US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
US MILITARY CONTRACTORS FINANCE “PRO-WAR DEMOCRACY”: The Election We Should Be Following By David Swanson, February 08, 2012
Will Iran Be Attacked? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 08, 2012
BREAKING: Foreign Troops on the Ground Inside Syria in Violation of International Law By Global Research News, February 08, 2012
SYRIA: Moscow and Tehran to Provide Military Aid to Curb US-NATO Supported Armed Insurrection By Global Research News, February 08, 2012
Targeting Syria and Iran By Stephen Lendman, February 08, 2012
Syria: White House preaches peace as Pentagon prepares for war By Global Research, February 08, 2012
Brussels and Washington ready for Aggression against Syria By Alexander Rahr and Sergei Balmasov, February 08, 2012
Syria and the Seeds of World War By Bill Van Auken, February 08, 2012
Will the US Launch Use Nuclear Weapons against Iran in Retaliation for Tehran’s “Non-compliance”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 07, 2012
PAKISTAN: ‘CIA drones deliberately target innocent people’ By Noor Aftab, February 07, 2012
Showdown in Syria: All roads lead to Tehran By Adrian Salbuchi, February 07, 2012
Deep Military Integration: Towards a North American Combined Military Force By Dana Gabriel, February 07, 2012
MOSCOW: Foreign interference in domestic conflicts is Road to World Chaos By Global Research, February 06, 2012
U.S. Carrier Strike Group Simulating War On Iran Off Florida Coast? By Global Research, February 06, 2012
Is US-China collision inevitable? By S P Seth, February 06, 2012
VIDEO: “No War on Iran” Demonstration at White House By Brian Becker, Malachy Killbride, and Lee Paterson, February 06, 2012
VIDEO: Russia’s Elections: “No Question” US is Backing Opposition By F. William Engdahl, February 06, 2012
Demonstrations in over 80 cities and 6 countries say: NO WAR, NO SANCTIONS, NO INTERVENTION, NO ASSASSINATIONS ON IRAN! By Sara Flounders, February 06, 2012
Heading for War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 06, 2012
The Noose is Tightened Around Iran By Ilya Kharlamov, February 05, 2012
TARGETTING IRAN: The Dogs of War are off the Leash By Tom Burghardt, February 05, 2012
Israel threatens war against Iran within months By Peter Symonds, February 05, 2012
VIDEO: Protesters Slam War Threats Against Iran By Global Research, February 05, 2012
“Iran Will Not Start a War”, but Will Defend Itself By Global Research, February 05, 2012
Lies and Double Standards: Crimes against Humanity: Syria or the US? By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2012
IRAN WAR: U.S. Leak on Israeli Attack Weakened a Warning to Netanyahu By Gareth Porter, February 05, 2012
The March to War against Syria: The Long Shadow of the 2006 Israeli War on Lebanon By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 05, 2012
NATO War Games in the Mediterranean By Global Research and Global Research, February 04, 2012
Armed Groups Inside Syria: Prelude to a US-NATO Intervention? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2012
BREAKING: Russia Points to “Armed Groups” in Syria, Vetoes UN Security Council Draft Resolution By Global Research, February 04, 2012
NATO Versus Syria: NATO Clandestinely Engaged in Syrian Conflict By Philip Giraldi, February 04, 2012
In The “Real Non-Propaganda World”, Does Iran Constitute a Nuclear Menace?. By William Blum, February 03, 2012
Anti-war groups to hit the streets By John Catalinotto, February 03, 2012
BREAKING: Stalemate at the UN: Moscow Says NO to a “Humanitarian War” on Syria By Global Research and Global Research, February 03, 2012
U.S.-Israeli-NATO Attack On Iran: Threat To International Stability By Ilya Kharlamov, February 03, 2012
U.S. Preparing Military Action Against Iran By Gen. Gennady Yevstafyev, February 03, 2012
VIDEO: Syria. The Lies of the UN Security Council are Revealed By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Maria Portnaya, February 02, 2012
VIDEO: Syria Resolution Part of Proxy War Against Iran By Neil Clark, February 02, 2012
DANGEROUS CROSSROADS: Will the U.S. Bomb Iran From Georgia? By Global Research, February 02, 2012
BUILDING A POLITICAL CONSENSUS FOR WAR: Former US Policymakers Promote War on Iran By Stephen Lendman, February 02, 2012
