US NATO War Agenda

There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Russia Condemns Obama’s Decision to Conduct Illegal Air Strikes against Syrian Forces, Washington’s Objective was to Protect ISIS Terrorists By Global Research News, September 19, 2016
Imperialists Misuse Religion to Serve as an Instrument of War against Syria By Mark Taliano, September 18, 2016
Australian Jets Participated in Massacre of Syrian Soldiers in Deir Ezzor By Paul Antonopoulos, September 18, 2016
U.S., Israel Launch Airstrikes On Syrian Government Forces – Directly Supporting ISIS And Al-Qaeda By Moon of Alabama, September 18, 2016
US-Led Coalition Air Raid Strikes Syrian Army as Truce Wavers, Russia Says By Middle East Eye, September 18, 2016
Libyan Rebels ‘Miss Gaddafi’ after Years of Chaos Created by Western Intervention By RT, September 18, 2016
America’s New Nuclear Bomb is “Officially Authorized” For Deployment Against [???]. B61-12, Equivalent to Four Hiroshima Bombs, “Harmless to Civilians” … By Manlio Dinucci, September 18, 2016
How “The Syrian Campaign” Faked Its “70% Fleeing Assad” Refugee Poll By Prof. Tim Anderson, September 17, 2016
Syria: CIA Vetted “Rebels” Chase U.S. Forces Out Of Town By Moon of Alabama, September 17, 2016
Standing with Syria, “US and NATO Aggressions Must be Opposed Wherever they Surface in the World” By Margaret Kimberley, September 17, 2016
David Cameron, Libya and Disaster By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 16, 2016
Must See Video: Fake Ceasefire in Syria, “Hidden Military Agendas” behind US-Russia Diplomacy By South Front, September 16, 2016
Assad’s Death Warrant By Mike Whitney, September 16, 2016
Deadly Radioactive Dust and Dying Children: US-NATO Use of Depleted Uranium (DU) Ammunition By Sputnik, September 16, 2016
US-EU-NATO War Drive against Russia: European Council President Backs Demands for EU Military Buildup By Alex Lantier, September 15, 2016
Al Qaeda’s Ties to US-Backed Syrian Rebels By Gareth Porter, September 15, 2016
Pentagon Openly Challenges US-Russia Ceasefire Deal in Syria By Bill Van Auken, September 15, 2016
Washington’s “Failure” in Syria Is Not About Strategy. Washington and Ankara Have Consistently Supported Al Qaeda, ISIS By Federico Pieraccini, September 14, 2016
Syria: New Ceasefire Attempt. Russia Continues to Strike Terrorist Forces, Israeli Air Strikes in Support of Al Qaeda By South Front, September 13, 2016
Henry Kissinger: Balkanized and Broken-Up Syria “Best Possible Outcome” By Jurriaan Maessen, September 13, 2016
Transforming a Country into “Collateral Damage”: US Cluster Bombs Killed Children for Decades in Laos, and Now Yemen By William Boardman, September 12, 2016
Fifteen Years After 9/11, Never Ending War… By Alex Emmons, September 11, 2016
Inside Saudi Arabia’s Yemen “War Rooms”. Saudi Forces Target Civilians… By Annie Slemrod, September 11, 2016
US Proxies and Regional Rivalries By Prof. James Petras, September 11, 2016
9/11: Fifteen Years Of “A Transparent Lie”. “Washington’s Explanation of 9/11 is a Conspiracy Theory” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 11, 2016
U.S. Caves In to Russia on Syria: Washington Won’t Continue Protecting Al Qaeda By Eric Zuesse, September 11, 2016
US-Asia Geopolitical Realignment: Major US-India Defense Agreement, US Militarization of Asia-Pacific, Erosion of India’s National Sovereignty By Niloufer Bhagwat, September 11, 2016
Bystanders look on at the carnage following a suicide car bombing in the Yemeni city of Aden (AFP)
Top CNN Host More Worried About US Defense Revenues Than Dead Civilians in Yemen By Sputnik, September 10, 2016
War in Donbass on “Russia’s Doorstep”: 3,600 Civilians Killed by Ukrainian Forces and Neo-Nazi Militia since Minsk II Agreement By Theo Russell, September 10, 2016
Syria – How Long Will The New Cessation of Hostilities Hold? By Moon of Alabama, September 10, 2016
Syria “Transition Plan” Lacks Legitimacy, Turkish Invasion Faces Quagmire By Tony Cartalucci, September 10, 2016
Aleppo, ‘Chemical Attack’ Propaganda and the White Helmet Folly By Vanessa Beeley, September 10, 2016
Video: Syrian War Report, Iranian Fighters Arrive in Aleppo City, Heavy Losses incurred by Daesh-ISIS By South Front, September 09, 2016
Evidence that Syria Chemical Weapons Attacks Were “Staged” by Jihadists. UN Team By Robert Parry, September 09, 2016
US Sends More Ground Troops to Iraq Ahead of Planned Mosul Invasion By Jason Ditz, September 09, 2016
The Globalization of Drone Warfare: Towards a US-Led “International Control Regime” on Armed Drones? By Chris Cole, September 09, 2016
Syrian Government Forces Deployed in Outskirts of Aleppo, Al Qaeda Encircled By South Front, September 09, 2016
‘What Is Aleppo?’ Asks Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson–and NYT Gives Three Wrong Answers By Jim Naureckas, September 09, 2016
