US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Iran Is Not The Threat By Miko Peled, July 23, 2015
US Targets Venezuela Using Border Dispute as Pretext By Eric Draitser, July 23, 2015
Japanese Government Ramps Up Tensions with China By Peter Symonds, July 23, 2015
Media Manipulation and “Discrepancies”: BBC Admits Switching Pictures and Video Footage By Robert Stuart, July 23, 2015
Iran Doesn’t Trust US Inspectors–and Shouldn’t By Jim Naureckas, July 21, 2015
The Iran Nuclear Pact and US Imperialism’s Drive for Global Hegemony By Keith Jones, July 21, 2015
Victoria Nuland Threatens Russia By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2015
Propaganda Wave Portends Invasion of Syria By Tony Cartalucci, July 21, 2015
Yemen War Continues From Aden to Sanaa By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 21, 2015
Land Mines in Iran Nuclear Deal. Israel and its Washington Lobby By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2015
The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement. Putting More Pressure on Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 21, 2015
ISIS Spy Drone “Made in Israel”, Brought Down in Western Iraq By Fars News Agency, July 20, 2015
British Media Uses Fake Video Footage to Accuse Syria’s President of Killing his Own People By Robert Stuart, July 20, 2015
PETITION: New York Times, Washington Post: Provide Sustained Coverage of US-Backed Civilian Deaths in Yemen By FAIR, July 20, 2015
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Triumph for Iran, US Hegemony and Israeli Militarism in Retreat By Sayed Hasan, July 20, 2015
US Neoconservatives: Seeking War to the End of the World By Robert Parry, July 20, 2015
Countering the Neo-Cold Warriors By Wayne Madsen, July 20, 2015
NATO’s Perilous Gambit By Dr. James Polk, July 20, 2015
US-Supported Kiev Aggression on Donbass Escalated By Stephen Lendman, July 20, 2015
Sanctions Were Going to Collapse: The US Was Forced to Negotiate with Iran Because of Changing Global Circumstances By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 20, 2015
British Prime Minister Cameron Orders RAF Bombings of Syria without Parliamentary Approval. Commits UK on US TV to War against Islamic State By Eileen Kersey, July 19, 2015
Expansion by Stealth: UK Strikes in Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 19, 2015
Right Sector Threatens Violence throughout Ukraine By Andrea Peters, July 19, 2015
US Prepares to Put More Pressure on Russia, Threatens More “Security Assistance” to Ukraine By Sputnik, July 18, 2015
MH-17 Mystery One Year Later: A New Tonkin Gulf Case? By Robert Parry, July 18, 2015
Conservative Government Concealed UK Participation in Syria Air Strikes By Julie Hyland, July 18, 2015
Hillary Clinton: War Goddess, Corporate Shill, Anti-Populist By Stephen Lendman, July 17, 2015
Is the Iran Nukes Deal Aimed at Crushing Putin? By Mike Whitney, July 17, 2015
Australian Greens Senator Talks of War with China By James Cogan, July 15, 2015
The SCO Expands: India and Pakistan to Become Full Members By Global Research and Global Research, July 15, 2015
UN Reports at Least 15,000 Civilians Killed in Iraq War Since 2014 By SM Gibson, July 14, 2015
Afghan War Costs American Taxpayers $4 million Per Hour: Study By RT, July 14, 2015
Obama’s Deadly Cold War Legacy By Robert Parry, July 13, 2015
Fighting the Russian and Chinese Community of Destiny: Did the US Try to Crash China’s Market Because BRICS Launched the New Development Bank? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 13, 2015
Yemeni Genocide Proceeds Apace, US and the “Islamic State” are De Facto Allies By William Boardman, July 12, 2015
War with Iran is the Only Alternative to An Iran P5+1 Nuclear Deal, US Congressman By Jamal Abdi, July 12, 2015
MIT Professor Shames US for ‘Fictitious and Bizarre’ Idea that New Nuclear B61-12 Bomb Could Win War By Sputnik, July 12, 2015
US-Israeli Imperialists Plot Downfall of Syria and Iran By Brandon Martinez, July 11, 2015
Libya: Chaos – The Result of Western Intrusion By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, July 11, 2015
US-Saudi Man-Made Famine Threatens 20 Million Yemenis By Chris Toensing, July 11, 2015
The US Dollar and Bretton Woods are Finished: The BRICS/SCO Summits in Ufa Mark the Start of a “Silk World Order” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 10, 2015
