US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Peace in the Aftermath of Syria’s Elections? Washington’s Option is the Continuation of the “Civil War” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 04, 2014
New Document details America’s War Machine — and Secret Mass of Contractors in Afghanistan By Tim Shorrock, June 04, 2014
An Empire Without a Military Strategy for a Military Strategy Without an Empire By Thierry Meyssan, June 04, 2014
NATO’s Military Encirclement of Russia: Obama escalates NATO Confrontation with Russia By Bill Van Auken, June 04, 2014
Ukraine: New President Escalates Austerity, Civil War; Popular Resistance Deepens By Roger Annis, June 04, 2014
Elections in Syria: The People Say No to Foreign Intervention By Ajamu Baraka, June 04, 2014
Power and the Global Ruling Class. Who Rules the World? By Bernd Hamm, June 04, 2014
The Ukraine Crisis. Not too Late for “Cooperation” instead of “Confrontation”: Towards a “Diplomatic Solution”? By John Pedler, June 03, 2014
West Point: Obama Defends US Aggression on the Grounds of “American Exceptionalism” By Mike Whitney, June 03, 2014
Washington Boasts of Military Buildup against China By Bill Van Auken, June 03, 2014
America’s Declining Influence in the Middle East By Alexander Clackson, June 03, 2014
Europe’s New Arc of Instability in the 21st Century By Michael Werbowski, June 03, 2014
The Unrest in Ukraine and the Return of History By William Hawes, June 03, 2014
American Exceptionalism: What Obama Told Us At West Point. “Americans are the New Master Race. Inferior Humans can be Bombed, Invaded, and Sanctioned.” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 03, 2014
“False Flag Terrorism” to Sustain America’s “Humanitarian” Agenda By Joachim Hagopian, June 02, 2014
US Defense Secretary Menaces China at Singapore Forum By Peter Symonds, June 02, 2014
Syria: Dirty Lies and Black Deeds of Barack Obama By Viktor Mikhin, June 02, 2014
Bilderberg Secret Agenda Leaked: Nuclear War, Ukraine, Syria, Russia-China Gas Deal, Euro Nationalism By Daniel Estulin, June 01, 2014
The Big Picture of the Geopolitical Chess Game: Ukraine is A “Square on the Chessboard” By Peter Koenig, June 01, 2014
Sunshine On A Cloudy Day: The Illusions of Peace and Democracy By Danny Schechter, May 31, 2014
Nuclear Brinksmanship: Obama’s ProtoWar Against Russia and China By Eric Sommer, May 31, 2014
The West’s Weaponization of Democracy: Elections Pushed Ahead in Ukraine, Obstructed in Syria, So Mass Murder Can Continue By Tony Cartalucci, May 31, 2014
There are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine By Global Research News, May 31, 2014
Syria’s Election – No U.S. Intervention By Global Research News, May 30, 2014
Ukraine: New “President” Pays Fighters 16 Times Average Salary By Global Research and Global Research, May 30, 2014
Bilderberg 2014: War Criminals, Big Oil and “Too Big to Jail” Banksters Meet in Secrecy By Julie Lévesque, May 30, 2014
What the Drones Strike: Targets Attacked by CIA Drones in Pakistan – Most are Houses By Alice K Ross and Jack Serle, May 30, 2014
Poland must Rediscover its Anti-fascist Voice. How the Ukraine Crisis Affects Poland By Gavin Rae, May 30, 2014
Obama’s West Point Speech: A Prescription for Unending War By Bill Van Auken, May 30, 2014
Ukraine Military Helicopter Shot Down as Battles Flare in the East By Patrick Martin, May 30, 2014
Poland’s Hand in Ukraine Coup d’Etat: Trained Putchists Two Months in Advance, on Behalf of US-NATO By Thierry Meyssan, May 30, 2014
The World’s Most Powerful Private Club, Bilderberg’s Silent Takeover of Britain’s $60bn Defense Budget By Tony Gosling, May 29, 2014
Obama’s Foreign Policy: A US Military-Intelligence Agenda Which Seeks to Destabilize the Planet By Joachim Hagopian, May 28, 2014
Stop the NATO War Games on Russia’s Doorstep. The Petition the British Government Tried to Ban By Stop the War Coalition, May 28, 2014
East Ukraine Report From The Front Lines: Heavy Civilian Casualties By Information Clearing House, May 28, 2014
Virginia Senator Thanks Syrian President Bashar Al Assad for Saving the Lives of Christians By Richard H. Black, May 28, 2014
The So-called War on Terror Is A Criminal Fraud By Prof Michael Keefer and Kourosh Ziabari, May 28, 2014
Coming Soon: A U.S. Death Squad Program for West Africa By Glen Ford, May 28, 2014
Announcing Afghan Drawdown, Obama Pledges Military Forces for Other “Priorities Around the Globe” By Jerry White, May 28, 2014
