US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
New Revelations of Torture and Murder of Afghan Civilians by US Special Forces By Thomas Gaist, May 15, 2013
UK announces further £40m Aid Package to Foreign-backed Terrorists in Syria By Press TV, May 15, 2013
Why Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria has turned Pink By Patrick Henningsen, May 15, 2013
Findings of the Mussalaha Peace Mission to Syria By Global Research News, May 14, 2013
Both the Mainstream Media and the Gatekeeper “Alternative” Media Are Pro-War By Washington's Blog, May 14, 2013
Will the US and its NATO Partners Establish a Permanent Military Presence in Libya? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 14, 2013
Criminal and Complicit Mainstream Media By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 13, 2013
America’s War on Syria: Another Anti-Assad False Flag? By Stephen Lendman, May 13, 2013
Bombings in Turkish Border City: “False Flag” Pretext to “Retaliate” against Syria? By Thomas Gaist, May 13, 2013
Libya’s “Water Wars” and Gaddafi`s Great Man-Made River Project By Mathaba, May 13, 2013
Permanent US Military Bases in Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, May 11, 2013
U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … And Many More Covert Wars By Washington's Blog, May 11, 2013
The Legality of War: Pakistani Court Rules CIA Drone Strikes Constitute a War Crime By Alice K Ross, May 11, 2013
Western Backed Al Qaeda “Opposition” Rebels Decimated By Syrian Government Forces: SANA By Global Research News, May 11, 2013
Australia’s Defence White Paper. Threatening China and the US “Pivot” to Asia By James Cogan, May 10, 2013
US Prepares War with Syria as Washington backed Al Qaeda Rebels Lose Ground By Thomas Gaist, May 10, 2013
“Syria to Respond immediately to any New Israeli Attack”: Syria deputy FM. Tel Aviv Supports Al Nusra Terrorists By Press TV, May 10, 2013
“Humanitarian War”: Obama’s Syria Military Game Plan: Libya 2.0 By Stephen Lendman, May 10, 2013
U.S. Marines Train German and Moroccan Troops on How to Operate Drones in North Africa By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 10, 2013
Pentagon Demands To Keep Nine Bases In Afghanistan After 2014 By Javed Hamim Kakar, May 09, 2013
Pentagon Contractors Have Trained the Terrorists in the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 08, 2013
Israel Supports Al Qaeda Operatives in Syria By Dmitriy Sedov, May 08, 2013
Media Theatrics and the Syria Chemical Weapons Saga By David Edwards, May 08, 2013
Syrian army regains control of strategic town in south By Press TV, May 08, 2013
US Presses for War on Syria, Dismisses Al Qaeda Rebels Use of Chemical Weapons By Thomas Gaist, May 08, 2013
Syrian Government Likely Did Not Use Chemical Weapons: Who Should You Believe … The UN Investigator or the U.S.? By Washington's Blog, May 08, 2013
War and Moral Expediency: US and Israel Support Salafist-Jihadist Terrorists in Syria By Phil Greaves, May 08, 2013
UN says US-backed Opposition, not Syrian Regime, used Poison Gas By Alex Lantier, May 07, 2013
The Israeli Attack on Syria and the History of War: Profile of Lawless Aggression By Stephen Lendman, May 07, 2013
Mali Under French Military Occupation By Roger Annis, May 07, 2013
US-Israeli Military Escalation Points toward Wider Intervention By Richard Becker, May 07, 2013
UN: Rebels – Not Syrian Government – Used Chemical Weapons By Washington's Blog, May 06, 2013
The US-NATO-Israel Military Alliance: Israeli Warplanes Attack Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 06, 2013
The Israeli strikes on Syria By Alex Lantier, May 06, 2013
In Wake of US-Israeli Attack on Syria, UN Reveals Terrorists Not Government Used Sarin Gas By Tony Cartalucci, May 06, 2013
Drone Warfare against Afghanistan Waged from the UK By Chris Cole, May 06, 2013
Israel Used Depleted Uranium on Syria By Global Research News, May 05, 2013
Syria’s Iranian and Russian Allies may Openly Intervene if Crisis Escalates By RT, May 05, 2013
A Crass Apology for imperialist intervention in Syria by members of the Left By Bill Van Auken, May 05, 2013
Beirut condemns Israel’s repeated violations of international law, use of Lebanon’s airspace to strike Syria By Global Research News, May 05, 2013
Iran: Obama Approved the Israeli Attack on Syria By Press TV, May 05, 2013
