US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
VIDEO: NATO Massacre of Libyan Civilians in Sirte By Global Research, September 28, 2011
VIDEO: Worldwide War: 50 Years of the Military Industrial Complex By David Swanson, September 28, 2011
Russia Blasts NATO For Ignoring, Undermining United Nations By Global Research, September 28, 2011
Pakistan and “The Haqqani Network” : The Latest Orchestrated Threat to America and The End of History By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 27, 2011
Mainstream media: Civilians accuse NATO of massacre in Sirte raids By Global Research, September 27, 2011
Libya Invasion Planned by NATO Since 2007 with the Support of MI6 By Global Research, September 27, 2011
Likud-Republican Alliance – WWIII Scenario? Launching a First Strike on Iran By Solomon Davidson, September 27, 2011
International Military Support for Libya results in TNC withdrawals By Dr. Christof Lehmann, September 26, 2011
Strategic Mayem: From America’s Drone Attacks to an All Out US-NATO War on Pakistan? By Brig. Imran Malik, September 25, 2011
Towards a Lengthy War Scenario? NATO To Stay In Libya For A Long Time By Igor Siletsky, September 23, 2011
NATO extends its aggression on Libya to the end of the year By Global Research, September 22, 2011
Bolivia’s Morales Sees Oil, Greed Behind NATO Mission In Libya By Global Research, September 22, 2011
R2P and GWOT: The Lies of 9/11 and The Lies of War By Global Research, September 21, 2011
VIDEO: Harvest of Hypocrisy? UK Opium Poppy Farming Kept Hush-Hush By Global Research, September 21, 2011
Resistance in Libya: Imperialism will be buried in Africa By Gerald A. Perreira, September 21, 2011
U.S. to build new massive prison in Bagram By Glenn Greenwald, September 21, 2011
VIDEO: People of Tripoli: “We don’t want this revolution!” By Maria Finoshina, September 21, 2011
VIDEO: What is the True Cost of the Afghanistan War? By Tony Benn, September 21, 2011
Libya: Loyalist Fighters Continue Resistance In Capital By Global Research, September 21, 2011
From Bush to Obama: US Policy Towards Iran By Ali Fathollah-Nejad, September 20, 2011
Libyans fail to agree on new cabinet By Global Research, September 19, 2011
Libya Rebels Dumping Hundreds of Bodies in ‘Pro-Gadhafi’ Cemetery By Jason Ditz, September 19, 2011
National Security Archive: Complete Declassified Pentagon Papers at Last! By John Prados, September 19, 2011
VIDEO: Anti-Missile Defense (AMD) ‘Un-Resets’ Washington’s Relations with Moscow By Rick Rozoff, September 19, 2011
VIDEO: NATO Recruiting Jihadists to Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 19, 2011
Massacre of Blacks in Libya By NATO-backed Rebels Continues As World Watches By Milton Allimadi, September 18, 2011
Crusader Tony Blair. “Smooth Transition” from War Criminal to “Peace Envoy” By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 18, 2011
Britain and France lead the colonial charge into Libya By Peter Symonds, September 18, 2011
Why America Needs to Dismantle Its Security Apparatus: Real Security begins with Creating a Policy of Peace By Sherwood Ross, September 18, 2011
ALBA countries oppose Libyan rebels’ UN seat By Global Research, September 18, 2011
Libya’s Unfolding Humanitarian Catastrophe: Cameron and Sarkozy: “Dancing on Graves” in Benghazi By Human Rights Investigations (HRI), September 18, 2011
NATO bombing of Sirte: the New Guernica By Human Rights Investigations (HRI), September 18, 2011
Over 2,000 killed in NATO airstrikes on Gaddafi’s hometown By Global Research, September 17, 2011
Looming in Libya, a murderous peace By Praveen Swami, September 16, 2011
Global Nato and the Recolonisation of Africa – Lessons From the Libyan Intervention By Prof. Horace Campbell, September 16, 2011
The Encirclement of Russia: U.S.-NATO Interceptor Missile Anaconda Loop Around Russia By Vadim Trukhachev, September 16, 2011
Reinforced Turkey-US Military Cooperation By Global Research, September 16, 2011
VIDEO: Libya, Syria… Algeria? “Humanitarian” Wars, Colonialism and Africom By Julien Teil, September 15, 2011
VIDEO: The Truth about Libya and NATO’s “Humanitarian” Military Road Map By Cynthia McKinney and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 15, 2011