Polish Death Squads Fighting in Ukraine. CIA Covert Operation? By Nikolai Malishevski, May 28, 2014
Bilderberg 2014: List of Participants: Mingling of Military-Intel, Politicians, Finance, Oil, Media, Academia and Neocon Think Tanks By Global Research News, May 27, 2014
Bloodbath in Donesk: Kiev Unleashes Military Attack, Killing Civilians By RT, May 27, 2014
Ukraine and the Lies of the U.S. Media By Eric Zuesse, May 27, 2014
Obama in Afghanistan – 12 and a Half Years of War that Left Millions Dead By Stephen Lendman, May 27, 2014
China Terror Attack Mars Historic Gas Deal with Russia By Tony Cartalucci, May 27, 2014
Ukraine in Turmoil. The Situation in Poland By Gavin Rae, May 27, 2014
Nuclear Weapons: Toward Abolition or Armageddon? By Yuki Tanaka, May 26, 2014
America’s “War on Terror”: No U.S. Citizen Is Safe “Throughout the World” By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 26, 2014
How the Ukrainian Civil War Started By Eric Zuesse, May 26, 2014
“Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014”: Another U.S. Style Violent Regime Change? By Wayne Madsen, May 26, 2014
Washington Post Neocons Seek US-Patrolled ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria By Ray McGovern, May 26, 2014
The US is Involved in Simultaneous Acts of Destabilization in Different Regions of the World By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 26, 2014
Why War Is Inevitable By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 26, 2014
The Russia-China Counter-Alliance to US-NATO Aggression By Alexander Clackson, May 26, 2014
Farcical “Elections” in Ukraine: Staging Ground for Escalation of Conflict, Hostilities By Daniel Patrick Welch, May 26, 2014
Russia’s Rise To Global Power. How will President Putin “Play this Game”? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 25, 2014
MLK, JFK, 9/11: An Odyssey of Truth. “Our Responsibility to Create Peace by Facing Lies” By David Ray Griffin, May 24, 2014
Most US Drone Strikes in Pakistan Attack Houses By Alice K Ross and Jack Serle, May 24, 2014
Western Intervention Fosters Instability in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 23, 2014
UN Security Council: French Government Accused of Crimes against the Syrian People By Global Research News, May 23, 2014
Washington Risks Global War By Stephen Lendman, May 22, 2014
Separatism and Empire Building in the 21st Century By Prof. James Petras, May 22, 2014
Ukraine: Washington and NATO Promote Election Held at Gunpoint By Bill Van Auken, May 22, 2014
The North American Security Framework. Expanded Trilateral Defense Cooperation By Dana Gabriel, May 22, 2014
“Bring Back Our Girls” Campaign: Reinforcing U.S. Imperialism, the Root of Terrorism in Africa By Danny Haiphong, May 21, 2014
The BBC Supports Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 21, 2014
Masters of Black Propaganda: The BBC is Barrel Bombing Night and Day By Dr. David Halpin, May 20, 2014
Ukraine and Syria: Elections at Barrels of US-NATO Guns? By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 20, 2014
The U.S. Military’s New Normal in Africa: A Secret African Mission and an African Mission that’s No Secret By Nick Turse, May 20, 2014
The Globalization of Special Forces By Manlio Dinucci, May 20, 2014
US-NATO Interventionism in Africa: Imperialists Host Conference on “Nigerian Security” in Paris By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20, 2014
What Drives The West’s Self-Destructive Belligerence? The “Reconstruction and Enlargement” of Europe. By Tony Cartalucci, May 20, 2014
Militarist Bunkum. Arrogance and Hubris that Lead to War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 19, 2014
US Sends Warships to the Black Sea To “Monitor” Ukraine’s May 25 Elections By Global Research News, May 19, 2014
Understanding the U.S. War State By Prof. John McMurtry, May 19, 2014
Syrian Elections: Democratic Reform Undermines US-NATO Agenda By Prof. Tim Anderson, May 19, 2014
America’s Non-Linear Warfare Agenda and “The Right to Resist” By Andrew Korybko, May 18, 2014
Syria and Ukraine, Two Elections, Dodgy Diplomatic Moves, War Crimes, Arrest Warrants, Double Standards … By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 18, 2014
Is the West “Directly” Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? By Washington's Blog, May 18, 2014
Oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi: Washington’s “Man in Ukraine” By Eric Zuesse, May 18, 2014