US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
A Game of Dice With Russia: “Do You Realize What You Have Done?” By Luciana Bohne, October 06, 2015
Washington’s War Crime in Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, October 06, 2015
Kunduz Hospital Airstrike by US. Washington Admits they Did it. Gravest Violation of International Law. It Was Deliberate, It Wasn’t “Collateral Damage” By Medecins Sans Frontieres, October 06, 2015
Nuclear War and Jeremy Corbyn – The Fury and The Farce By Media Lens, October 06, 2015
Where Did Obama Really Go to School? And What Is Really Happening in Syria? By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, October 06, 2015
Russia to Expand Syria Air Strikes against ISIS: Mission Creep or Strategy? By Dr. Christof Lehmann, October 05, 2015
The Latest NYT Propaganda Tabloid on Syria, … on Behalf of the Pentagon By Stephen Lendman, October 05, 2015
Syria President al-Assad Interview: “New Anti-terrorism Coalition Must Succeed, Otherwise the Whole Region Will Be Destroyed” By Bashar al Assad, October 05, 2015
Russia Destroys Al Nusra Command and Control, Syrian Army Prepares Ground Attack against US Sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists, FSA Militants Surrender By South Front, October 05, 2015
New York Times Moving into High Spin Denigrating Vladimir Putin on Syria By Peter Koenig, October 05, 2015
Russia versus America: A Lesson In The Abuse and Use of Power By Christopher Black, October 05, 2015
US Tax Dollars and Ukraine’s Finance Minister By Robert Parry, October 05, 2015
It is the US that has been Destabilizing the Middle East, Not Russia By Sputnik and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 04, 2015
Russia Uses High Tech Smart Bombs to Wipe Out US Sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists. Panic in Rebel Ranks By Stephen Lendman, October 04, 2015
The War on ISIS and Russia’s Role: The Covert CIA Agenda, Media Deception and Propaganda By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, October 04, 2015
Chaos in Kunduz. Military Setback for US-NATO in Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 04, 2015
Putin Asked Obama: “What is the Meaning of State Sovereignty?” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 04, 2015
Kaleidoscope of Power Games in the Middle-East – Stunning the Exceptional Nation – Lead-up to a US-Russia Proxy-War? By Peter Koenig, October 03, 2015
Stop The War: Canada’s Military Operations are Illegal Under Canadian Law By Christopher Black, October 03, 2015
The Western Alliance Is Crumbling: EU Is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad By Eric Zuesse, October 03, 2015
Russia’s Campaign To Snuff Off The CIA’s Al-Qaeda Forces By Moon of Alabama, October 03, 2015
Barack O’Bomber: US Airstrike Obliterates Hospital in Afghanistan, Casualty Numbers Rising By 21st Century Wire, October 03, 2015
The Propaganda War against Syria Led by Avaaz and the White Helmets By Vanessa Beeley, October 02, 2015
Obama v. Putin: Their Debate on Crimea. The Source of the ‘New Cold War’ By Eric Zuesse, October 02, 2015
Should the US Become an Ally of Al Qaeda in Syria? By Robert Parry, October 02, 2015
Why is Washington Against Russia Bombing ISIS and Al-Qaeda? By Daniel McAdams, October 02, 2015
Russia and Iran are Coordinating in Syria to Preserve Regional Stability By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 02, 2015
The Anti-Russian Lying Machine in Action By Stephen Lendman, October 02, 2015
This Is How Russia Handles Terrorists: Moscow Releases Video Of Syria Strikes By Zero Hedge, October 02, 2015
Finally Some Clarity About the Russian Plans in Syria. “Yes, Putin has just Won Another Major Victory against the Empire” By The Saker, October 02, 2015
Russian Airstrikes in Syria Targeted “NATO Created Mercenaries”. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Sputnik, October 02, 2015
Vladimir Putin’s Address to the United Nations Security Council. Video and Transcript By Pres. Vladimir Putin, October 02, 2015
Barack Obama’s Address to the United Nations General Assembly. Video and Transcript By Barack Obama, October 02, 2015
Putin’s Global Game Changer By Oriental Review, October 02, 2015
Formidable Russian Air Power Targets ISIS in Syria By Stephen Lendman, October 02, 2015
A Game of Dice With Russia: “Do You Realize What You Have Done?” By Luciana Bohne, October 02, 2015
The Asian NATO-like Project: How to Offset Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”, Building Regional Partnerships By Andrew Korybko, October 01, 2015
Putin and Obama’s UN Showdown Helps Expose How Washington Supports and Protects The Islamic State (ISIS) By Joachim Hagopian, October 01, 2015
