US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Post-Gaddafi Libya may plunge into chaos By Zhenxi Gong and Sheikh Ali Hummam, October 24, 2011
NATO operation in Libya sets dangerous precedent for Balkans – Primakov By Global Research, October 24, 2011
Fidel Castro: NATO, The Most Perfidious Instrument in the History of Humanity By Global Research, October 24, 2011
Towards a Mafia state in Kosovo: NATO still getting it wrong in Kosovo By James Bissett, October 24, 2011
Almost 10,000 Combat Missions: NATO Still Bombing Libya By Global Research, October 23, 2011
VIDEO: Assassination of Gaddafi Part of Global Regime Change By Adrian Salbuchi, October 23, 2011
Deceit in Nato bombing of Gadhafi cities and loyalists revealed By Manuel F. Almario, October 23, 2011
The ‘Rebel’ Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi: a NATO Operation from A to Z By Martin Iqbal, October 22, 2011
Gaddafi Death: A Bullet to the Head is the Culmination of NATO’s Criminal War By Finian Cunningham, October 22, 2011
Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slaying, the New World Order in All Its Transparent Barbarism By Rick Rozoff, October 22, 2011
VIDEO: Killing of Gaddafi and NATO’s Money-Driven Wars of Conquest By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 21, 2011
Decline of the West: Blood-lust in the streets of Libya suffices for justice By Patrick Henningsen, October 21, 2011
US troops may invade western Pakistan – NYT By Global Research, October 21, 2011
The Military Roadmap. America’s “Next Libyas”: Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen By Global Research, October 21, 2011
The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 21, 2011
Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels By John Pilger, October 20, 2011
VIDEO: Serb Protesters in Kosovo Face Off with Armed NATO Forces By Boris Malagurski, October 20, 2011
Unconfirmed and Contradictory Report: NATO Air Strike Killed Gaddafi: NTC By Global Research, October 20, 2011
Is Washington Using Famine in the Horn of Africa to Embark on Yet Another Illegal War? By Finian Cunningham, October 19, 2011
American War Games directed against China: U.S. and Philippines Test China’s Military Nerves By Konstantin Garibov, October 19, 2011
Barack Obama’s New War in Central Africa? By Boris Volkhonsky, October 19, 2011
US Deaths in Afghanistan: Obama Doubles Entire Bush-Era Total By Jason Ditz, October 19, 2011
U.S. Hawks Behind Iraq War Rally for Strikes Against Iran By Jim Lobe, October 18, 2011
Tensions High as NATO Convoy Turned Away at Serb Roadblock By Global Research, October 18, 2011
History Repeating Itself: U.S. Hawks Hover Over Iran By ­William Echols, October 18, 2011
Survey in a War Zone: More than Half of Afghans See NATO as Occupiers By Global Research, October 18, 2011
US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran By Paul Joseph Watson, October 18, 2011
US deploys Special Forces troops to central Africa By Eddie Haywood and Alex Lantier, October 18, 2011
Libya NTC Rebels in Retreat in Sirte. Renewed NATO Bombing By Global Research, October 17, 2011
VIDEO: NATO Crimes and Mainstream Media Lies in Libya Exposed By Yvonne Di Vito, October 17, 2011
U.S. Officials Peddle False Intel to Support Terror Plot Claims By Gareth Porter, October 17, 2011
VIDEO: Libya: The Humanitarian War. There is no Evidence By Julien Teil, October 15, 2011
NATO WAR CRIMES The Wanton Destruction Of Sirte. Extraordinary Pictures Show Libyan City Shelled to Smithereens By Global Research, October 15, 2011
Libya: NATO Supported Rebel Forces in Retreat By Global Research, October 15, 2011
NATO Supported Islamic Militants Attack Muslim Shrines in Libya By Global Research, October 15, 2011
Intense Fighting in Tripoli: Demoralized NATO Supported Rebel Fighters. Anti-NATO protesters took to the streets By Tony Cartalucci, October 15, 2011
America’s Drone War against Somalia By Global Research, October 15, 2011
VIDEO: Abolish NATO! 10th Anniversary Afghanistan War Rally By Rick Rozoff, October 14, 2011
Afghanistan: America’s 9/11 War. Selected articles and videos By Global Research and Global Research, October 14, 2011
The Occupy Iran Fast and Furious Plot By Pepe Escobar, October 14, 2011
