F. William Engdahl, November 05, 2017
JFK Files: CIA Plotted to Assassinate Fidel Castro, Stage Bombings in Miami By Eli Watkins and James Amalino, November 05, 2017
Pentagon Think-Tank Praises Al Qaeda as ‘Moderate’ Islamists By Eric Zuesse, November 04, 2017
Pivot to, or Brawl in Asia? West Already Targeting Thailand’s New King By Tony Cartalucci, November 04, 2017