US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Russian President, Saudi Spy Chief Discussed Syria, Egypt By Global Research News, August 24, 2013
The Syria ‘Chemical Weapons’ Media Hype: Pushing for Military Intervention By Patrick Henningsen, August 24, 2013
False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack on Syria. Pretext for All Out War? By Stephen Lendman, August 24, 2013
Evidence Indicates that Syrian Government Did Not Launch a Chemical Weapon Attack Against Its People By Washington's Blog, August 24, 2013
Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA Operatives Have Entered Syria By Global Research News, August 24, 2013
SYRIA: ‘Obama Overtly supports Al-Qaeda, Provides Terrorists with Chemical Weapons’: Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 24, 2013
The Prospects for Peace in Korea: Confronting US Hypocrisy By Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, August 24, 2013
State-Sponsored Terrorism on Lebanon By Stephen Lendman, August 23, 2013
1953 Coup d’Etat in Iran: “Perfidious Albion”- the View of the U.S. National Security Archive? By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 23, 2013
Materials Implicating Syrian Government in Chemical Attack Prepared Before Incident – Russia By RT, August 23, 2013
Looking Backward on Bradley Manning By Robert Parry, August 23, 2013
Toxic Deaths in Syria: Who Has the Burden of Proof? By Patrick Henningsen, August 22, 2013
Syria Chemical Warfare Claims Aim to Provoke Western Intervention By Bill Van Auken, August 22, 2013
America’s Hypocrisy on North Korea By Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, August 22, 2013
US Sponsored Rebels in Syria have been Defeated. Government Forces are Restoring Peace throughout the Country. By Global Research News, August 22, 2013
Syria: “Only Rebels Benefit from Recent Chemical Attack” By Patrick Henningsen, August 21, 2013
United States and North Korea: Towards Peace and Reconciliation? By Tim Shorrock, August 21, 2013
The Syrian Chemical Weapons Use Canard By Stephen Lendman, August 21, 2013
The Threat of War and the Chance for Peace on the Korean Peninsula By Ramsey Clark, August 20, 2013
U.S. Tax Dollars Continue to Fund Egyptian Military By Brian Becker, August 20, 2013
A Message to Obama: End All U.S. Aid to the Egyptian Military By Brian Becker, August 20, 2013
WHO Is Delaying Release of Iraqi Birth Defect Data? By Kelley B. Vlahos, August 20, 2013
Egyptian Blood on Hands of US Government By Brian Becker, August 19, 2013
Irish Mercenaries Training Syrian Death Squads By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, August 18, 2013
Military Madness: Has our Species become Insane? By Jim McCluskey, August 18, 2013
America’s Upside-Down Morality: Manning Apologizes for Doing the Right Thing By Robert Parry, August 15, 2013
America: Addicted to War By Stephen Lendman, August 14, 2013
Letter From Yemen By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 14, 2013
The New East-West Military Confrontation By Manlio Dinucci, August 14, 2013
Korean Peace and the Asia-Pacific Pivot By James Corbett and Ramsey Clark, August 14, 2013
Encircling Empire: Obama’s Scramble for Africa By Maximilian Forte, August 12, 2013
Why Are We At War in Yemen? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 12, 2013
“Nuclear Guinea Pigs”: Deadly Experiments and Contaminated Reality By Greg Guma, August 11, 2013
Anti-American Sentiment in Egypt By Stephen Lendman, August 10, 2013
The Path to Peace on the Korean Peninsula By James Corbett and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 10, 2013
Covert Drone War in Pakistan: The Return of Double-Tap Drone Strikes By Chris Woods and Mushtaq Yusufzai, August 09, 2013
Engineering Potential Disaster in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 09, 2013
CIA Gun-running, Qatar-Libya-Syria. By Phil Greaves, August 09, 2013
Targeting the Russian Federation: Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 09, 2013
US-Backed Death Squads Massacre Hundreds of Syrian Kurds By Stephen Lendman, August 08, 2013
Korea: How the US is Illegally Using Pretense of “UN Command” to Deceive the World By Dr. Kiyul Chung, August 08, 2013