Syria – U.S.-Russian Deal Fails (Again) over Continued US Support for Al Qaeda By Moon of Alabama, September 09, 2016
Syria: UK Peace Delegation Meet with President Assad, Smeared by the British Media By Vanessa Beeley, September 08, 2016
White House to Maintain Nuclear “First Strike” Policy By Andre Damon, September 08, 2016
America and the Plague of ‘Moral Idiocy’ By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, September 08, 2016
The “No Fly Zone”, “Buffer Zone” and “Humanitarian Corridor” Scams By Makia Freeman, September 08, 2016
“Intelligence-driven” Global War on Terror: Newly Released NSA “WARgram Documents” Used to Build “Global Surveillance Infrastructure” By Jason Koebler, September 08, 2016
Turkey Prepares Joint Action with US against Syria By Bill Van Auken, September 08, 2016
Syrian Marines Trained by Russia Deployed against US Supported Al Qaeda Rebels By South Front, September 08, 2016
New York Times and the New McCarthyism By Robert Parry, September 07, 2016
Clinton Denounces Russian “Interference” in US Elections, Calls for Escalation in Syria By Patrick Martin, September 07, 2016
White House to Maintain Nuclear “First Strike” Policy By Andre Damon, September 07, 2016
Arab Spring: The Fall of All Freedom By Phil Butler, September 07, 2016
Australia: Opponents of War with China Labelled “Rats, Flies, Mosquitoes and Sparrows” By James Cogan, September 06, 2016
Syria Army Restores Siege of Aleppo City. Extensive Russian Air Strikes against US Supported Terrorists By South Front, September 06, 2016
Stop the War in Syria! Don’t be Fooled by War Propaganda! By Veterans for Peace, September 06, 2016
Beware the Anti-Anti-War Left By Jean Bricmont, September 06, 2016
Did Russian Special Forces Help the Syrian Army Win Aleppo? By Alexander Mercouris, September 06, 2016
“Socialists” Supporting NATO and U.S. Empire, Endorse “Moderate” Terrorists in Syria By Rick Sterling, September 06, 2016
Putin and Obama Meet in China, Behind Closed Doors, to Discuss War in Syria and Ukraine… By Stephen Lendman, September 06, 2016
Behind the RAND Corporation’s US Plan to Wage War on China By Joseph Thomas, September 05, 2016
Putin vs. Bilderberg: “Do you want another Cuban Missile Crisis?” By Ruslan Ostashko, September 05, 2016
Putin at G-20 Summit in China. Meets Xi Jinping and Erdogan Behind Closed Doors By Stephen Lendman, September 05, 2016
Empowering Terrorism to “Stop” Terrorism: America’s Foreign Policy in Syria Summed Up in Three Headlines By The New Atlas, September 05, 2016
How Yemen’s Past is Being Erased, One Air Strike at a Time By Peter Oborne, September 05, 2016
Bloodshed and War Crimes: Yemen’s Children Deserve Better By Rose Delaney, September 04, 2016
The Next Escalation: Turkey’s Invasion of Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 04, 2016
The Case for the Breakup of the Ukraine By The Saker, September 04, 2016
Spurning Washington’s Appeals, Turkey Vows to Expand Assault on US-Backed Kurdish Forces in Syria By Barry Grey, September 03, 2016
America’s Wars: Can We Please Get Rid of the “Pledge of Allegiance”? By Mike Whitney, September 03, 2016
Syrian War Report: Heavy Clashes in Northern Hama. Islamist Rebels Counterattack, Targeting Russia Missile Battalion. Report By South Front, September 03, 2016
Turkey’s New Role: From NATO Lapdog to Emerging Empire? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, September 03, 2016
The Empire Wants Ms. Clinton, The Conqueror! By Andre Vltchek, September 02, 2016
Clinton’s “American Exceptionalism” Speech: A Bipartisan Policy of Militarism and War By Patrick Martin, September 02, 2016
“War is Good for Business”: US Arms Makers Invest in a New Cold War By Jonathan Marshall, September 02, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Destroy Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 01, 2016
Syria’s ISIS-Daesh Leader Al Adnani Reported Dead, Kurdish YPG Launch Attack on Strategic ISIS-controlled City of Al-Bab By South Front, August 31, 2016
US Pressures Turkey to Curb Attacks on Syrian Kurds By Patrick Martin, August 31, 2016
Erdogan Calls Putin as Russia Seethes at Turkey’s Syrian Incursion By Alexander Mercouris, August 30, 2016
Erdogan, You are A War Criminal Under International Law. Turkey Invades Syria, Kills Civilians. The “International Community” Applauds By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 30, 2016
International Law, Human Rights, The Fight against Terrorism: Which Country Holds the Legal and Moral High Ground, Canada or Syria? By Mark Taliano, August 30, 2016
Video: Al Qaeda Militant Strongholds Fall Near Damascus By South Front, August 30, 2016
US-Saudi War Crimes, Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis: Civilian Killings, Famine, Refugees. The Western Media’s Remorseless Silence By Eresh Omar Jamal, August 30, 2016