US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Afghanistan: On Visiting an Unwinnable War By David Swanson, March 30, 2011
The War on Libya and US Foreign Policy: Ronald Reagan, 1986 versus Barack Obama, 2011 By Rick Rozoff, March 30, 2011
The Euro-US War on Libya: Official Lies and Misconceptions of Critics By Prof. James Petras and Robin E. Abaya, March 30, 2011
AFRICOM and the Libya War By Emile Schepers, March 29, 2011
Stop NATO: Selected News, Analysis and media reports By Rick Rozoff, March 29, 2011
Obama Lacks Clarity on Afghan War By Ray McGovern, March 29, 2011
The myth of humanitarian intervention By Richard Becker, March 29, 2011
US- NATO’s War on Libya: Links to Selected News, Analysis and Press Reports By William Bowles, March 29, 2011
VIDEO: Oil Wars: The West Arms Libya, Then Bombs It By George Galloway and Nabila Ramdani, March 29, 2011
The Kill Team By Rolling Stone, March 29, 2011
The War in Libya: Protecting Our Strategic Interests in Broccoli By Washington's Blog, March 29, 2011
Obama Raises American Hypocrisy To A Higher Level By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 29, 2011
VIDEO: Why Libya? NATO’s War for Oil By Keith Harmon Snow, March 28, 2011
The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq By Webster G. Tarpley, March 28, 2011
Libya and The Holy Triumvirate By William Blum, March 28, 2011
From the Gulf War to the War on North Africa: On the True Meaning of Democracy By Cynthia McKinney, March 28, 2011
Gates and Clinton Hint at Open-Ended War in Libya By Barry Grey, March 28, 2011
The War on Libya: Selected News Articles By William Bowles, March 28, 2011
Libya: The Destruction of a Country. The Bombing of Civilian Targets By Global Research, March 28, 2011
Depleted uranium: a strange way to protect Libyan civilians By David Wilson, March 27, 2011
Reasons and False Pretexts: Why are They Making War on Libya? By Diana Johnstone, March 27, 2011
US- NATO Bombings continue as hundreds die and thousands flee By Global Research, March 27, 2011
Attack on Libya: Why Odyssey Dawn Is Doomed By Yoichi Shimatsu, March 27, 2011
The Al Qaeda Connection: Who are we Helping in Libya? Here are Some Answers. By Global Research, March 27, 2011
US-NATO warplanes strike Libyan ground forces By Bill Van Auken, March 26, 2011
French Plans to Topple Gaddafi on Track since last November By Voltaire Network, March 26, 2011
Western warplanes bombed civilian targets in Libya’s capital By Global Research, March 26, 2011
US NATO bomb civilian targets in Libya By Global Research, March 26, 2011
Libya: “We are bombing another Arab country for reasons we do not really understand… By Global Research, March 26, 2011
Canadian General to Lead NATO Mission in Libya By Global Research, March 26, 2011
Ground operation in Libya could start in April – Russian intelligence By Global Research, March 26, 2011
How Humanitarian is Western Intervention in Libya? By Tang Zhichao, March 26, 2011
Creative Destruction: Libya in Washington’s Greater Middle East Project By F. William Engdahl, March 26, 2011
British Intelligence Worked with Al Qaeda to Kill Qaddafi By Gerald A. Perreira, March 25, 2011
The World as a Theater of the Absurd By Danny Schechter, March 25, 2011
NATO: Libyan War To Last Three Months Or Longer By Maria Golovnina and Michael Georgy, March 25, 2011
Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons? By Prof Peter Dale Scott, March 25, 2011
VIDEO: From Yugoslavia to Libya: What Is Al Qaeda’s Involvement? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 25, 2011
Libya: The Objective of “Humanitarian Bombing” is Death and Destruction By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 25, 2011
War on Libya and Control of The Mediterranean By Rick Rozoff, March 25, 2011
“Progressives” Support the US-NATO “No Fly Zone” on Libya By Joe Emersberger, March 25, 2011
Partnership of Equals By Fidel Castro Ruz, March 24, 2011