Sources: US Gives Israel Green Light For Iran Strike By Paul Joseph Watson, October 14, 2011
Libya, Syria and NATO’s R2P; The Morality Play of Britain’s “Progressive Media” By Media Lens, October 13, 2011
VIDEO: U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy: A Video History, 1945-2004 By The National Security Archive, October 12, 2011
Iran under US propaganda attack By Boris Volkhonsky, October 12, 2011
Israel and Libya: Preparing Africa for the “Clash of Civilizations” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 11, 2011
VIDEO: Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya: Worthy Victims and Unworthy Victims By John Pilger, October 11, 2011
Romney’s Neocon Foreign Policy Plan By Prof. Lawrence S. Wittner, October 11, 2011
Next Stop is Pakistan By Wayne Madsen, October 10, 2011
VIDEO: The Geo-Political Strategy Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan By Karen Kwiatkowski, October 09, 2011
NATO’s War in Libya: Protecting to Kill, Killing to Protect… By Rahnuma Ahmed, October 09, 2011
NATO’S WAR ON LIBYA, SELECTED ARTICLES By Global Research and Global Research, October 08, 2011
Bush’s Middle East Wars In Keeping With Historic U.S. Patterns, Historian Says By Sherwood Ross, October 08, 2011
Russian Envoy: U.S.-NATO Build Proxy Armies In Afghanistan And Libya, Establish Permanent Presence By Global Research, October 08, 2011
Afghanistan: Thirty-two Years of War. Ten Years of Illegal Occupation By James Corbett, October 07, 2011
VIDEO: Afghanistan: Ten Years of Illegal Occupation By James Corbett, Rick Rozoff, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 07, 2011
VIDEO: 10 Years of War in Afghanistan: A Crime Against Humanity By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 07, 2011
VIDEO: On the 10th Anniversary of NATO’s Occupation of Afghanistan By Malalai Joya, October 07, 2011
NATO Responsible for Crimes against Humanity in Libya By Global Research, October 07, 2011
October 7, 2001: America and NATO’s Decision to Invade Afghanistan. The Pretext to Wage a “Just War” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 07, 2011
Rasmussen: NATO Ready To Build Libyan Proxy Armed Forces By Global Research, October 06, 2011
Libya: NATO Provides the Bombs; The French “Left” Provides the Ideology By Pierre Lévy, October 06, 2011
America’s Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Julien Teil, October 06, 2011
Are “Democracy Now” Correspondents in Libya Feeding Us the State Department and Pentagon Line? By Bruce A. Dixon, October 05, 2011
Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria By Global Research, October 05, 2011
Libya and Syria: Western-led military operations By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 05, 2011
NATO Assault on Sirte Inflicts More Libyan Civilian Casualties By Patrick O'Connor, October 04, 2011
“Saving Lives in Libya”: Tens of Thousands of Bombs and Missiles. 9240 Strike Sorties… By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 04, 2011
VIDEO: “Shoot to Kill”: Live Ammunition Assaults on Peaceful Serbian Demonstrators in Kosovo By Global Research, October 01, 2011
Support from the Tribes of Sahara. Thousands of Tuaregs Join Libyan Resistance Forces. By Alliby Hassan, October 01, 2011
VIDEO: Tallying the Death Toll of NATO’s Vicious War on Libyan Civilians By Sara Flounders, October 01, 2011
Is The War On Terror A Hoax? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 30, 2011
UN Mission in Libya: An Attempt to Legitimize NATO Aggression By Alexander Mezyaev, September 29, 2011
Engineering War and the Economic Crisis By Global Research, September 29, 2011
Libya: Mass killing and humanitarian disaster in NATO siege of Sirte By Bill Van Auken, September 29, 2011
NATO Acknowledges First Strike Interceptor Missile Plans By Global Research, September 29, 2011
Are We At War With Pakistan? By Justin Raimondo, September 29, 2011
Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 29, 2011
The U.S.-Pakistan Crisis: Watershed Or Waterloo? Towards a Broader Af-Pak War? By Raoof Hasan, September 29, 2011
VIDEO: Palestine: US Veto Threat Not in Interest of Americans By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 28, 2011
Failure in Libya By Justin Raimondo, September 28, 2011