US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Terrorism in Paris: Can Obama Level with the People? America’s Allies, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar Support the Islamic State (ISIS) By Robert Parry, November 16, 2015
U.S. Yields to Russia’s Insistence Upon Democracy in Syria By Eric Zuesse, November 16, 2015
With US Backing, France Launches Bombing Campaign in Syria By Nick Beams, November 16, 2015
Syrian Army Conquers Marj Al-Sultan Airbase, Break Down Terrorist Rebel Defenses By Fars News Agency, November 16, 2015
Steering The Masses Towards Total War By Larry Chin, November 16, 2015
Military Escalation in the Middle East: “France Strikes Back” against the Islamic State, Bombs Syria in Retribution for Paris Terrorist Attacks, Deploys Naval Power By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 16, 2015
U.S-South Korean “Operational Plan” Raises the Risk of War. Calls for a “Preemptive Strike” on North Korea By Gregory Elich, November 16, 2015
Paris under Attack: Was it a False Flag? A Pretext for NATO to Intervene in Syria and the Middle East? By Peter Koenig, November 15, 2015
Age of Despair and the Paris Terrorist Attacks: Reaping the Whirlwind of Western Support for Extremist Violence By Chris Floyd, November 15, 2015
Ukraine Forces Redeploy in Donbass, US Wants “Boots on the Ground” in Syria By South Front, November 14, 2015
Under the Disguise of The “Battle against Terrorism”: The U.S., Britain and France Support “Al Qaeda in Syria” By Phil Greaves, November 14, 2015
Why is America Protecting the Islamic State (ISIS)? “Why Isn’t the US Bombing ISIS’ Oil Fields”: Turkish Journalist By Sputnik, November 13, 2015
US Warplanes Avoid Bombing ISIS Held Syrian Oil Fields By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2015
The Emergence of ISIS Terrorist Fundamentalism Traced Back to Bush-Blair Decision to Invade Iraq By Anthony Bellchambers, November 13, 2015
Sophisticated Russian S-400 Air Defense Systems Reportedly Deployed in Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2015
“The World’s Military Balance” and the Kremlin’s “Mistakenly Leaked Secret Document”: Did Russia just “Gently” Threaten the USA? By The Saker, November 13, 2015
“Support the Troops” as Propaganda Weapon? Conversations with David Swanson, Stan Goff, and Joshua Key. Global Research News Hour Episode 120 By Michael Welch and David Swanson, November 12, 2015
A Stunning Anti-War Polemic: “Johnny Got his Gun” By Stephen Lendman, November 12, 2015
Will Obama Give Israel even more American Weapons and Dollars to Kill Palestinians? By Colonel Ann Wright, November 12, 2015
Israel Warplanes Strike near Syria Airport: Report By Press TV, November 12, 2015
There are No “Moderate Rebels” in Syria: Call For UN Security Council Resolution to Condemn Russia for “Bombing Opposition Forces” in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, November 12, 2015
Poppies, Propaganda, and Remembrance By David Slater, November 12, 2015
America versus Russia: Who Are the Real Supporters of International Terrorism? By Viktor Mikhin, November 12, 2015
Who is Supporting ISIS? Iraqi Forces Find Turkish Weapons, Explosives at ISIS Hideouts By Fars News Agency, November 12, 2015
Why? Endless Wars. Why are So Many Brave Soldiers and Veteran Killing Themselves? By Anthony Freda, November 12, 2015
US-Turkey Invasion Derailed by Syrian Army Triumph, Recapture of Kuweires Military Air Base By Mike Whitney, November 12, 2015
“Peace Envoy” / Former War Criminal Tony Blair : Glossing Over Remembrance Day By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 11, 2015
Ten years on, Iraq Lies in Ruins as New Evidence confirms U.S. used Death Squads to Manufacture ‘Civil War’ By Joe Quinn, November 11, 2015
Russian Air Force Intensifies Strikes. Syrian Army Breaks ISIS Defenses By South Front, November 11, 2015
Pentagon Pushes for Build-up in Europe against Russia By Patrick Martin, November 10, 2015
Reflecting on the Iraq War and the Death of Ahmed Chalabi By Karen Kwiatkowski, November 10, 2015
Syria: The Uprising against President Al-Assad was Engineered in Washington By Eric Zuesse, November 10, 2015
Military Buildup on Russia’s Doorstep, US Increasing Troop Strength in Europe, Pentagon and NATO Threaten Russia By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2015
Britain Preparing Potential Military Involvement in Syria as a Means to Regain Grip over Middle East? By Press TV, November 09, 2015
US Defense Secretary Threatens Russia and China By Patrick Martin, November 09, 2015
Gazing into the Abyss. Unending Illegal U.S. War-making Is Creating a “Domestic Monster” By Inder Comar, November 09, 2015
No Matter How Well Russian Media Expose Western Lies … By Eric Zuesse, November 09, 2015
Russian and Iranian Military Operations in Support of Syrian Government Forces, Retreat of ISIS and Al-Nusra By South Front, November 09, 2015
Washington Lunatics Run the “War Asylum”: Reckless US/NATO Saber-Rattling By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2015