The Falsification of “UN Command” in Korea By Dr. Kiyul Chung, August 07, 2013
Yemen under Assault: Drone Strike Kills 4 “Suspected Al-Qaeda” Members By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 07, 2013
Since it Failed in Syria, America Now Targets Hezbollah By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 07, 2013
Reciprocity, Balance and Peace on the Korean Peninsula By Xiong Lei, August 06, 2013
AIPAC Promotes War on Iran By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2013
The War on Syria: CIA Preparing for Occupation of Daraa via Jordan: Report By Global Research News, August 06, 2013
Al-Nusra Mercenaries in Syria Slaughter Kurdish Women and Children By Kurt Nimmo, August 06, 2013
President al-Assad: The Syrians Alone can End the Crisis By Global Research News, August 05, 2013
The Prospect of a Korean Peace Treaty By Gregory Elich, August 05, 2013
Interview: ‘Ask the Wrong People About Drone Deaths and You Can be Killed’ By Chris Woods, August 05, 2013
Duplicitous Committee of Inquiry on Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 03, 2013
Mercenary Association Seeking UN Contracts Despite Human Rights Violations By José L. Gómez del Prado and Julie Lévesque, August 03, 2013
America’s Undeclared War on Pakistan: Fresh Evidence of CIA Drone Strikes on Rescuers By Chris Woods, August 03, 2013
Vicious Beyond Imagination: U.S. Endless Wars, Debt, Lies By Carl Herman, August 02, 2013
U.S. General Reveals Plans for Air Force Expansion in Asia By Peter Symonds, August 02, 2013
America’s Foreign Policy Pivots in the Middle East: Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Wahhabi Salafism By Zayd Alisa, August 01, 2013
Mercenary Association Seeking UN Contracts Despite Human Rights Violations By José L. Gómez del Prado and Julie Lévesque, August 01, 2013
An Egyptian ‘Solution’ for Tunisia? By Manlio Dinucci, July 31, 2013
America’s War on the People of Korea By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 31, 2013
UNESCO: Syria’s Six World Heritage Sites Endangered By Global Research News, July 30, 2013
‘US does not want a War – they want Regime Change in North Korea’ By Brian Becker, July 30, 2013
Archbishop Atallah Hanna: Those who bear arms against Syria serve Israel By Global Research News, July 29, 2013
Obama “Wins” the Korean War. Celebrating the Destructive Nature of US led Wars By Jack A. Smith, July 29, 2013
Thousands of Syrian Police who joined the Rebels are on U.S. Payroll By Global Research News, July 28, 2013
America: Super-Bully Nation By Stephen Lendman, July 27, 2013
Peace in Korea: US seeks to use Korea as a Springboard for a Broader War By Global Research News, July 27, 2013
US Officials Attack ‘Far From Authoritative’ Leaked Drone Report By Chris Woods, July 26, 2013
Military Deviancy, War “Trophies”: Body Parts and Souvenir Stars and Stripes from Predator Drones By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 26, 2013
Russia and China Prepare for Global War By Stephen Lendman, July 26, 2013
America’s “Imperial-Left” and the Proxy War Against Syria By Jay Tharappel, July 25, 2013
“Who Authorized Preparations for War with China?” The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life On Earth By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 25, 2013
Inside Syria: Britain Violates Own Anti-Terrorist Legislation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 24, 2013
“Progressive” Mainstream Media Supports the Destabilization and Balkanization of Syria By Phil Greaves, July 24, 2013
Troops on the Ground? Martin Dempsey’s Five Options for War with Syria By Global Research News, July 24, 2013
U.S. Arctic Ambitions and the Militarization of the High North By Dana Gabriel, July 24, 2013
Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Al-Jaafari: Israel’s Occupation of Arab Lands Reached Dangerous Stages By Global Research News, July 24, 2013
US Military Plans Direct Intervention in Syria By Alex Lantier, July 24, 2013
US Expands Global Drone Warfare By Thomas Gaist, July 23, 2013
What’s Next for Syria? The “Washington Consensus” for All Out War By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2013