US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
The Rise of German Imperialism and the Phony “Russian Threat” By Prof. James Petras, December 07, 2014
H. Res. 758: Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia By Rep. Ron Paul, December 06, 2014
Spotlight on Mali: Tuareg Resistance, US-France Intervention, The Geo-strategic Context, The Rights of Children Global Research News Hour Episode 85 By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and John Schertow, December 06, 2014
Putin’s Message to Obama: “Talking to Russia from a Position of Strength is Meaningless”. By RT, December 05, 2014
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq and Syria: The Dirty Consequences of Our “Clean Wars” By Chris Cole, December 05, 2014
H. Res. 758: See How Your Representative Voted on Bill for Obama to Send Weapons to Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, December 05, 2014
Vladimir Putin: America is a Threat to Russia and the World. “True Sovereignty for Russia” is Essential. Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly By Pres. Vladimir Putin, December 05, 2014
The War on Syria, Who is Behind the Terrorists? President Bashar Al-Assad. Paris Match Interview By Bashar al Assad, December 05, 2014
Regime Change at the Pentagon. Neocons Triumphant in Washington and Geneva By Philip Giraldi, December 04, 2014
America’s $63 Billion Slush Fund for Illegal Wars By Global Research News, December 04, 2014
Stop Talking about NATO Membership for Ukraine By Christoph Schult, December 03, 2014
New York Times on Syria and Ukraine: How Propaganda Works By Robert Parry, December 03, 2014
Rejecting Pentagon Claims, Iran Denies Conducting Airstrikes Inside Iraq By Jon Queally, December 03, 2014
While America Daydreams, Warmongers Ready For Assault On Syria By Brandon Turbeville, December 03, 2014
Cold Turkey: Ankara Buckles Against Western Pressure, Turns to Russia By Andrew Korybko, December 03, 2014
“Green Light” to War on Russia, Legislation in US Congress: Say No To War with Russia under H. Res. 758 “Russian Aggression” By Dennis Kucinich, December 02, 2014
Will Russia, Germany Save Europe from War? By Pepe Escobar, December 01, 2014
Defending Dollar Imperialism: Ukraine War Driven by Gas-Dollar Link By Mike Whitney, December 01, 2014
Afghan Regime hit by Wave of Taliban Attacks By Patrick Martin, December 01, 2014
Canada Preparing to Expand its Role in Mideast War By Roger Jordan, November 30, 2014
Is Britain Complicit in the Targeted Killing by American Drones? By The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, November 30, 2014
“Islamic State” (ISIS) Supply Lines, Influx of Fighters and Weapons Protected by Turkey in Liaison with NATO By Tony Cartalucci, November 29, 2014
War on the Down-Low: Obama’s Afghan Lies By Glen Ford, November 28, 2014
One Year Since the Beginning of the Crisis in Ukraine By Peter Schwarz, November 28, 2014
Is Washington training an Insurgent Army to “Occupy” Syria? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, November 28, 2014
Interview with President Vladimir Putin: The Crisis in East Ukraine, The Sanctions Regime, Russian-German Relations By Pres. Vladimir Putin, November 27, 2014
New Coalition Plans to Expand War against Eastern Ukraine By Christoph Dreier, November 27, 2014
Syria: Death Squads Receiving Training in Joint US/Qatar Operation By Brandon Turbeville, November 27, 2014
Two Big Boys: China and NATO By Prof. Minqi Li and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, November 26, 2014
Eight Thousand Afghan Civilian Casualties Reported in US-led War in 2014: UN By Press TV, November 26, 2014
Iran Nuclear Talks Extended By Keith Jones, November 25, 2014
If the Public only Knew – US Aid to Ukraine Monsters. Atrocities Committed by Ukraine National Guard Azov Battalion By George Eliason, November 25, 2014
Washington Plays Russian Roulette By Pepe Escobar, November 24, 2014
Vox Populi: Readers Comments Show anti-Putin Propaganda Not Working By Mike Whitney, November 24, 2014
US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Stepping Down Under Pressure By RT, November 24, 2014
The Islamic State (ISIS) and Imperialism: Terrorism is not a “Threat” to the West. It is a Weapon of the West. By Sam Muhho, November 24, 2014
Obama Authorizes Wider War in Afghanistan By Patrick Martin, November 24, 2014
Towards a New Joint Global Currency? Putin Calls Upon Washington “Not to Meddle in Russian Affairs” By Peter Koenig, November 24, 2014
The Pentagon’s “Non-Lethal Military Aid” Will be Used to Kill Civilians in East Ukraine, Nazemroaya, Chossudovsky By Global Research News, November 23, 2014
The Islamic State (ISIS), The Boogeymen of Our Times: Justifying US Hegemony and “Humanitarian Warfare” By Steven Chovanec, November 23, 2014
