US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
The Anglo-American Endgame for Afghanistan By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 16, 2011
Obama’s Libya Defense Makes Bush’s Lawyers Look Smart By David Swanson, June 16, 2011
African Leaders Demand Halt to NATO Bombing Campaign in Libya By Global Research, June 15, 2011
VIDEO: ‘NATO bombs civilians!’: Report from Tripoli By Cynthia McKinney, June 15, 2011
Canada extends its Participation in the NATO-led War on Libya By Global Research, June 15, 2011
Russia-China Alliance: SCO leaders call for ending Libya conflict By Global Research, June 15, 2011
Huge Columns Of Smoke Over Tripoli After NATO Strikes By Global Research, June 14, 2011
Iran: “Regime Change” or All Out War? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 14, 2011
Threatening Russia? Pentagon To Hold First Joint Military Drills With Bulgaria And Serbia By Global Research, June 14, 2011
VIDEO: 10 Years Too Many: US and UK Must End Afghan War By David Swanson and George Galloway, June 14, 2011
“Humanitarian” Bunker Buster Bombs: NATO cranks up air campaign in Libya By Atul Aneja, June 14, 2011
REPORT FROM TRIPOLI: More NATO “Humanitarian Intervention:” The Bombing of Al Fateh University, Campus B By Cynthia McKinney, June 14, 2011
U.S. needs to completely withdraw from Iraq By Prof. Adil E. Shamoo, June 14, 2011
Clinton: Africa must abandon Gaddafi, support democracy in Libya By Global Research, June 14, 2011
Massive bombing of Tripoli. Eyewitness Libya: CYNTHIA MCKINNEY By Global Research, June 13, 2011
Why the NATO powers are trying to assassinate Moammar Gaddafi By Brian Becker, June 13, 2011
Syria on the Boil, US Warship in Black Sea By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 13, 2011
Rape in Libya: America’s Recent Wars have all been Accompanied by Memorable Falsehoods By Prof Peter Dale Scott, June 13, 2011
Breaking News: PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE: NATO Bombed Libya’s Nasser University By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 12, 2011
America’s Endless Wars By Bill Van Auken, June 12, 2011
Russia objects to US warship in Black Sea By Global Research, June 12, 2011
Reporting From Tripoli: What is Really Happening in Libya By Cynthia McKinney, June 12, 2011
U.S. Congressmen Demand Iraq Pay For Eight Years Of War, Occupation By Global Research, June 12, 2011
Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts. By Rick Rozoff, June 12, 2011
Empire Games : Who Writes the Rules? By William Bowles, June 12, 2011
NATO’s “Afrika Korps” Escalates War Of Attrition Against Libya By Rick Rozoff, June 11, 2011
Transition at the Pentagon: America’s “Blizzard War” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 11, 2011
Pentagon Laments “Difficulties” in War Against Libya By Global Research, June 11, 2011
America’s Next War: Iran By Richard Becker, June 10, 2011
The War on Libya is at a Dangerous Crossroads By Boris Volkhonsky, June 10, 2011
The Lies behind the West’s War on Libya By Jean-Paul Pougala, June 10, 2011
America’s Next War Theater: Syria and Lebanon? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 10, 2011
War as a “Humanitarian Endeavor”: NATO’s Libya ‘hope’ strategy is bombing By Major General (ret'd) Lewis MacKenzie, June 10, 2011
NATO is in an Act of War Against Africa By B.F. Bankie, June 10, 2011
LIBYA – Behind the Phony ICC ‘Rape’ Charges: ARE NATO FORCES PREPARING A GROUND ATTACK? By Sara Flounders, June 10, 2011
The U.S. Is Developing a Strategic Military Technological Advantage Over Russia By General Leonid Ivashov and Ekaterina Kudashkina, June 09, 2011
US oil deal reveals real reasons behind Libya campaign By Vladimir Gladkov, June 09, 2011
Obama’s Fourth War Intensifying, Who Will Be Victim Of the Fifth War? By Boris Volkhonsky, June 09, 2011
Afghanistan: Why Civilians are Killed? A People’s War: Not a “War on Terror” By Prof. James Petras, June 09, 2011
