US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Iran proposes measure against nuclear facility attacks By Global Research, August 13, 2009
Endless War: The Suicide of the United States By Dahr Jamail, August 12, 2009
Obamageddon: War as the “Solution” to Economic Depression By Justin Raimondo, August 12, 2009
US military and intelligence agencies identify climate change as “national security” threat By Patrick O'Connor, August 11, 2009
The Honduran Coup: A U.S. Connection By Conn Hallinan, August 11, 2009
Liquidating Our Empire. By Chalmers Johnson, August 10, 2009
Afghan War: NATO Builds History’s First Global Army By Rick Rozoff, August 09, 2009
VIDEO: Murder, Inc? By Keith Olberman and Jeremy Scahill, August 08, 2009
Georgia remains focus of Washington-Moscow tensions By Niall Green, August 07, 2009
“Saakashvili preparing for another war” – deserted Georgian soldier By Global Research, August 07, 2009
Clinton in Africa: Promoting US corporate interests By Firoze Manji, August 07, 2009
Barak hints at another war with Lebanon By Global Research, August 07, 2009
India, US planned to carry out an “anti-China campaign” through Nepal: Prachanda By Global Research, August 07, 2009
North Korea and Iran: So what does the West want? By William Bowles, August 06, 2009
Six months of Immunity By David Swanson, August 06, 2009
Arctic: Canada Leads NATO Confrontation With Russia By Rick Rozoff, August 05, 2009
US use of Colombian bases fuels regional tension: analysts By Global Research, August 05, 2009
Keeping Track of the Empire’s Crimes By William Blum, August 05, 2009
Is the Western Left Afraid of Revolution? By William Bowles, August 05, 2009
Depleted Uranium Ammunition in Afghan War: New Evidence By Global Research, August 05, 2009
Is Halliburton Forgiven and Forgotten? Or How to Stay Out of Sight While Profiting From the War in Iraq By Pratap Chatterjee, August 05, 2009
The Obama opiate: Crisis deepens, crowds cheer By Larry Chin, August 01, 2009
Iran: Which side are you on, continued… By William Bowles, August 01, 2009
The Pentagon’s 21st Century Counterinsurgency Wars: Latin America and South Asia By Rick Rozoff, August 01, 2009
The Winners Are Grinners: US Uses Afghan War To Besiege Russia At Ferocious Pace By Alfred Ross, July 31, 2009
Iran FM: West accomplice in post-vote killings By Global Research, July 31, 2009
Obama’s Empire By Prof. Catherine Lutz, July 31, 2009
Afghan War: US, NATO Troops Near 100,000 And Climbing By Global Research, July 31, 2009
US, NATO, Israeli Military Aid to Georgian Armed Forces By Global Research, July 30, 2009
Agreement on the Withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq By David Swanson, July 29, 2009
Britain’s propaganda offensive on behalf of Afghan war By Chris Marsden, July 28, 2009
“Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order:” Part II By Stephen Lendman, July 27, 2009
Afghanistan: Training Ground for War on Russia By Rick Rozoff, July 26, 2009
Germany: World Arms Merchant In First Post-WW II Combat By Rick Rozoff, July 25, 2009
Prepare to Disengage By Elaine Elinson, July 25, 2009
US Escalates War Plans In Latin America By Rick Rozoff, July 23, 2009
VIDEO: “Operation in Afghanistan is rooted in Israel” By Karen Kwiatkowski, July 22, 2009
Color Revolutions: Bulgaria vs Ukraine: Don’t blink By Eric Walberg, July 21, 2009
Defense official: Israel readying for attack on Iran By Amos Harel, July 21, 2009
Six months of the Obama administration By Joe Kishore, July 21, 2009
US Bases and Empire: Global Perspectives on the Asia Pacific By Prof. Catherine Lutz, July 21, 2009
Combat Stress: Our ‘Patriotic Duty’ to support the Troops By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 20, 2009
Future of Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces By General Leonid Ivashov, July 19, 2009
Germany And NATO’s Nuclear Nexus By Rick Rozoff, July 19, 2009
Moving Targets By Seymour M. Hersh, July 18, 2009
Germany: First New Post-Cold War World Military Power By Rick Rozoff, July 17, 2009
“Sovereign Iraq” welcomes back the Foreign Oil Companies By Rev. Richard Skaff, July 16, 2009
Ex-Clinton aides advising Honduran coup regime By Bill Van Auken, July 15, 2009
Afghanistan War Resister to “Put the War on Trial” By Dahr Jamail, July 14, 2009
US commander in Afghanistan lobbies for more troops By James Cogan, July 14, 2009
US hawks want terrorists to take down Iran government By Global Research, July 14, 2009
New NATO: Germany Returns To World Military Stage By Rick Rozoff, July 12, 2009
The Dirty War By Dahr Jamail, July 12, 2009
Colonizing Iraq: The Obama Doctrine? By Prof. Michael Schwartz, July 12, 2009
Honduras: US-backed mediation legitimizes military coup By Bill Van Auken, July 11, 2009
Russia-US summit: Quiet diplomacy By Eric Walberg, July 10, 2009
Military Escalation: From Afghanistan To the Caspian Sea and Central Asia By Rick Rozoff, July 10, 2009
Straight Talk: Revealing the Real U.S.-Africa Policy By Gerald LeMille, July 09, 2009
Obama’s Rollback Strategy: Honduras, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan (and the Boomerang Effect) By Prof. James Petras, July 09, 2009
Media Disinformation: “Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran” By F. William Engdahl, July 09, 2009
Russia to grant U.S. Afghan supply route By Global Research, July 09, 2009
Obama’s Visit to Moscow as a Step in the “Grand Game” By Andrei Areshev, July 09, 2009
Reading the Rules of Disengagement By David Swanson, July 09, 2009
VIDEO: Top US commander: Military option against Iran on the table: “The clock is ticking” By Global Research, July 09, 2009
Russia lashes out at Biden remarks on Iran By Global Research, July 08, 2009
Limited concessions and unresolved tensions after US-Russia summit By Niall Green, July 08, 2009
U.S. Occupation of Iraq Continues Unabated By Dahr Jamail, July 07, 2009
“Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent” By Stephen Lendman, July 07, 2009
Israel Air Force preparing for Iranian strike By Global Research, July 07, 2009
Canada uses G8 summit to touch Iran By Global Research, July 07, 2009
Saudis would turn blind eye to Israeli jets en route to Iran: report By Global Research, July 06, 2009
Honduran troops kill anti-coup demonstrators at Tegucigalpa airport By Barry Grey, July 06, 2009
Israeli Specialists Trained Georgian Military By Global Research, July 06, 2009
As Israel gears up for war, US divide appears By Global Research, July 05, 2009
The Mousavi campaign in Iran and the lessons of past “color revolutions” By Niall Green, July 05, 2009
Iraq: A failed imperialist venture By Haroon Siddiqui, July 04, 2009
U.S. Uses False Taliban Aid Charge to Pressure Iran By Gareth Porter, July 04, 2009
Obama sends marines to suppress population of southern Afghanistan By James Cogan, July 04, 2009
Corrupt election campaign unfolds in US-occupied Afghanistan By James Cogan, July 03, 2009
100,000 Western Troops: US Shifts Counterinsurgency To Asia By Global Research, July 03, 2009