Can the World Avert a New Cold War? By Annie Machon, November 23, 2014
War on the Islamic State (ISIS): TV Anchor to US Treasury Official: Oil Fields and Refineries, “Why Can’t You Just Bomb Them?” By Jim Naureckas, November 23, 2014
The Past, Present and Future of Russia-West Relations By Michael Averko, November 23, 2014
Obama Extends War in Afghanistan By Kathy Kelly, November 23, 2014
Tony Blair, “Infanticide Endorser” is Rewarded by “Save The Children” By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 23, 2014
Iran’s Nuclear Program and the US Sponsored Sanctions Regime By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, November 23, 2014
War Works, So Why Isn’t It Working against the Islamic State (ISIS)? By Peter Hart, November 22, 2014
Canada: Harper Government’s Subservience to Senator McCain and US Interests By Tony Seed, November 21, 2014
Vladimir Putin Prevails at The Brisbane G-20: A Show of Western Weakness, A Mockery of Crisis Management and Diplomacy By Jan Oberg, November 21, 2014
Company In Which US Vice President Joe Biden’s Son Is Director Prepares To Drill Shale Gas In East Ukraine By Zero Hedge, November 21, 2014
America Never Intended to Defeat The Islamic State (ISIS) By Tony Cartalucci, November 20, 2014
NATO’s Fake “Non-Combat Mission” in Afghanistan By Kathy Kelly, November 20, 2014
Media Disinformation: Russia invades Ukraine. Again. And again. And yet again … using Saddam’s WMD By William Blum, November 20, 2014
US Prepares to Sell Warships to Saudi Arabia to Help “Take Down Iran” By Bruce Gagnon, November 20, 2014
hillary clinton
The Next US Presidential Election Will Move The World Closer To War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 20, 2014
The Islamic State and The Balkans. Washington Sends in Prosecutors and “Counter-Terrorism Advisers” By Olsi Jazexhi, November 19, 2014
Building Solidarity With Africa: Struggle Against Neo-Colonialism, Imperialism and US-NATO Militarization By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 19, 2014
Canada’s Prime Minister Spearheads Attack on Russia at G-20 Summit By Roger Jordan, November 19, 2014
© ITAR-TASS/Alexei Druzhinin Sergey Lavrov
Russia Does Not Plan on “Begging the West” to Lift the Economic Sanctions By Global Research News, November 19, 2014
Libya’s NATO Supported “Pro-Democracy” Rebels Have Joined the Islamic State (ISIS) By Tony Cartalucci, November 19, 2014
The ISIS Beheading That Never Was? – The Peter Kassig Killing And Western War Propaganda By Brandon Turbeville, November 19, 2014
US-Armed Syrian Opposition “Surrenders” to Al Qaeda? And Al Qaeda Affiliates are Now Part of the Islamic State By Ulson Gunnar, November 19, 2014
US-NATO’s Cold War 2.0 With Russia. How to Reverse the Tide of Global Warfare? By Vladimir Kozin, November 18, 2014
US Planes Supplying ISIL with Weapons, Foodstuff. Iraq Intel Report By Fars News Agency, November 17, 2014
America’s Bases of War in the Greater Middle East. From Carter to the Islamic State By David Vine, November 17, 2014
ISIS Agrees to Work with Itself – US Calls for Panic, Attack on Assad By Brandon Turbeville, November 17, 2014
Pentagon Orders Multi-Billion Dollar Revamp of US Nuke Arsenal By Press TV, November 17, 2014
Ukraine’s President, to the People He’s Bombing: “Go to Hell” By Eric Zuesse, November 17, 2014
Post Cold War Era. How A Russian Security Analyst Sees Russia’s Relationship with the U.S. and the West By Joseph P Farrell, November 17, 2014
The War in Syrian Kurdistan: The Fall of Kobani is a Prerequisite for the Invasion of Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, November 17, 2014
Navy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington State By Dahr Jamail, November 17, 2014
NATO Intensifies Threats against Russia over Ukraine By Christoph Dreier, November 16, 2014
The Dramatic Plight of Syrian Refugees in Turkey By Dr. Birsen Filip, November 16, 2014
Fake Video Footage: The West’s Propaganda War on Syria Exposed Once Again By Tony Cartalucci, November 16, 2014
Dismantling the Pro-War Cult. The Myth of the Soldier as Guarantor of Freedom By Michael Welch, November 15, 2014
G-20 Summit: The Stage is Set for Confrontation with Russia By Peter Symonds, November 15, 2014
Top General says US Troops may be Needed to Retake Iraqi Cities By Bill Van Auken, November 15, 2014
Obama’s Ukrainian War: Viewpoint of President Putin’s Advisor Sergei Glazyev By Eric Zuesse and Sergei Glazyev, November 15, 2014
China – Russia Eurasian Trade Bloc Undermines Obama’s “Neocon Agenda”: Prof. Michael Hudson By Prof Michael Hudson, November 14, 2014
The Impending Dangers of Nuclear War: America’s W88 Thermonuclear Warhead is 30 Times a Hiroshima Bomb By Jim McCluskey, November 14, 2014