US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Obama on the Brink: War or Peace? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 19, 2014
A Young Girl from Slavyansk Ready to Defend Her Hometown against the Kiev Regime By Global Research News, June 19, 2014
Non-Conventional Warfare and the “Geopolitical Reshaping” of Ukraine By Mark Hackard, June 19, 2014
What Goals does the US Pursue in Ukraine? By Boris Novoseltsev, June 19, 2014
Iraqi Government Requests Washington to Carry Out US Air Strikes against Sunni Insurgents By James Cogan, June 19, 2014
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS): An Instrument of the Western Military Alliance By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, June 19, 2014
American Imperialism and Non-Conventional Warfare in Iraq: Premeditated Covert Operations and the ISIS Insurgency By Phil Greaves, June 18, 2014
The Iraq ISIS Insurgency and the Anglo-American Battle For Oil By Felicity Arbuthnot, June 18, 2014
The Glories of America’s Wars: “Made in Hollywood” by the Pentagon’s Propaganda Machine By Joachim Hagopian, June 18, 2014
U.S. Trained ISIS at Secret Jordan Base By Aaron Klein, June 18, 2014
Libya Coming Full Circle. When A Deemed “Conspiracy Theory” Becomes Reality By Sam Muhho, June 18, 2014
The Lethality of Nuclear War: Washington Is Beating The War Drums By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 18, 2014
Iraq Prime Minister Sacks Senior Military Officers over Failure to Fight ISIS Rebels By Xinhua, June 18, 2014
Iraq Witnessing a Popular Revolution, Association of Muslim Scholars By BRussells Tribunal, June 18, 2014
Iraq: ISIS Terrorists Target Native Assyrian Christians in Nineveh By Global Research News, June 18, 2014
Washington seeks “Collaboration” with Tehran as Civil War in Iraq Intensifies By Chris Marsden, June 17, 2014
Mystery Surrounding The Bilderberg Group Conclave By Russ Baker, June 17, 2014
US Occupation of Iraq is the Cause of Sectarian Strife and Al Qaeda Attacks By Denis Halliday, June 17, 2014
US to Launch Another Invasion of Iraq By Nikolai Bobkin, June 17, 2014
US State Dept. Spokesperson Psaki defends Ukraine Foreign Minister over ‘Putin f**ker’ Remark By RT, June 17, 2014
US Sponsored Ukraine Regime is Killing Children: Polina Sladkaya, 6 Years Old. Died in Slavyansk from Howitzer Shell By Global Research News, June 17, 2014
Media Lies and The Propaganda War about Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, June 16, 2014
Blair: Bombing Iraq Better. Again By David Cromwell and David Edwards, June 16, 2014
Ukraine: Is There a Chance for De-escalation? By Tate McClellan, June 16, 2014
US-backed Rightists Attack Russian Embassy in Kiev By Alex Lantier, June 16, 2014
Baghdad in a State of Panic. Gunmen are 20 km. from the Capital By al Akhbar, June 16, 2014
Graphic – Mass Execution of Iraqi Soldiers & Civilians by US Sponsored ISIS Terrorists By Global Research News, June 16, 2014
Stop the War in the Ukraine! Antiwar Appeal of Left Forces in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus By Socialist Project, June 16, 2014
NATO Allegations of Russian Tanks in Ukraine based on Fake Evidence By Alexander Flint, June 16, 2014
Ukraine Neo-Nazis Trained by NATO to Commit Atrocities: NATO’s ‘Gladio’ Army in Ukraine By RT, June 15, 2014
The US-Australia Military Alliance against China By Mike Head, June 15, 2014
How Obama Lost Iraq and the War on Terror By Shamus Cooke, June 15, 2014
Washington’s Iraq “Victory” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 14, 2014
The Middle East and the Pivot to Asia: Obama’s US Foreign Policy Bait and Switch By Jack A. Smith, June 13, 2014
President Petro Poroshenko, “Our Ukraine Insider” for the U.S. State Department By Michael Collins, June 13, 2014
America’s Covert Re-Invasion of Iraq By Tony Cartalucci, June 13, 2014
“Getting Away with Murder”: Immunity of US Intelligence from Criminal Prosecution By Joachim Hagopian, June 12, 2014
The Latest Debacle in Iraq Black Flags Over Mosul By Mike Whitney, June 12, 2014
Iraq Gives Obama Green Light To Commence “Kinetic Support” Against Al Qaeda By Zero Hedge, June 12, 2014
The Syrian Vote: The People Reject Regime Change By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 12, 2014
Ukraine: Repression Leads to Humanitarian Crisis – Thousands of Refugees Leaving Donbass for Russia By Eduard Popov, June 12, 2014
The Lessons of History: In 1966 President De Gaulle Said No to US-NATO By Umberto Pascali, June 11, 2014