US, Britain, France Prepare for War in the Persian Gulf By Global Research, February 02, 2012
WHEN WAR BECOMES PEACE: Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Win Leads to Formal Investigation of Award By Global Research, February 02, 2012
THREATENING RUSSIA: NATO Missile Shield Command Post To Be Deployed To Germany By Global Research, February 02, 2012
U.S. Prepares Georgia for New Wars in Caucasus and Iran By Rick Rozoff, February 01, 2012
SYRIA. TEXT OF LEAKED ARAB LEAGUE MISSION REPORT Report Reveals Media Lies Regarding Syria By Global Research, February 01, 2012
SYRIA: Arab League Observer Mission Refutes Mainstream Media Narrative By Ronda Hauben, February 01, 2012
VIDEO: The Girl Killed by Obama: She “never saw it coming” By Global Research, February 01, 2012
BREAKING: Russia warns against foreign forces meddling in Syria’s internal affairs By Global Research, February 01, 2012
What Is Really Going On In Syria: Insider Update By Boris Dolgov, February 01, 2012
Destination Persian Gulf? US nuclear sub and destroyer enter Red Sea By Global Research, February 01, 2012
UNCRITICAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA DRIVEL War Plan Iran: Endemic US/Israeli Double-Think Is Now “Normal Discourse” By Finian Cunningham, February 01, 2012
Hundreds of slaughtered civilians isn’t a ‘huge number’ for Obama By Global Research, February 01, 2012
DIRTY AND DEADLY SECRET: NATO Troops Disguise Themselves as Civilians in Afghanistan By Global Research, February 01, 2012
Currency Warfare: What are the Real Targets of the E.U. Oil Embargo against Iran? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 31, 2012
America is “Serious” about its Plan to Wage War on Iran. Pentagon acknowledges Scenario of Heavy Combat Casualties By Andrei Ptashnikov, January 31, 2012
U.S.-NATO-Gulf Cooperation Council Military Buildup Against Iran By Global Research and Global Research, January 31, 2012
VIDEO: Iran and the Globalization of War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 31, 2012
U.S. Soldiers’ Egregious Conduct Belies Global Human Rights Position By Mohammad Jamil, January 31, 2012
A War By Other Means In The Middle East By Aijz Z Syed, January 31, 2012
WAR OR NO WAR IN IRAQ? Drones Over Iraq: When is a Pullout not a Pullout? By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 31, 2012
White House Recruits South Caucasus Allies For Attack On Iran By Global Research, January 31, 2012
Obama admits drone strikes in Pakistan as US drone strikes Yemen By Global Research, January 31, 2012
Iranian Aircraft Carriers in the Gulf of Mexico: It Can’t Happen Here By Tom Engelhardt, January 30, 2012
US, Arab League Push For UN Action Against Syria By Jean Shaoul, January 30, 2012
Crossing the Rubicon: Obama’s Endless Global Warfare By Mahboob A. Khawaja, January 30, 2012
FEB 4 MASS ACTIONS Demanding: NO War! NO Sanctions! NO Intervention! NO Assassinations on IRAN By Global Research, January 30, 2012
VIDEO: War on Iran Would Mean World War III By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 30, 2012
Military Escalation: Will India Join NATO’s War In Afghanistan? By Vladimir Sotnikov, January 30, 2012
Containing China: Washington Increases U.S. Military Presence In the Philippines By Benjie Oliveros, January 30, 2012
Proxy War in Syria Threatens Catastrophe for the Middle East By Shamus Cooke, January 30, 2012
War for Total Control By Adrian Salbuchi, January 29, 2012
IRAN: DRUMS OF WAR BEATING LOUDER: U.S. Mounts Further Military Build-Up in Persian Gulf By Ben Schreiner, January 29, 2012
IRAN WAR: The EU Oil Embargo: Setting the Stage for Military Escalation? By Tom Burghardt, January 29, 2012
New Military Doctrine: America is “Looking for Enemies”: Threatening China By John Cherian, January 29, 2012
The Pentagon’s “Killing Machine”. US To Send More Hit Squads To Middle East By Global Research and Global Research, January 29, 2012
The War on Iran is Already Underway By Leonid Savin, January 28, 2012
Iran to take Action Against the West by Banning Oil Exports to the EU? By James Burgess, January 28, 2012
Israel prepares for war against Iran: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been pressing for an attack on Iran By Peter Symonds, January 27, 2012
THREATENING CHINA: U.S. to expand military presence in the Philippines By Joseph Santolan, January 27, 2012