US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Paradoxes Doom Bush’s ‘New Strategy’ in Iraq By Nicola Nasser, January 15, 2007
Gulf Of Tonkin” To Provoke Iran War? By Global Research, January 15, 2007
The “Surge” Is A Red Herring By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 15, 2007
Critics Won’t Halt Iraq Surge, Bush Says By Global Research, January 15, 2007
Stop the War on Iran By Global Research, January 15, 2007
Bush’s Iraq Plan – Goading Iran into War By Dr. Trita Parsi, January 15, 2007
The U.S.-Iran-Iraq-Israeli-Syrian War By Robert Parry, January 15, 2007
Bush’s New Plan: More Troops, More Death, More – and Wider – War By Global Research, January 15, 2007
Bush administration provokes open war on Iran By Larry Chin, January 15, 2007
US military strike on Iran seen by April ’07; Sea-launched attack to hit oil, N-sites By Ahmed Al-Jarallah, January 15, 2007
Impeach Bush—Stop Iran Invasion By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 15, 2007
Palestinian Popular Front: Rice’s real objectives during tours is to divide the Middle East By Global Research, January 15, 2007
“It’s 1938” By Qumars Bolourchian, January 14, 2007
In Somalia, a Reckless U.S. Proxy War By Salim Lone, January 13, 2007
Ethiopia has become an Anglo-American proxy in the Horn of Africa By Global Research, January 13, 2007
The Folly of Total War By Kurt Nimmo, January 13, 2007
Bush’s tough tactics are a ‘declaration of war’ on Iran By Anne Penketh, January 13, 2007
Did the President Declare a “Secret War” Against Syria and Iran? By Steve Clemons, January 13, 2007
Iran: The Unthinkable War By Juan Santos, January 13, 2007
Somalia and Ethiopia to be Unified? By Global Research, January 13, 2007
Keeping all eyes focused on Iraq while Bush and Israel plot an attack on Iran By Mike Whitney, January 12, 2007
Claiming the Prize: War Escalation Aimed at Securing Iraqi Oil By Chris Floyd, January 12, 2007
US forces carry out provocative raid on Iran’s consulate in northern Iraq By Peter Symonds, January 12, 2007
Why the US Is Not Leaving Iraq: The Booming Business of War Profiteers By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, January 12, 2007
US Troops Raid Iran Consulate General in Northern Iraq By Global Research, January 11, 2007
Somalia : another war “Made in USA “ By Global Research, January 10, 2007
What America Must Not Do Now By Michael Carmichael, January 10, 2007
US Military Aggression in the Horn of Africa: US Launches Two Airstrikes in Somalia By Global Research, January 09, 2007
IRAQ: Terrified Soldiers Terrifying People By Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily, January 09, 2007
Bush’s War Heating Up—Attack on Iran Imminent By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 08, 2007
Managing Escalation: Negroponte and Bush’s New Iraq Team By Dahr Jamail, January 08, 2007
Are We Still Going to Support Israel If They Use Nuclear Weapons? By Cenk Uygur, January 08, 2007
Israel plans to nuke Iran By Michael Carmichael, January 08, 2007
The Bush administration’s committee for regime change in Iran By Peter Symonds, January 07, 2007
Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran By Uzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter, January 07, 2007
Nuclear War on Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 07, 2007
Planned US-Israeli Nuclear Attack on Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 07, 2007
Israel ‘has plan for nuclear strike on Iran’ By Marie Woolf, January 07, 2007
“Surge in US Forces” without Congressional Approval Violates US Constitution By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, January 06, 2007
Can We Let Intelligence Officials Lie With Impunity? By Ray McGovern, January 06, 2007
“Getting the Middle East Back on Our Side”: Analysis of the Brent Scowcroft -James Baker Approach By Michael Carmichael, January 05, 2007
Conscientious Rejector? First Lieutenant Ehren Watada still refuses Iraq deployment orders By Global Research, January 04, 2007
The “Demonization” of Muslims and the Battle for Oil By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 04, 2007
America’s interests in Somalia: Four major U.S. oil companies are sitting on a prospective fortune in exclusive concessions. By Global Research, January 03, 2007
Somalia: New Hotbed of Anti-Americanism By Nicola Nasser, January 03, 2007
Grand Illusion: Costs of War and Empire By Prof. Gary Dorrien, January 03, 2007
Russia to sell anti-aircraft weapons to Iran, Syria By Global Research, January 03, 2007
Egypt sent arms to Fatah with Israel’s help By Global Research, January 03, 2007
Will covert U.S. plans bring regime change in Iran as well? By Global Research, January 03, 2007
2007: Decisive Year for the Israeli-Neocon Attack Iran Plan By Kurt Nimmo, January 02, 2007
Iraqi Writer: Footage of Saddam’s Execution was a US Plan to “Foment Sedition” By Global Research, January 02, 2007
Saddam Hussein: Execution Video Meant to Cause Shia-Sunni Conflict By Global Research, January 01, 2007
Letter to Brown: stop Blair’s Iran war plans By Global Research, January 01, 2007
Saddam’s illegal execution is part of US war plan By Bert De Belder, January 01, 2007
The Barbaric Lynching of President Saddam Hussein By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, January 01, 2007
The Disrespect for Truth has Brought a New Dark Age By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 01, 2007
America to Wage War for USSR Inheritance By Anatoli Baranov, December 29, 2006
Targeting Tehran: US-Israeli Military Plan formulated in 2001 By Galal Nassar, December 27, 2006
The Meaning of the UNSC Iran Vote: Were Russia and China given private assurances by Bush? By Jorge Hirsch, December 26, 2006
Lebanese Prime Minister and Olmert had a secret meeting in Egypt after Israeli attacks on Lebanon By Global Research, December 26, 2006
The Great Game on a razor’s edge By M. K. Bhadrakumar, December 26, 2006
Palestinian spokesmen charges Abbas with planning military coup against Palestinian Authority By Global Research, December 25, 2006
Gates visited Baghdad to quell US soldiers mutiny in Anbar, US imminent attack on Ramadi soon By Global Research, December 25, 2006
The US Secret Bioweapons Program By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 25, 2006
Does George W. Bush have a Grasp of Key Foreign Policy Issues? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 25, 2006
Resource warfare intensifies across “Grand Chessboard” and Horn of Africa By Larry Chin, December 23, 2006
VIDEO: The “War on Terrorism” is a Fabrication By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 22, 2006
US considers military build-up to warn Iran By Global Research, December 21, 2006
What now in the Middle East? By Joschka Fischer, December 20, 2006
U.S. Military Buildup directed against Iran By Global Research, December 20, 2006
U.S. plans naval buildup in Gulf By Global Research, December 20, 2006
Darfur: Bush and Blair plan no-fly zone and consider air strikes against Sudan By Ann Talbot, December 20, 2006
Counterproductive U.S. “Advice” to Palestinians By Nicola Nasser, December 18, 2006
Preemptive Warfare: Building a Consensus in favour of Israel’s Nukes By Global Research, December 17, 2006
It’s Not Just Bush: We’re Accountable Too By Heather Wokusch, December 17, 2006
Bush preparing to send more troops to Iraq By Global Research, December 17, 2006
Israeli Member of Knesset: US will attack Iran and Israel must dismantle Palestinian Authority By Anat Bereshkovsky, December 17, 2006
The March to War: Political Crises in Lebanon and Palestine By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 16, 2006
Divisions within Saudi Establishment: Prince Bandar allegedly Advocating Military Response against Iran By Steve Clemons, December 16, 2006
Syria: We expect Israel to launch Middle Eastern War anytime By Global Research, December 16, 2006