Shadow Play: The ISIS ‘Ramadan Attacks’ Smell of a Western-Born PSYOP By Shawn Helton, July 10, 2015
Pentagon Concludes America Is Not Safe Unless It Conquers The World. US Plans War against Russia. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 10, 2015
Chechen Islamists Flock to Ukraine to Back Kiev Regime Against Donbass Rebels By Jason Ditz, July 10, 2015
Secret Document Shows CIA Reaction to Finding No WMD in Iraq By David Swanson, July 10, 2015
MH-17 Case Slips into Propaganda Fog By Robert Parry, July 10, 2015
Military Officials Declare Russia the “Greatest Threat” to US Interests By Niles Williamson, July 10, 2015
Senator Lindsey Graham Wants 20,000 U.S. Troops in Iraq and Syria By Brandon Turbeville, July 10, 2015
Dr. Che Guevara’s Prescription for Africa’s AFRICOM Headache By Mark P. Fancher, July 10, 2015
Pentagon Recruits 60 “Moderate” Syrian Rebels, Pays $9 Million to Train Each One By Kurt Nimmo, July 10, 2015
Iraq-Syria War could Fragment both Countries, Top US General Says By Thomas Gaist, July 09, 2015
Thailand Consulate Attacked in Turkey. Latest Blow in US-China Proxy War By Tony Cartalucci, July 09, 2015
Peace Lessons By David Swanson, July 09, 2015
ISIS – The Dumbest Story Ever Told By Global Research News, July 08, 2015
The Globalists Are Racing to World War III Before the American Sheeple Wake Up By Joachim Hagopian, July 08, 2015
The Council on Foreign Relations Uses Afghan Women’s Rights as an Imperial Propaganda Tool By Julie Lévesque, July 08, 2015
obama soldiers
Obama Declares “Permanent” War on Humanity. “It Will Take Time to Root Out ISIL” By Stephen Lendman, July 07, 2015
Obama at the Pentagon: No End to ISIS War By Thomas Gaist, July 07, 2015
War in Support of “The Security of the Global Economic System” : Under New National Military Strategy U.S. May Invade Any Non-‘Ally’ By Eric Zuesse, July 07, 2015
US-NATO’s Undeclared Proxy War “Inside Russia”? The Islamic State (ISIS) Insurgency Extends into the Russian Caucasus. Who is Behind The Terrorists? By South Front, July 06, 2015
British Joint Forces Command General Says Armed Forces Must Spread “Lies”, Take up the Fight on Social Media By Steven Swinford, July 06, 2015
Syria, A Proxy War, Terrorists Coming From 89 Countries. Italian Lawmaker Calls on His Government to Reestablish Diplomatic Ties with Syria By Global Research News, July 05, 2015
Foreign Mercenaries Fighting with Ukraine Armed Forces in Mariupol Area By South Front, July 05, 2015
Belgium’s Exit From Anti-ISIL Coalition’s Bombing Campaign in Syria and Iraq By Sputnik, July 04, 2015
Hillary Clinton’s Failed Libya ‘Doctrine’ By Robert Parry, July 03, 2015
Putin Gobsmacks Uncle Sam … Again By Mike Whitney, July 03, 2015
Is Western Foreign Policy working? By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, July 03, 2015
The Globalization of War. America’s “Long War” against Humanity By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, July 03, 2015
Neither Greater Asia nor Greater Europe: America’s «Chaos» versus a Silk World Order By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 03, 2015
Is a Nuclear Deal with Iran Being Stalled Because the West Can’t Pay Tehran’s Money Back? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 02, 2015
The US-Russia Economic War Heats Up. Coordinated with Pentagon-NATO Deployments By Eric Draitser, July 02, 2015
“Deter, Deny and Defeat”: Pentagon Labels Russia, China, Iran and North Korea as “Threats to Global Peace” By Stephen Lendman, July 02, 2015
Nuclear Confrontation with Russia: Has Washington Gone Looney Tunes? By F. William Engdahl, July 02, 2015
Now Jordan Announces Plans To Invade Syria By Brandon Turbeville, July 02, 2015
The War in Syria, Report from the Battlefield By South Front, July 02, 2015
Obama’s Plan B: Military Confrontation with Iran? No Deal on Iran P5 +1 Nuclear Negotiations By Stephen Lendman, July 01, 2015
Washington has Found the Solution: “Let’s Divide Iraq as We Did in Yugoslavia!” By Michel Collon, June 30, 2015
The Yinon Plan and the Role of the ISIS By Sultana Afroz, June 30, 2015
US Admits Paying Al-Qaeda and ISIS Terrorists For Services Rendered In Syria By Brandon Turbeville, June 30, 2015
Yemen Facing Famine as Saudi-GCC War Impacts Millions By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 30, 2015