Israel Bombs Syria: Drumbeats of the Start of a Regional War? By RT, May 05, 2013
US supportive of Israeli airstrikes on Syria By RT, May 05, 2013
Israel fuels Regional Crisis by attacking Syria: Syrian Cabinet calls Urgent Meeting to Discuss Retaliation By Global Research News, May 05, 2013
The European Union and the McJihad in Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 05, 2013
America and Israel: Imperial Partners in War against Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 05, 2013
Unprovoked Israeli Acts of Aggression against Syria, Prelude to a Broader War? By Global Research News, May 05, 2013
Desperate Acts to Provoke Syria and Iran: Israel’s “Air Strikes” against Syria By Tony Cartalucci, May 04, 2013
US Defense Secretary Says Washington Weighs Arming of Syrian Insurgency By Bill Van Auken, May 03, 2013
Anglo-American Remote Warfare: The US and Britain Establish “Drone Sharing” By Chris Jones and Alice K Ross, May 02, 2013
The Weight of Chains: US/NATO Destruction of Yugoslavia By Boris Malagurski, May 02, 2013
Tiptoeing Toward War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 02, 2013
Hawija: War Crimes, Iraqi Resistance and America’s Weapons of Mass Destruction By Dirk Adriaensens, May 02, 2013
EU Lifts Oil Embargo on Syria – Buys Directly from Al Qaeda By Tony Cartalucci, May 02, 2013
Stealing Syria’s Oil: The EU Al-Qaeda Oil Consortium By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, May 01, 2013
The CIA’s “Brown Bags” Full of Cash: Millions of Dollars for Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai… By Bill Van Auken, May 01, 2013
War on Syria: US Pledges to Arm Jihadist “Opposition” as New Terror Bombing hits Damascus By Alex Lantier, May 01, 2013
West’s WMD Lies Fray as Syrian Army Overruns Terrorist Proxies By Tony Cartalucci, April 30, 2013
Threatening Syria: WMDs. America’s Big Lie … Again ! By Global Research News, April 30, 2013
Syria: Upping the Stakes. Edging Closer to Full-scale US-NATO Military Intervention By Stephen Lendman, April 30, 2013
The Fall of Libya: A Study in Hypocrisy By Max Ajl, April 29, 2013
Colonial Reoccupation of West Africa? French Troops Will Stay in Mali Even After United Nations Forces Arrive By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 29, 2013
Should We Invade Syria? Obama and U.S. Military Divided Over Syria By Shamus Cooke, April 29, 2013
NATO Backed Al Qaeda Terrorists Target Syrian Prime Minister in Damascus By Arabi Souri, April 29, 2013
Crimes against Humanity: Who is Behind the Iraq Al-Hawija Massacre? By Global Research News, April 29, 2013
Washington Fabricates Chemical Weapons Pretext for War against Syria By Bill Van Auken, April 28, 2013
Time to End Western Support for Terrorists in Syria: “Opposition” is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda By Tony Cartalucci, April 28, 2013
UK MoD confirms British Reaper drones in Afghanistan being controlled from RAF Waddington By Chris Cole, April 27, 2013
New Sanctions Begin: South Korea’s Samsung announces its “Online Store” will not Operate in Iran By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 26, 2013
The Fueling of Unrest in Syria, Israel’s Territorial Ambitions By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, April 26, 2013
Global Warfare: NATO Has Become a Worldwide Military Expeditionary Force By Rick Rozoff, April 26, 2013
Fabricated Intelligence and the WMD Pretext: Obama Heads Closer Closer to War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, April 25, 2013
Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: As NATO Terror Front Collapses, US Drums Up Familiar WMD Lies By Tony Cartalucci, April 25, 2013
US Ramps up Plans for Military Intervention in Syria By Joseph Kishore, April 24, 2013
Time to Renounce the “War on Terror” By Norman Solomon, April 24, 2013
Building a Pretext for an All Out War against Syria? Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use By Stephen Lendman, April 24, 2013
“Boston on the Tigris”: Iraq’s Unreported Terror Event. Twenty-six Car Bombs… By Dirk Adriaensens, April 23, 2013
Mounting Opposition to Drone Warfare By Chris Cole, April 23, 2013
A Nation Divided: The Balkanization of Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 22, 2013
The War on Libya: A Grand Display of NATO’s Lynch Mob Mentality By Dan Glazebrook, April 22, 2013