Seven Downing Street Memos on “Fixing Intelligence”: How Much Proof Is Needed …To Indict George W. Bush and Tony Blair? By Kevin Zeese, November 09, 2015
Doctors Without Borders Releases Horrific Details Of Kunduz Hospital Bombing By U.S. Forces By Kevin Gosztola, November 08, 2015
Is Global Research “Anti-American”? By Global Research News, November 08, 2015
Flashback to 1995: The U.S.-Israel-Turkey-Jordan-Egypt Alliance at Prime Minister Rabin’s Funeral By Cem Ertür, November 07, 2015
Turkey Goes to War. Plan to Annex Sovereign Syrian Territory By Mike Whitney, November 07, 2015
Proxy War Between America and Russia: Pentagon Supplying ISIS Terrorists in Syria with Aircraft Downing Weapons By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2015
Ultimate Fiasco of the Ukrainian Army By Oriental Review, November 07, 2015
The US is Taking the New Cold War directly to Russia’s Doorstep. The Intermarium and the Central Balkans By Andrew Korybko, November 07, 2015
The Iraq War, The Neocons and America’s Chalabi Legacy of Lies By Robert Parry, November 06, 2015
Saudi-UAE Military Coalition Expands into the Horn of Africa By South Front, November 06, 2015
The Blood on Obama’s Hands: Kunduz Hospital Attack Designed “to Kill and Destroy” By Bill Van Auken, November 06, 2015
Terrorist Retreat: Syrian Forces Break Through ISIS Frontline. U.S. Airdrops Weapons to Terrorists By South Front, November 06, 2015
The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: Justification for War Crimes and Mass Repression By Thomas Gaist, November 06, 2015
Dear Fellow Americans: Do You Have Any Idea What’s Being Done In Your Name In Syria? By Washington's Blog, November 06, 2015
US in Syria: Stopping the “Arsonist-Firefighter”, “Openly Arming, Funding and Training Terrorists” By Tony Cartalucci, November 06, 2015
The 2013 East Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack. Turkey’s Alleged Role in Supplying Toxic Sarin Gas to Syrian Terrorists By Bousla News, November 06, 2015
No Moderate Syrian Rebels Exist By Stephen Lendman, November 06, 2015
Blood Media: Many of CNN, FOX News ‘Experts’ Cashing In On Wars They’re Hyping By 21st Century Wire, November 06, 2015
In the Shadow of the Downed Russian Passenger Plane: CIA to Provide “Select” Syrian Militants Weapons Capable of Downing Commercial Airliners By Zero Hedge, November 06, 2015
Why do War Veterans Commit Suicide or Murder? By David Swanson, November 06, 2015
Countering The Islamic State (ISIS)? The Russia-US Standoff in Central Asia By South Front, November 05, 2015
U.S. Prepares War Against Russia in Syrian Battlefield By Eric Zuesse, November 05, 2015
The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: Total War, Mass Detention and Martial Law By Thomas Gaist, November 05, 2015
Washington Prepares for World War III By Patrick Martin, November 05, 2015
What Is ISIS? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, November 04, 2015
War, Repression and International Gangsterism: U.S. State Policy from Benghazi to Baltimore By Ajamu Baraka, November 04, 2015
US Ramps Up Pressure on Beijing over South China Sea By Peter Symonds, November 04, 2015
EU and NATO Set to Destabilize Russia by Anti-Putin Propaganda-Operation By Eric Zuesse, November 04, 2015
The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: A Recipe for Total War and Military Dictatorship By Tom Carter, November 04, 2015
US Sponsored Smuggling of Weapons: Iraq Seizes Two Planes of the US-Led Coalition. They Were Carrying Weapons to the Iraqi Kurdistan Region By Fars News Agency, November 04, 2015
Captured ISIS Leaders in Iraq Confess to Receiving Military and Intelligence Support from the United States By Fars News Agency, November 03, 2015
Syria: Significant Gains of Pro-government Forces, Al Nusra and ISIS Have United Their Military Efforts By South Front, November 03, 2015
The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: A Guidebook for Violating International and Domestic Law By Tom Carter, November 03, 2015
Towards a Foreign Imposed “Political Transition” in Syria? The Broader War, US Threats directed against Russia By Peter Koenig, November 03, 2015
Russia, Ukraine, Syria and the Grand Chessboard By Michael Welch and Andrew Korybko, November 03, 2015
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Obama’s Actions on Syria By Eric Zuesse, November 03, 2015
Boots on the Ground: What Are the Real Objectives of U.S. Special Forces in Syria? By Ekaterina Blinova, November 03, 2015
America’s Ground War “Against” or “In Support” of The Islamic State? ISIS Supplied Via Turkey, a US Excuse to Seize Syria By Tony Cartalucci, November 03, 2015
The Destruction of Syria. Will Military Action put America and Russia on the Dangerous Path of a Possible Confrontation? By Adeyinka Makinde, November 03, 2015
Why Isn’t the US Bombing The Islamic State’s (ISIS) Oil Fields? Allies Protect Illegal Oil Smuggling to Turkey By Sputnik, November 02, 2015
Syria at a Crossroads: Carrying on With the War? “The US and the Saudis are Still Working Together” By Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 02, 2015