“Friendly Fire”: US Air Strike Kills Five American Special Operations Troops in Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, June 11, 2014
US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Powers, in Turkey and Jordan to Discuss Syria By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 11, 2014
Poland’s Hand in Ukraine: Security Advisor to former Polish President in “Anti-terrorist Operation” in Slavyansk By Andrew Korybko, June 11, 2014
The Fateful Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and the Jews By Israel Shamir, June 11, 2014
Obama’s Attempt at Intimidating Russia: Dispatching B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe By Mike Whitney, June 10, 2014
USAID Finances the Anti-War Movement. Open Letter to the Organizers of the Peace Event in Sarajevo 2014 By Elsa Rassbach, June 10, 2014
US-NATO Sponsored Destruction and Atrocities in South Eastern Ukraine By Global Research News, June 10, 2014
Human Rights Watch’s Revolving Door: Edicts and Positions in Line with US Policy By Belén Fernández, June 10, 2014
US Covert Actions in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia – May 2014 Update By Alice K Ross and Jack Serle, June 10, 2014
Crediting Obama for Bringing Troops Home–Without Noting He Sent Them Abroad By Peter Hart, June 10, 2014
World War II: The Unknown War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 10, 2014
Mass Protests Grow Against French-backed Regime in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 09, 2014
Global Militarization, the East-West Divide and the March towards World War III By Joachim Hagopian, June 09, 2014
World War III, Class Conflict and the History of Warfare. The Global Corporate Elites against The World’s People By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, June 09, 2014
Vienna: A Dispatch from the Front Line By Michael Werbowski, June 09, 2014
Newly installed President Poroshenko Pledges to Militarise Ukraine and Crush Rebellion in the East By Mike Head, June 09, 2014
Does Obama Want to Stay in Afghanistan to Harvest Its Opium? By Sherwood Ross, June 09, 2014
Poroshenko’s Phony Peace Plan. Selling out Ukraine to NATO and the EU By John Robles, June 09, 2014
Rethinking World War II: Debunking the Myth of the Good War Global Research News Hour Episode 69 By Michael Welch, Richard Sanders, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, June 09, 2014
The Putin-Poroshenko “Secret” D-Day Agreement By RT, June 08, 2014
Kiev Regime Abandons Ukraine-Russian Border Checkpoints: Russia Controls Borders. Parts of East Ukraine Are De Facto “Integrated” into Russian Federation By Eric Zuesse, June 07, 2014
Water War? Turkey Cuts Water Supply to Syria. Euphrates Shut Down By Michael Collins, June 07, 2014
Why Ukraine’s Civil War Is of Global Historical Importance By Eric Zuesse, June 07, 2014
Refuting President Obama’s Lies, Omissions and Distortions By Prof. James Petras, June 07, 2014
New York Times and Obama’s Afghanistan Draw Down: Selling the Never-Ending War on Terror By Steve Breyman, June 07, 2014
G7 Unity shows Cracks on Russia Sanctions By Bill Van Auken, June 07, 2014
Hillary Clinton: Warmonger for the Bankster Elite By Kurt Nimmo, June 06, 2014
Please, Ambassador Ford. Name me a “Moderate” Syrian rebel By Global Research News, June 06, 2014
Boko Haram: “Economic Fundamentalism” and Impoverishment Send Unemployed Youths Into Religious Militias By Prof. Horace Campbell, June 06, 2014
Do We Really Need to Re-Start the Cold War? By Eric Zuesse, June 06, 2014
Is there a New Cold War that Impacts Africa? By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 05, 2014
Bleeding Syria is Now the Agenda: Elections are a Battle Won, but the War Goes On By Tony Cartalucci, June 05, 2014
Obama backs State Terror against Eastern Ukraine By Bill Van Auken, June 05, 2014
The Chilcot Inquiry on Iraq, Instigated by the Perpetrators of War Crimes: The Greatest Scandal of our Generation By David Lawley Wakelin, June 05, 2014
NATO, Quo Vadis? Europe Returns to the Confrontations of the Cold War Era Amid Global Uncertainty By Michael Werbowski, June 05, 2014
Imperialism and Elections in Syria, Egypt and Ukraine By Sara Flounders, June 05, 2014
Who was Maidan Snipers’ Mastermind? By Adam Larson, June 05, 2014
Media Disinformation and Coverup of Atrocities Committed by US Sponsored Syria Rebels By Adam Larson, June 05, 2014