Putin’s Blitz Leaves Washington Rankled and Confused By Mike Whitney, October 01, 2015
Paris Shooters Just Returned from NATO’s Proxy War in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, October 01, 2015
NATO’s Epic Fail: Taliban Retake Major Hub of Kunduz in Afghanistan By 21st Century Wire, October 01, 2015
Russia Bombs ISIS By Stephen Lendman, October 01, 2015
Russia Establishes ‘No Fly’ Zone for NATO Planes over Syria, Moves to Destroy “ISIS”. Pentagon Freaks Out By Joe Quinn, October 01, 2015
Obama Accuses Russia of Going After America’s “Good Guy Terrorists” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 01, 2015
Putin Trumps Obama at the U.N. By Margaret Kimberley, September 30, 2015
Obama’s Ludicrous ‘Barrel Bomb’ Theme: Singling Out Assad By Robert Parry, September 30, 2015
Putin Offers the US a Route to Sanity in the Middle East By Alexander Mercouris, September 30, 2015
Russia and Putin, the Nonexistent Threat. Who is the Aggressor; the US or Russia? By Joe Clifford, September 29, 2015
‘Constructive & Surprisingly Frank’: Putin Meets Obama on Sidelines of UN General Assembly By RT, September 29, 2015
China Joins the Fight Against ISIS? By Stephen Lendman, September 29, 2015
Obama at the United Nations: Washington Prepares Heightened Aggression against Damascus and Moscow By Barry Grey, September 29, 2015
The Western Mainstream Media Is Dying and Here’s Why By Tony Cartalucci, September 29, 2015
The Russia-Iran-Iraq-Syria Joint “Information Center” against America’s ISIS Foot Soldiers By Global Research News, September 29, 2015
America’s Proxy War in Syria: Are Washington War Hawks Losing their Grip over Middle East Politics? By Sean Stinson, September 29, 2015
British PM David Cameron: “Non-Violent Extremists” Including “9/11 Truthers” and “Conspiracy Theorists” are Just as Dangerous as ISIL Terrorists By Peter Drew, September 28, 2015
Time for UN to Shift Mission in Yemen. Long history of Saudi Military Intervention By Nicola Nasser, September 28, 2015
Putin: Chaos of Iraq and Libya Warn Against Western Regime Change in Syria By Jon Queally, September 28, 2015
Pakistan Expresses Alarm over Ever-expanding US-India Strategic Partnership By Sampath Perera, September 28, 2015
Obama’s Flak Demeans Putin’s Posture By Robert Parry, September 28, 2015
France Bombs Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 28, 2015
Russia, Iran, Iraq & Syria Setting Up ‘Joint Information Center’ to Coordinate Anti-ISIS Operations By RT, September 27, 2015
Know World War II, Avoid World War III. US Provocation and Propaganda directed against China By Tony Cartalucci, September 27, 2015
US Preparing for “Hybrid War” with Russia? Positioning US-NATO Forces on Russia’s Doorstep By Stephen Lendman, September 26, 2015
Russia Returns to the Middle East By Israel Shamir, September 26, 2015
“Train and Equip”… The Terrorists: Pentagon Confirms US-Trained Syria Rebels Gave Weapons to Al-Nusra By Middle East Eye, September 26, 2015
The Refugee Crisis: Separating the Conspiracies from The Conspiracy By Eric Draitser, September 26, 2015
Syrian Government Forces Regain Control of ISIS Held Territories By South Front, September 26, 2015
All-Out War in Ukraine: NATO’s ‘Final Offensive’ By Prof. James Petras, September 25, 2015
U.S. Special Operations Forces: A Secret War in 135 Countries By Nick Turse, September 25, 2015
Washington’s Longstanding Plans to Implement “Regime Change” in Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 25, 2015
US Blockade of Syria: A War Crime By Christopher Black, September 25, 2015
Russia’s False Hopes: “Russia, China, and Iran are the Three Countries Which can Constrain Washington’s Unilateral Action” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 24, 2015
A B61-12 nuclear weapon ©the Center for Investigative Reporting
US to Station and Deploy Twenty New B61-12 Nuclear Warheads in Germany: Report By Press TV, September 24, 2015
U.S. and Its Coalition of Mid-East Dictators Kill 13 Times More Yemeni Civilians than Al Qaeda By Washington's Blog, September 24, 2015
General Petraeus’ Recipe for Battling ISIS: US-Protected Rebel Enclaves in Syria, Surge in Iraq By RT, September 24, 2015
US Counterterrorism Envoy John R. Allen Responsible for the Alleged “War against ISIS” Resigns By Press TV, September 23, 2015
The US Has a Duty to the Syrian Refugees By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 23, 2015
America: The World’s Greatest Threat By Stephen Lendman, September 23, 2015
Ahmed Mohamed and Abdulrahman al-Awlaki: Obama’s Kill List Hypocrisy By Margaret Kimberley, September 23, 2015
Will US Grasp Putin’s Syria Lifeline? By Robert Parry, September 23, 2015