Guess Who is Doing the Killing In Libya By Valencia Mohammed, September 15, 2011
America Threatens Russia: U.S. to deploy ballistic missiles in Poland by 2018 By Global Research, September 15, 2011
Libya: If democracy is the keyword used to justify the destruction of human lives and property, then God help us all! By Global Research, September 15, 2011
VIDEO: Rebels Attack a Compound in Tripoli By Global Research, September 14, 2011
Libya Intensifies Resistance to U.S. and NATO-led Occupation By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 14, 2011
From the Post Cold War to the Post 9/11 Era: Did 9/11 Really “Change Everything”? By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, September 14, 2011
VIDEO: What Really Happened in Libya? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 14, 2011
START Treaty at Risk. US-NATO Threaten Russia? By Global Research, September 14, 2011
Militarization of the Arctic: Britain Spearheads “Mini-NATO” In Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea By Global Research, September 14, 2011
Man of Faith: Crusader Tony Blair’s Vision: Eternal War: Iran and Syria Next? By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 14, 2011
Africa’s Shame: NATO-Serving Uncle Toms By Prince Akyeampong, September 14, 2011
NATO’s “Victory” in Libya By Tony Cartalucci, September 13, 2011
VIDEO: War Profiteers Escalate Their War on Jobs By Global Research, September 13, 2011
What Lies Ahead for Libya By Prof. Johan Galtung, September 13, 2011
Libya, the Lie By Murray Dobbin, September 13, 2011
Americans United in Their Alarm about the Destructive Consequences of our Country’s Runaway Militarism By Global Research, September 12, 2011
Dangerous Crossroads: Russian Military Chief: Prepare For “Worst-Case Scenarios” In Unravelling World By Global Research, September 12, 2011
New Documents Detail America’s Strategic Response to 9/11 By The National Security Archive, September 12, 2011
Dangerous Crossroads: Russian Military Chief Warns Of Libya-Syria Scenario In Central Asia By Global Research, September 12, 2011
VIDEO: The Face of Imperialism By Michael Parenti, September 11, 2011
Libya Occupied by the NATO Invaders By Iftekhar A Khan, September 11, 2011
Germany Participated in Libya War without Parliamentary Approval By Global Research, September 11, 2011
Libya: A War on Africa By Dan Glazebrook, September 11, 2011
U.S. furthers Reagan’s Star War plans with Global NATO By Rick Rozoff, September 10, 2011
Million Dead, $1.8 Trillion Spent On Decade-Long U.S. “War On Terror” By Tom Clonan, September 08, 2011
NATO And U.S. Make Libya Safe For Plutocracy By Harry Goslin, September 08, 2011
VIDEO: AFTER 9/11: TEN YEARS OF WAR By James Corbett, September 08, 2011
America: A Sunset Empire By Devon Douglas-Bowers, September 07, 2011
Libya conference: Implications for Third World nations By Prof. Han Dongping, September 07, 2011
VIDEO: NATO is Waging a War Against Civilians By Bill Van Auken, September 07, 2011
VIDEO: Report from Tripoli: “NATO carpet bombed Libya” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 07, 2011
Congresswoman Lee Introduces Bill to Repeal the Authorization to Use Military Force By David Swanson, September 07, 2011
NATO and 9/11: Declaration of the Latvian Antiglobalists By Global Research, September 07, 2011
VIDEO: Global Policeman: NATO Uses Libya To Match, Surpass and Supplant UN By Dmitry Rogozin, September 06, 2011
VIDEO: Paul Craig Roberts on the 9/11 10th Anniversary By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 06, 2011
Africa: Final Conquest For Pentagon’s Global Military Sphere Of Influence By Felix Njini, September 06, 2011
NATO’s Libyan Intervention Evokes Collective Memory Of Colonial Era By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 06, 2011
New Berlin Conference In Paris: The Re-Colonization Of Africa By Stef Terblanche, September 06, 2011
Time to Disband NATO: A Rogue Alliance By Alice Slater, September 05, 2011
Witnessing the Transition to Fear in Tripoli By Lizzie Phelan, September 05, 2011
BRICS countries could block the West’s neocolonial moves in the Middle East By Global Research, September 05, 2011