The road to Libya is paved with best intentions By Robert Bridge, March 24, 2011
Almost One Hundred Civilian Deaths Attributable to US-NATO Humanitarian Bombings By Global Research, March 24, 2011
VIDEO: America: Firing Cruise Missiles while Firing Teachers By Derrick Crowe, March 24, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Russia’s Ambassador to Libya dismissed for Calling President Medvedev “A Traitor” By Arina Morokova, March 24, 2011
VIDEO: NATO Aggression on Yugoslavia: Challenging an Illegal War By Diana Johnstone, March 24, 2011
“Learn from History”, 31st Anniversary of the Assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero By Kate Doyle and Emily Willard, March 24, 2011
Libya: Murder and Plunder Masquerading as “Humanitarian Intervention” By Andy Dilks, March 24, 2011
YUGOSLAVIA VERSUS LIBYA: NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 24, 2011
The Inhumanity of War By Devon Douglas-Bowers, March 23, 2011
American military has denied reports that US forces shot and wounded civilians By Global Research, March 23, 2011
What Can Afghanistan and Pakistan Teach Us About Nonviolence? By David Swanson, March 23, 2011
LATEST NEWS AND PRESS REPORTS ON LIBYA By Global Research, March 23, 2011
America’s First Black President Invades Africa By Don DeBar, March 23, 2011
Africa: Voices against military Intervention in Libya By Thandi Winston, March 23, 2011
Libya’s “Operation Odyssey Dawn”: Kosovo Revisited By William Bowles, March 23, 2011
Cyprus: Military Relay for Launching Air Strikes on Libya By Global Research, March 23, 2011
Obama’s Bay of Pigs in Libya: Imperialist Aggression Shreds UN Charter By Webster G. Tarpley, March 22, 2011
GOOGLING “Revolution” in North Africa : How “Deep Politics” Successfully Corrupts A Non-Violent Protest Movement By Prof Peter Dale Scott, March 22, 2011
Yesterday Iraq. Today Libya. “Paying the Price.”: Children are the Unspoken Victims of US-NATO Wars By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 22, 2011
Stop Bombing Libya By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 22, 2011
No Ground War? British Special Forces on the Ground in Libya By Global Research, March 22, 2011
Diplomacy is a Disguised War: Obama’s Diplomatic “Sleight-of-hand” By Peter Fay, March 22, 2011
Keeping up Appearances: America’s Intelligence Operation in Libya By William Bowles, March 22, 2011
US fighter plane crashes in Libya; “It was not shot down” By Global Research, March 22, 2011
Coalition shows first cracks as Qaddafi digs in for guerrilla war By DEBKAFile, March 21, 2011
Cuba: War On Libya Gross Violation Of International Law By Global Research, March 21, 2011
Libya: Coalition rejects claims of civilian deaths By David D Kirkpatrick, Kareem Fahim, and Elisabeth Bumiller, March 21, 2011
America’s Hidden Hand Behind The UN Resolution For A No-fly Zone Over Libya By Enver Masud, March 21, 2011
US, France and Britain Launch War of Aggression Against Libya By Patrick Martin, March 21, 2011
VIDEO: Libya: War of Conquest, NOT a Humanitarian Operation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 21, 2011
Libya and the Hypocrisy of US Foreign Policy By Ghada Chehade, March 21, 2011
VIDEO: Barack Obama: The Most Pro-War President in Living Memory By Global Research, March 21, 2011
Libya: Largest Military Undertaking since the Invasion of Iraq. Towards a Protracted Military Operation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 20, 2011
Libya: NATO’s African War By Rick Rozoff, March 20, 2011
African dissent on no-fly zone counts By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 20, 2011
The U.S. and France Are Bombing Africa By Global Research, March 20, 2011
VIDEO: War on Libya and the Saudi Arabian Invasion of Bahrain: The Crisis Escalates By George Galloway, March 20, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Libyan Sources Report Italians Captured. Additional Coalition Jets Downed By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 20, 2011