Events in Syria –taking sides against imperialist intervention By International Action Center, June 08, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Intense NATO Bombings of Tripoli By Cynthia McKinney, June 08, 2011
America’s Unipolar World and the Countervailing Powers of the Eurasian SCO Military Alliance By Prof. Andrei Volodin, June 08, 2011
New Silk Road could revitalize war-torn Afghanistan By Prof. Li Xiguang, June 07, 2011
Libya: a Deafening Silence: Escalation in yet another Bloody NATO War By Jody McIntyre, June 07, 2011
Empty words over hopeless Afghan war By ­Aleksey Pushkov, June 07, 2011
Media Manipulation and the Endless Onslaught of Empire By Global Research, June 07, 2011
WE ARE NOW UNDER ATTACK IN TRIPOLI! By Cynthia McKinney, June 07, 2011
Afghanistan: Losing the war By Rizwan Asghar, June 07, 2011
Eurasian Heartland: America Breathes Life into a New Cold War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 07, 2011
VIDEO: Obama’s Unhealthy Addiction to War By Tariq Ali, June 06, 2011
Housing Prices Have Fallen More than During the Great Depression By Washington's Blog, June 06, 2011
The Libyan (Vietnam) Syndrome By Vladimir Fedoruk, June 06, 2011
LIBYA: NATO IS ONE STEP FROM A GROUND WAR By Global Research, June 06, 2011
Libya says NATO raids killed 718 civilians By Imed Lamloum, June 05, 2011
The Anglo-American Relationship: Vision of a War Without End By Felicity Arbuthnot, June 05, 2011
Libya: NATO’s War Of Aggression Against A Sovereign African State By Obi Nwakanma, June 05, 2011
Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People By Prof. James Petras, June 05, 2011
VIDEO: Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers By Robert Greenwald, June 04, 2011
NATO Helicopter Attacks Tantamount To Ground Operation: Russian Foreign Minister By Global Research, June 04, 2011
Libya And Ivory Coast: NATO Reverts To Law Of The Jungle In Africa By He Wenping, June 04, 2011
NATO deploys attack helicopters in Libya By Global Research, June 04, 2011
NATO’s Endgame for Libya: Towards an Invasion? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 03, 2011
NATO Wants to Free Africa From the Africans By Glen Ford, June 03, 2011
R2P: “No Confirmation Whatsoever” according to the Pentagon that Gadhaffi “Fired on his Own People” By Global Research and Global Research, June 03, 2011
Victors’ Justice and the “Responsibility to Protect”: Who are the Real War Criminals? By Eric Pottenger and Jeff Friesen, June 03, 2011
What Does the ICC Stand For? The Imperialist Crime Cover-Up By Diana Johnstone, June 03, 2011
Libyan rebels will recognise Israel By Global Research, June 03, 2011
Record NATO Deaths In Afghan Fighting Season By Global Research, June 03, 2011
VIDEO: Libya: We Might Soon See American Boots on Ground By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 02, 2011
Mladic and international justice: Age of deception. Who are the War Criminals? By Eric Walberg, June 02, 2011
America at War and the Debt Crisis: Hail Caesar By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 02, 2011
Military Escalation: “Phase Two” of the War on Libya By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 01, 2011
Fears of Depleted Uranium Use in Libya By Peter Custers, June 01, 2011
Obama’s Foreign Policy Objectives: The Geopolitical Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia Mosaic By Jack A. Smith, June 01, 2011
“Boots on the Ground”: Sarkozy and Cameron Prepare to Land in Libya By Manlio Dinucci, May 31, 2011
War Against the World By Global Research and Global Research, May 31, 2011
Obama’s UK-Fest : Vision of a War Without End By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 31, 2011
VIDEO: Imperial Takeover: Libya is Now a Humanitarian Disaster By Cynthia McKinney, May 29, 2011
Day 70 Of Libyan War: 8,444 NATO Air Missions, 3,229 Combat Flights By Global Research, May 29, 2011
African Leaders Urge Nato to Stop Airstrikes By Global Research, May 29, 2011